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Show NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX. To whom It may concern Notice Is hereby given that a spocial tax for tho purpose of extending the sidewalk side-walk upon the proporty hereinafter described de-scribed has been levied by ordlnanco of the City Council and approved the 24 th dav of Dcccmbor. 1907. Said spocial tax Is levied upon the following described real propcrtv In Salt Lake Clly. towlt: In lots I, 2. 3 and 4, block 1. plat "D"; In lots 1, 2, 3 and I, block 2, plat "D' ; in lots 1 and 4, block 3. plat "D"; In lots 2 and 3. block 2G. plat "D"; In lots 2 and 3. block 27. plat "D"; In lots 1, 2. 3 .and 4, block 28. plat "D": in lots 2 and 3, block 2, plat "G", In lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block .1, plat 'G' ; in lots 2 and 3. block I, plat ";; in lots 1. 2. o and 4. block G. plat "G": in lots I. 2. 3 and 4. block 7. plat "G" ; In lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block S. plat "G": in lots 3 and 1. block 9. plat "G": In loLs 2 and 3, block 10, plat "G"; in lots 2 and 3. block 11. plat "G": in lots 1, 3 and 4. block 12, plat "G"; in lots 1. 3 and 4. block 13, plat "G"; and in lots 1, 2, 3 and I. block II, plat "G"; abutting on First avenuo between M and N streets, berwocn P and Q streets, and between R and T streets; on Second avenuo between M and N streets, and between R und T streets; on L street between East South Temple street and Second uvcnuo; on M street botwecn East South Temple street rind Second avenuo; on N stroct between East South Tomplo street and Second avenue; ave-nue; on O streot between East South Templo streot and Second avenue; on P street between East South Temple street aitd Second avenue; on Q street between , East South Templo street and Second avenuo; ave-nuo; on R street between East South Templo street and Second avenuo; on S i street botwecn East South Temple street and Second avenue; on T streot botwecn . Kasl South Templo str'-et and First avenue; ave-nue; and on U street bnweon East South ! Templo street and Flr.t avenue, in side- i I walk districts Nos. 2i, 25 and 2fi. Said tax is duo. and payable In llvo equal installments, in-stallments, and said first installment, will become delinquent on the 24th day of Do-comber. Do-comber. 190S. and said second installment on tho 24th day of December. 1909. and said third installment on the 24th day r December. 1910. and said fourth Installment Install-ment on the 2 lib day of December. 1911. and nuld fifth Installment on tho 21th dav of Documbor, 1912. Each of said Installments shall bear interest, in-terest, at tho rate of six (G.) por cent per annum from the date of approval of tho ordhiTmce, confirming the levy of said tax. lo-wk: The 21th day of December. 1907. until date of delinquency, and eight (S) por cent per annum from delinquency until un-til paid, provided that ono or more of said installments, or the whole tax, may bo paid on or boforo Ion days in'tor tho ap- j provnl of the ordlnanco confirming all tax. to-wit: the 24th day of December. 1907; provided also that ono or muro of said installments or tho wholo tax. may bo paid on the day any Installment becomes be-comes duo by paying the amount thereof there-of and interest to date of payment- All special taxes are payablo at my office. room 102 cltv and county building, Sail Lako City, Uiah. j GIDEON SNYDER. City Treasurer and Collector of Special I To xcs. Dated Salt. Lako City. Utah, January 7, 190S. ( Sidewalk extension No. Sy. xG5u |