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Show YEAR'S BANK CLEARINGS II SHOW GOOD INCREASE V& NEW YORK. Jan. 3. Bank clearingn iffiS for the year at nearly all cities In tha (Ml l'nlted States, as reported by R, O. Dun llU & Co., reflect largor settlements through IflJ the banks than In any preceding year. CnB notwithstanding tho restriction in pay- lmk mcn&Mlurlng the last throe months. W OihUtlng New York City, where tha In smaller valuo of stock market operations ' MR reduced tho volumo of bank settlements (SB very materially, total exchanges for tho IHf car arc ?f7,5SS,7ll.972. an Increase of WF 4.2 per cent, compared with 100C. and fag ll.S per cent over tho figures of 190.". ng Thero Is a small loss in .New England IM nnd the Middle Atlantic Statcu, duo al- I Q most wholly to losses at Boston and Phil- (H adclphla, but In all other sections of tho In country an Increase Is shown. Tho West MB leads in tho percentage of gain, but there Bl Is a small Increase in tho South, and at t 1'iiclllc coast points. At Chicago thero m la a considerable gain; also at Clncln- 31 natl, Cleveland. Dotrolt, Milwaukee, and j other loading centers- In tho far West ' J Kansas City, Minneapolis. St. Paul and jm Dcnvor show much larger clearings than t 4tl in any preceding year. St. Louis reports J 9 an increase and Bal'.lmoro a. small gain. BSj but at Louisville and Now Orleans there ami is a docro.ise. Tho progress of events aitfj during the year la oulto clearly reflected SflB In the average dally figuros for each tWt quarter. Ill |