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Show MANY TINTIC STOCKS SOLD ON EXCHANGE Tho heavy Ealcr. Friday on tho local exchange ex-change of the Tlntlc stocks, Colorado especially, es-pecially, biought the total of business done up to unusual levels for such dull ! times. Colorado, Lower Mammoth. Sioux i Consolidated, May Day, South Columbus and Seven Troughs all had their sharo of attention. During the day a total of 77,-910 77,-910 shares of stock passed hands, representing repre-senting a market, value of $47,230. The following wore tho unlisted stock transactions: trans-actions: UXLISTED STOCKS. Bid. IAskod.1 Sold For. Ohio Cop ..?2.S5 S 3.00 ?2.C5 $ Newhouso .. 7.27i SI1 King C. 2.00 S.00 2.90 Mason Val . .00 1.00 Ely Witch .. .20 .23 B. Cont-S .' 60 W Xcv C. ..! .20 ; Seller sixty days. LISTED STOCKS. 1 A. M. II P. M. Bid. lAskcd.H Bid. Askod. Albion . . . ? S .-1.V ? '? .15 AJax IS .22 .20 .25 Alice .. . . 1.25 2.25 1.50 Boston Con 10.87t 11.50 Blk Jack .. -20s i2li .205 -2li Bui Beck 2.25 1.00 Beck Tun . .-lSi .-I0J .19 .-9a But Liber . .03 .10 .03 Bullock .035 035 Cvclono 10 10 Col Con .. 1.90 2.025 1.S7J 2.05 , Carlsa ... .15 .25 25 Crpwn Pt . .145 .15 .15 .15S Con Merc , .27 .35 .23 .3o Century 10 l0, Colo Mng . 2.05 2.071 2.05 2.07J Creole 30 2o Dalv 1-50 Dalv Judge S.10 3.50 3.0o 3.40 Dalv West S.50 .m E, and B B 2.00 2.00 Eagle's N . .21 .24 .20 .23 Emerald 10 10 Grand Cen 2.75 3.00 2.io 3.00 Horu Slly 2.00 2.00 Ind Queen.. .04 .10 .04 .10 Iron Bios . .21 .24 .23 .24 Ingot 04 On I, Dillon .10 Joo Bow 02 02 Little Bell. .1.00 1.37J 1.00 Len..l King ....... .11 .114 -125 Little Chf. ,03 .On .03 .07 Low Mam.. .47 .475 .40 .465 Mt Lake .. .2S5 .31 .271 .285 Mammoth . 1.50 1.50 1.S0 May Day . .24 .245 .21 .25 Isov Fairv. ,0J .Ofi .031 .10 i Nov llllls . 3.00 3.15 2.95 3.10 New York .1 04 04 ! Ontario . 3.00 3.00 I Rich Ana 20 20 ' Scot Chf . .0H .015 .015 ; Seven Tr . :32 .33 .31 .32 Sioux Con.. .135 .145 .135 .14 Stray Dog . .075 .15 .07 .20 Swnnsfjn 25 25 So Swan 05 .025 .OS Sacram'nto 05 06 Sllv Shield. . .03 .075 So Col C. .49 .51 .49 .53 Tetro .02 03 Un Sam C. .37 .375 .37 .3S L'tah Mine 1.C0 r. 1.60 Victoria 1.15 Victor Con. .05 .06 .05 .055 Wabash 221 I Yank Con .( .23 ( .32 .255 '.35 I FORENOON SALES. ! Ixjwer Mammoth. 100 at 47c, seller thirty days: 500 at 47c; 100 at 48c; 100 at 47c. seller sixty days; 500 at 175c; 400 at1 4G5c. sellor sixty days. May Day, 200 at 245c; 200 at 2ic; 1000 at 21c, seller thirty days. Undo Sum. 700 at 375c. Beck Tunnel. 600 at 49c. i Black Jack. 100 at 21c. ! Colorado. 100 at ?2.12J: 100 at 32.10; 300 at $2,075; 4900 at J2.05; 1000 at $2,025: i 100 at $2,025. seller thirty days; 200 at $2.05, seller thirty days. Crown Point, 9300 at 15c; 1000 at 15c. buyer thirty days. South Columbus, 100 at 50c; 100 at 495c; 1000 at 49c. Sioux. 7300 at 14c: 500 at 145c. buyer sixty days; 5000 at 14c, seller sixty days. Seven Troughs, 1500 at 335c; 1000 at 33c; seller thirty days; 500 at 33Jc, buver thirty days: 500 at 33c; 2500 at 32lc. Shares sold. 13.500. Selling value. $21,353. OPEN BOARD. Beck Tunnel, 700 at 49c, seller sixty days; 700 at 49c. Black Jack. 500 at 21c. Colorado, 2000 at $2,071; 100 at $2.05, seller' thirty days; 100 at ?2.025, seller sixty days; 1575 at $2.05. Lower Mammoth, 500 at 485c; 100 at 4Sc, seller sixty days; 100 at 4"ic i Mammoth, 100 at $1.75. New Tork, 500 at 35c. Scottish Chief. 500 at 14c. Seven Troughs. 300 at 32c. Sioux, 500 at 145c, buyer thirty duy3. Shares sold. S300. Selling value. $92fi5. AFTERNOON SALES. Daly West, 10 at $7. Lower Mammoth. 1200 at 46Jc; 300 at 4Cc; 100 at 455c, seller sixty days. Nevada Hills, 100 at $3. Bock Tunnel, 1800 at 495c; 900 at 49c, seller thirty days. Colorado Mining, 200 at $2.10; 100 at $2.10, buyer sixty days; 1300 at $2,075; 100 at $2,075. buyer thirty days; 300 at ?2.05. seller thirty days; 1800 at $2.05. Crown Point. 500 at 15c. seller sixty daj's; 500 at 15c. Iron Blosson, 1500 at 23c, seller sixty days. Mountain Lake, .500 at 2Sc, seller alxtv days. Scottish Chief. 1000 at 15c. Sioux Consolidated 1000 at 145c, buyer thirty days; 5000 at 14c. buyer thirty days. Seven Troughs. 500 at 32c. Shares sold, 18,710. Selling value, $11,913. OPEN BOARD. Crown Point. 1000 at 15c; 300 at 155c; 500 at 15c, seller thlrtv dava.. Mammoth, 1500 nt 51.70." . May Day, 2000 at 24c; 500 at 245c; 1000 at 25c. New York, 500 at 3c. v South Columbus, 1000 at 51c. Sioux Consolidated, 1500 at 14c. Shares sold, 9400. Selling value, $4699. New York Letter, ' Jainca A. Pollock &. Co., bankers nnd brokers, C West Second South street, furnish tho following, received over their private wire yesterday afternoon: Walker Bros.' Slock Letter: New Tork Market generally strong and active. There was a good tone all day and shorts had to pay up to get stocks. Sugar was manipulated and made good gains. The i close was under the best, but steady and with lltllo stock pressing for sale. Wo look for a good bank statement tomorrow. tomor-row. Metal Market. The metal quotations for Friday, posted post-ed by McCornlck & Co.. wore as follow l bllvcr, 55c; lead. S3.50; copper caatlnfiSi 12ic; copper cathodes, 13 3-16c, |