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Show jjjjjjg J develops an appetite which' e Coffee cannot satisfy. dfflj r .lying and delicious as p5 i "BflB 1 anC n Chocolate is so easily jjj I TMvSi I digested and so invigorating 1 Nice, clean and tempting served daily; coiUcc or I chocolate, waters, olives, etc. A satisfying little lunch for I the tired shopper. Tanmles, 20c; beeli tanfales, 15c. 1 The Busy Corner H Smith Drug Co. Open all night. Order 'phones 4360. 'Rupture New Scientific Appliance, Always n Perfect Per-fect Fit Adjustable to Any Size Person Easy, Comfortable, Never Slips, No Obnoxious Springs or Pads Costs Loss Than Many Common Trusses Made for Men, Women or Children. SENT ON TRIAL I have Invented a rupture appliance that I can safely say, by rif) years' experience experi-ence In the rupture buslnesH, Is tho only ono that will absolutely hold the rupture C. E. Brooks, tho Inventor, and never slip and yet Is light, cool, comfortable, com-fortable, conforms to cvory movement of tho body without chafing or hurting and costa less than many ordinary trusses. There are no springs or hard, lumpy pads and yeL It holds the rupture safely and firmly without pain or Inconvenience. T havo put the prico so low that any person, rich or poor, can buy, and I absolutely guarantee it. I make It to your order send It to you you wear It, and If It doesn't satisfy you send It back to me and I will refund your money. That Is the fairest proposition ever made by a rtipluro specialist. The banks or any responsible citizen In Marshall will toll you that Is tho way I do business always absolutely on the square. If you havo tried most everything else, como to me. Whoro others fail is whore I havo my greatest success. Write me today and I will send you my book on Rupture and its Cure, showing myuppll-anco myuppll-anco and giving you prices and names of people who havo tried it and been cured. It is Instant rellof when all others fall. Remember I use no salvos, no harness, no lies. Just, jl straight business deal at a reasonable price. C. E. Brooks, 6557 Brooks Bldg., Marshall, Mich. Why ColdG are Dangerous. If you would be immune from disease, keep the system healthy. Each successive succes-sive cold weakens the constitution and renders infectious diseases more liable. Chamberlain 's Cough Remedy will cure your cold promptly and restore the system sys-tem to its normal condition. Tor sale by all druggists. In the EycB of the Wise Vienna Bakery broad is always tho 'boat." Ask your grocer for it. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, Ths Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sfc-- Signature of CjiZ-yJifU J Not in a Milk Trust i Horlick's Malted Milk The original and genuine Avoid cheap substitutes At your Soda Fountain A glass o Horlick's Malted Milk liot roalce3 a delicious and refreshing hmcb on a cold day. Ask for Horlick's At All Druggists Sttrrmg the powder in hot water makes a nourishing, digestible food-drink, food-drink, better than tea or coffee no cooking. A cupful hot oq retrr-j retrr-j ing induces restful sleep. L : J. LEYSON TIME. Phone 65 for the correct time. &T IMi Cttt g DO NOT WAIT YOU ONLY NEED $1 .00 A ' WEEKlj I I ' A GREAT p Saving Opportunity 1 jl j Where Same Can Be $k 13 I Obtained on fflffi a I Credit. r) k I Within a very short time we ex- , 4 Jw S; pect ' the arrival of New Spring i fMK j II. I EH Clothing for men and women. It jj jffiKJ g 0 is onr aim to sell all of the winter fJfilj ' I $ 2 clothing at prices that nothing liko ml'r I uf s ever happened in the city. kk If W I ll Z Just Think What One- W 1 1 Half Ott Means! M 1 jS j o All of our women's suits will be $)C?n!9 o y prices. t IS $22.00 suits for $11.00 if JL" 25.00 suits for . ; . 12.50 ft f 30.00 suits for. . 15.00 f g 35.00 suits for . 17.50 S hs One-Third Off ob aE Misses and I f Women's Coats J I $15.00 coats now $10.00 1 1 g 20.00 coats now ...-,.-, 13.50 $: 25.00 coats now 16.50 j 1 3s 30.00 coats now 20.00 1 1 -j All ready-to-wear hats for women, regular from $3 to $7.50, we decided to sell same and give yon the choice K 1; J for $1.50 II One-Third Off on all Men's and If I Boys' Suits and Overcoats j I Please hear in mind that the above bargains can be 11 I had by a small payment down and $1.00 per week. Do I I not miss this great saving opportunity. The Mercantile InstailmeHtC. j I 74 WEST SECOND SOUTH. IJ MJlntJ Drunkenness PPIm and Drng Bffi Addictions. SALT TiATTFi OITY, UTAH. Correspondence Confidential. ik" Columbia Phonograph 1 1 Co. (General) Jlir .327-329 So. Main Stf Graphophones, Eccorda and Supplies.. 4' Bell. 3095. Ind., 1613. J Only Exclusive Talking Machine House I in State. f ' ...OUR BIG ANNUAL... I I - sFor Three Days Only, Will Commences AT 8 O'CLOCK I j Tills sale will be bigger and better than .ever. Every suit and overcoat in the men's and youths' I j department will be In this sale. i NOTHING RESERVED. SPOT CASH 0NIY. j SEE SHOW WINDOWS. Mulletfs Clothing Department Store j 4 i to 45 W. Second South St. a |