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Show PRICES FOR STAPLES CHANGE BUT LITTLE i Bass and Ducks Go Onl, and Ponltry Is Generally Scarce. The merchants of market row are doing do-ing a good business for this time of the year. California strawberries wcro on the market Thursday and sold for 30 conts a box. Black bas3 and lsh and wild ducks aro off tho markot tho season sea-son for killing this garno closes January 1. Sea bass Is also out of tho market. Turkeya aro still scarce, but no advance has been mado In tho price. The birds aro selling for 371 cent3 a pound. All othor poultry except hens aro scarce. Hons aro bringing 15 cents at retail, whllo last yenr's spring chickens are retailing re-tailing at 16 cents a pound. Butter and eggs remained stationary Thursday. Tho eastern eggs aro Totalling at 30 cents. Creamery butter Is being sold at 30 cents a pound. Utah eggs arc scarce at 45 cents. Retail Prices. HAY AND GRAIN. Alfalfa, per cwt $ .75 Barloy, rolled, per cwt 1.05 Com, per cwt 1.G5 Cornmcal, per cwt l 2.40 Flour, family 2.25 Flour, straight grade, per cwt 2.45 Flour, high patent, per cwt 2. Go Oats, per cwt 1.50 Timothy, per cwt .75 Wheat, per cwt 1.70 SUGAR. Beet sugar, por cwt C00 Cane sugar, por cwt. G.20 Maplo sugar, per pound ,13 MEATS AND POULTRY. Beefsteak?, pound 10 (3 .20 Spring chickens, dressed, pound .20 Dressed hens, pound .IS Spring lambs, 'pound In 8 .25 Mutton, dressed, pound 08 & .171 Pork, dressed, pound 10 6) .171 Veal, dressed, pound 1215) 20 Lard, pound .15 Ducks, domestic, per pound. .20 Turkeys, per pound .271 FISH. Striped baas, pound .25 Catfish, pound .171 Carp, four pounds .25 Crabs, each 30 Flounders, pound ' ' .15 Klngfish, pound .15 Halibut -15 Mullet,' four pounds... .25 Oysters, Bluo Points, doz... . , .30 Oysters, selected, quart.... .75 Oysters, Olympla, pint .10 Prawun, pound ..; .45 Perch, pound ' . .15 Pike, fresh water, pound.... ' .15 Pompano. pound . -1 " -25 Salmon, pound - .20 Shrimps .25 Smelts, California .20 Smelts. Oregon , .15 Trout, brook, each ,- " .15 Ycllowtall, pound ,.-'0 DAIRY PRODUCTS. Butter, creamery, pound... ,.30 Cheese, pound ' .20 New York cream cheese, pound .23 Imported Swiss cheese. pound ' .50 Roquefort cheese, pound.... .00 Eggs, per dozen .30 Eggs. Utah, per dozen ,. .45 Brio cheese, per pound .50 Camcmbcrt choesc, per t pound ' .50 Neufchalol cheese, each.... .;, .10 Llmburgor oheeso, 2 pounds " .50 Edam cheese, 3 pounds 1.25 Emplro brick cheese, per pound .30 MacLarcn's, each 20 .35 Camcmbert. Imported, a box ,35 I FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Apples, peck CO Q- .05 Bananas, per dozen 25 ig) .30 Befts, peck .23 - Beaii3, pound J. .20 Cabbago, per pound .05 Cauliflower, per pound 15 3 .20 Colcry, por bunch .05 Chill peppers, per pound.... .30 Cocoanuts. each .15 Citrons, each .10 0) .15 Cranberries, quart .15 Figs, dried, per pound .15 Figs (Turkish) pound ,25 Grapo fruit, each 10 ..15 Honey, pound .15 Hominy, per quart .10 Lettuce, California, pet-head pet-head .10 Lemons, per don 15 .25 Onions, per pound .05 OnlonB, gTecn. bunch .15 Oranges, per dozen o0 .75 Oyster plant, two bunches.. .05 Parsley, per bunch .05 Pears, per pound .10 Pickles, sour, per quart..,.. .20 Potatoes, por peck .20 Radishes, bunch .05 Squash, hubbard, each 10 3 .20 Tomatoes, per pound .25 Wholesale Prices. Apples, box, 31.251.75; bananas, pound, 5Jc; lemons, box, SliTo: oranges, box. S2.75Ti'3; pears, crate, ?1 50; plums, crate, 85c; cabbago. pound. 2c; potatoes, Irish, bushel, 75c; potatoes, sweet, pound, 3ic; turnips, pound, 11c; boot sugar, per cwt., $5.20; cano sugar, per cwt.. $6.10; maplo, por cwt., $5.00; creamery butter, pound, 25c; cheeso, Utah, pound. 141c Wisconsin and Eastern cheese. 151c. fresh ranch eggs. $9 por case; storage eggs, por case. $6 50; alfalfa, per cwt., 65c; barley, rolled, per cwL. $1.50; corn, per cwt., $1.65; flour, family grade, por cwt., $2.10; flour, high patent, per cwt., $2.40, Hour, straight grade, por cwt., $2.20; oats, per cwt., SI. 00; timothy, per cwt.. S5c; wheat, per cwt.. $1.G0; spring chickens, per pound, lGc: hens, per pound, 15c; lord, In cases, per pound, 121c; beef, dressed, per pound. 6ffi71o; lambs, dressed, por pound, 121c; mutton, dressed, per pound, 101c; pork, dressed, per pound. Sc. loin of pork, por pound, 15c; veal, dressed, per pound, 910o. |