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Show SKILL MAID LEAVES II, TAKING MONEY Fears Threat of Being Whipped by Father, and Goes Away. After wasting much sympathy and spending a considerable amount of time in behalf of Dora .Martin, 11 years old. who 1 strung" the whole police department, depart-ment, from Chief Pitt down to tho policeman po-liceman .who. found her. with a story aboul being lost, hor father, Frank B. Martin, appeared at (he station and eaid she had run away from home, taking with hor ?1.S0, which was lying on a shelf. '.Martin, who is a widower, living on tho Redwood mnd. returned home Friday evening from work. nnd. finding hhi littlo lit-tlo girl and a child who lives in the neighborhood playing, told Ihe former to do her chores or he would whip her. The little girl, when he alitor was not looking, look-ing, took the money and walked about a m o and a half to the Poplar Grove car line and came to town, telling hor sister If her father knew what sho was doing ho would kill her. The father soon missed her. nnd began scouring the neighborhood. Ho was alarmed, us It was the second lime in his life lie had ever threatened to whip her. fcho ran away from home before, and he had a hard lime trying to find her, and when he did It was way out on tho prairie. The girl came to town and wandered the Htreets. until she was picked up by a policeman. At the police station sho told Chief Pitt nho hnd come to town to buy provialona. and that her father had brought her to the end of tlu? ear lino In a wngon and was waiting for her but that she had got on the wrong cur and eotild nol find her wnv lionic ' 'The i police eadeavorecl to locate- her father but. falling, turned the little ijirl over to tho matron In the Jail. Martin came to appeal to the police for help and ho found that his girl was already In their earc. lie censured himself for having threatened threat-ened to whip hor and vowed he would uoer do it again as long as hu lived. |