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Show AN ORDINANCE. gjfltti An ordinance levying a tax and pro- KfflB vldlng for the assessment of the property Kllfll hereinafter described within tho district v Iflrml bounded on the north by the north Hue BhBIWU of First North street, on the cast by the KinH center lino of East Temple street, on - Hfiflfil urn south ny the soma lino oi outn mm Tomplo street, and on the west hy tho 3flB center line of Third Wost street, in sewer MM district No. 1, for the construction of IH Be It ordained by tho City Council of HH Soil Lake City. Utah. BH Section 1. That tho City Council does BH hereby levy the tax and provide for tho MB appossmont of the same upon the prop- HH orly horcinufter described In sewer dlr- 9K trlct No. 1, for thel construction of sew- HD ers, to wit: if JBD In lots 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 7 and 8. block , tpH 97, and in lots 4 and 5. block 96. plat A, abutting on North Temple - Btrcet be- UHpj twyen Second AVest and Third West HJ streets on Second West street between , North Tcmplp and First North streets'. wKL on First North street, between Second ftH West and Third West streets. 4 and on WW Third Wost street between North Temple AM and First North streets. BW This tax Is levied to defray the cx- H penso of constructing vltrlllpd plpo Few- SBfl crs eight (S) Inches in diameter upon BH the portions of said streets opposite the mBK property hereinbefore and hereinafter dc- IHH2 scribed lo be especially affected and bene- nHl rttcd by said Improvement, and it lo bore- Hh by adjudged, dfjtcrmlne and establlshfd Htn that said property will be especially bono- all tiled thereby lo the full amount of the tax Hi hereby levied, and said parcels of land HH are hereby assessed at an equal and unl- bSh form ratp In accordanrc with the linear JJMj foot frontage upon said portions of said jVfl streets fronting upon and to a depth of AH twenty-flve C-5) feet back therefrom, and hvH the tax hereby levied and lo be assessed hHH upon said parcels of land Is six thousand Ha six hundred six and 72-100 (SGG06.72) dol- RiHl lars, or two and GIG-IO.OOO ($2.0616) dol- B H lars per front or linear foot of abutting Hi B properly for sewer on said portions of H VP the streets above mentioned In sewer dls- u'; mi trlct No. 1, there bolng 3200 feet of abut- B m ting property within the boundaries of m W the lots, blocks and streets above men- BJ tioued In said district, which Is the total IHm cost and cost per front foot of said sewer I SB nccordlng to tho contract entered Into for IflH the performance of aaid work and mak- IflH Ing said Improvoment, with Davis, Heuser IfflH & Drake, dated the 29th day of July, iMj ISO", and the Treasurer Is hereby an- Ujpj thorized and directed lo assess In accor- SBJ dance with the provisions of this ordl- JO nance for the purpose herein mentioned: Fronting on Third We3t street All of lots 2, 3. I and 5. block 97. plat A. IJPJPJ Fronting on North Temple street IH The east 305 feet of lot 2. and the west (DJ 305 feat of lot l. block 97. plat A. HH Fronting on Second West street , Hfl AH of lots l 6, 7 nnd s diock ;., nnu nno all of lots 1 and 5. block 96. plat A. HHH Fronting on First North Street BH1 Tho oast 305 foet of lot 5. and-the west I9JH 305 feet of lot 6. block 97. plat A, Salt ffflD Lake City survey, as the same arc shown nHB upon the oftlclal plats of said city, to n HHJ depth of twenty-five (25) feet back from DHfl said streets, and to collect said tax. BHfl Sec. 2 Said tax shall becomo nnd he MH1 delinquent in five equal Installments, an HaH follows, to wit: One-fifth thereof ono UH vcar after tho approval of the ordlnanco HBfl contlrmlng the levy of the tax for tho HH pavment for 3ur.h Improvement; one-Ilfth aBBH thereof In two years after such approvnl; HHH ono-ilfth theroof In three years after HH such approvnl; onc-flfth thereof in four Hh vears after such approal; and onc-flfth IHB "thereof In live years after such approval. BIHl One or more of said Installments, or the mmm whole tax. may be paid on or boforo ten D davs after the approval of the ordinance HH confirming the levy of the lax. One or Hm more Installments, or the whole special HH tax. may be paid on tho day any Install- HH mcnt becomes due by paying the amount HH thereof and Interest to dale of payment. BJ Each of said Installments shall benf In- nfl tcrcst at the rale of six (6) feet per nn- K num from the date of the approval of BB the ordinance confirming the levy of said WB tax until date of delinquency, and eight mm (S) per cont per annum from dellnquoncy HM Sec 3. This ordinance shall take cf- . HH feci upon approval. - HJ Passed bv the City Council of Salt Lake MB City. Utah. December 23. 1907, and re- BH fcrred to the Mayor for his approval. J. B. MORETON. City Recorder. BBJ Approved this 2llh day or December, BBJ 1?0'' J. S. BRANSFORD. Mayor. B State of Utah, city and county of Salt H I.V J. "b! Morelon. City Recoi-der of Salt BH Lake City, Utah, do hereby certify that BflH toh above and foregoing Is a full, true K flHj anl correct copy of an ordinance entitled, HHf "An ordlnanc? lavylng a tax and provld- BSf Ing for the assessment of the property HH hereinafter described within the district flMs bounded on the north by the north line. BjXl of First North street, on the east by tha jBJ center line of East Templo street, on the. BHB routh bv the south line, of South Temple WmK etrocf. and on the west by the center gHKg line of Third West street in sower (lz- HHA trlct No. 1. for the construction of sew- SUM I crs." passed by the City Council of Salt Jam I Lake Cltv. Utah, December 23, 1907, and HOI approved" by the Mayor. December 24, HHh 1907, a.- appears of record in my ofllco. HHB In witness whereof. I have hereunto Kkk set inv hand - and affixed tho corpornto HHr seal of 'sald city, this 27th day of De- BffjK (leak)' " J- B- MORETON, WBi City Recorder. Hffi! Sewer "Extension No. 17S. w252 HJuf |