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Show NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. Hffi Raymond -Illinois Mining company. HH Principal placo of business. Salt Lakt BJUu City. Utah. Minos at Eureka, Utah. fSKBtl Notice Is hereby given that at a meet- jWBJL ing of the board of directors of tho Ray- Wmm mond -Illinois Mining company, duly held 9HS December 12. 1307. on assessment of one- BMBp half of a cent per ahare per month, for IHdP three months, was levied on tho on la land- wjPJK' ing cniiltal stock of the corporation, payn- affHr bio to M. B. Johnson, nl Room 506. A tin jSHHSj block, ns follows: IHfiT' One-half cent per wbaio, payable lro- VSflP niodlntely- Any stock upon which this ffilfll' asspssmont may remain unpaid on tho BfHSBf' 11th day of Jniuiary. 190S, will bo delln- WmBk qucnt and advertisod for solo at public jrtiUflfl auction, and unless payment Is mude bu- KtfHri fore, will be sold on the 30lh dny of Jan- MB tiarv, 190S. to jtay the delinquent assess- ittflffl merit, together with the cost of advor- HBt tlslng and oxpenso of sale- mmn Ono-half cent per. uhare shall bo pav- rHK' nble on tho. 1st day of February, I3(is. jjHnjjji Anv stock tipon w:ilch this assessment fifB? iray remain unpaid on tho 2nd day of Hbi'1 March. 1908, will bo delinquent and nd- jvHIt' vovtisod for sale at public auction, and 'jfHi unless pavment Is made bcroro will bo 'ftllK sold on the lSth day of March, 190K, to AyfRniS' pav tho delinquent asnessinenl. together riyt with the cost of advertising and experts 'rfij''' fOSne'-iuIf cent per share shall be pay- - flHjj able on the 19th day of March. 1003. flHtl' Any stock upon which this assessment Hfiv may remain unpaid on the 18th day of. ; UflK April, 1308, will be delinquent nnd ad- . IBrr vortlscd for sale at public auction, and 1 sMfcf unless payment Is ntado before, will ba mmw sold on the Ith day of May, 190S, to pay Mi1 the delinquent assessment together with flHrN tho coat of advertising and expense of fflBt" sale. J. C. LYNCH. fHFf. Secretary Raymond-Illinois Mining cjjj ttlfv'1 V. |