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Show EAST URS THE 1 SIM Nl; iKcport, Has United States Com-! pany in Condition to Con- tin ue Work. ' ! j PK MS 1 1) EXT SHARP NOW j i OX HIS WAV AVISST i I Plans Perfected, It "is Said, to , ! Bring Company Within ' j Court's Limit. j I Local circles are Inclined to believe that j If tho officials of the United Stales I Smelling, Refining and Mining company ! have any cnril up their sleevo to save lis Utah smelting plant, they will be liable j 10 play It at any time now. Reports ! from the East yesterday were that Prcsl- 1 j dent Sharp Is coming West, having loft j ! Boston Tuesday evening. The East thinks thnt Mr. Sharp's visit will tend 10 clear up the atmosphere splendidly, and that If any smelting plant In Utah can operate within the limitations placed by the United States courts, the United States company Is ono that is more than 1 able to como within the proscribed lines. Eastern reports stato that tho United States companj, through Its metallurgical metallurgi-cal department, hns evolved a plan of operation whereby tho oros from tho copper mines of Utah can bo smelted without exceeding tho limitation of 10 per cent sulphur defined by tho courts ; This new plan Involves tho treatment of the matte from the Mammoth smelter In California, belonging to tho United States company, and tho matte from tho Bingham Bing-ham smelter of th Yampa company. During December, tho same authority states, this company was able to con-line con-line the sulphur avcrngo down to S per cent. It has been considered Impossible here for tho smelters to smelt any ores and still bo within the orders of tho courts, but If metallurgical science ever had reason rea-son to get busy, now Is the time. The bag-house of the American Smelting and Refining company at Murray Is known to bo a success, and the new bng-house of tho United States company also Is operating op-erating splendidly. Thore are those, , therefore, who are changing their pessl- I mlstlc opinions for Ideas more optimistic 1 ns far as tho custom smelting situation I goes. Local officials refused to talk about the Eastern rumors Thursday. I |