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Show SIXTy-FIVR COSTUMES FOR PRINCESS'S ROUSSEAU! Tho trousseau of Princess Mario Bonaparte, Bona-parte, whoiio marriage to Princo Georg-: of Greece will be celebrated noxt month, has been put on oxhlbl'Ion and bar, set all Paris to discussing It. Such a mag-nill'"-j,t display of (?mnIno finery has no. heen seen here sl.ico" tlio advent of Uu third republic. There are (55 different costumes complete, a dozen Imu, :L profusion pro-fusion of costly furs and sables, acies of linens and piles, of dainty lingerie. Tbo lingerie alone cost 5SO.900, tho beautiful ! skirts and othor garments which fhe bride will wear on her wedding dnv attracting at-tracting cspceiul attent'on, The Princess has been the subject of much criticism ny PariiUoutieH because Iho enllro trour.-.ouu was purcliaic.l al i I single house, and that not a French, but an Austrian house. j |