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Show f SOCIETY J I CALENDAR. f Dr. and Mrs. G. B. Pfoutz f fMvp issued imitations lor a v Slicing party .to be Riven Fn- ... lnv zoning, iu honor oi Mr. " fr-S 2k! rs. Karl A. Schcjd i""1 X i Harrv .1). Gun ot ew v- YorIt, who is the ucst of her y sister, Miss Shearman. ; KTlio seiiior cla3B of the nni- -! vcrsitv han issued tiniquo invi- y .stations for the annual "Senior y pscinl)ly," to he given tit the y .university Friday cvcnniR, Jan- y .juary 17. 7 Mrs W. R. Tyndalc will cn- r A' tertain at "500" this after- y F noon at her home ou L!cventi - Aebsi. . . fi The Quingenta club will nioel KYthis afternoon with Mrs. J Charles Heritage; (Hu South West Toiuilo. v- The Sowing club will meet -J l' this afternoon with Mrs. J. C. r prfy- ... t- Y Mrs. George Putuara will en- ! Sfrtain the Bridge club at hnr !- . . homo this afternoon, and this v- fcovenine Mr. and Mrs. Putnam v i-will entcrtaiu at 500." y' .The Daughters of the Pio- ! Sneers will meet at the Lion 4- house Wednesday at. 3 p- ni. AV. :- TV. Kitcr will talk in the study y section. y j Bfcn rotations for The annual senior sb-pnbly sb-pnbly at the university, to . be given MdaT evening, January 17, b the .in of 190S, have just been issued. He invitations are unique, and in a Busc suggestive of the assembly which Roy announce. The assembb' will be Ryen in the assembly hall of the Mu-menm Mu-menm building. Special decorations in K'd class colors, green and white, and Kb- school colors, red and white, will Kj used by the seniors on this thoir flpt appearance in social life at the pyersity. , . ijfojrs. Uffio Dean Knappen will be bw'rao bv the middle of the month, ifem a "short visit in 2"Jcw York, Wierc she has been studying and cn-Kying cn-Kying the musical season. Sho will Fp accompanied homo by Mrs. lsabol iitilcr and Miss Caldcr. 'JKf E. Lipuiau will leave the last JBr- the week to Join Mrs. Lipman at HetroH.. Tlio children' will stay then? Bvith their grandparents, while. Mr. and Jrs. Lipman will take a trip to tho KAtlaotic coast, to last several weeks, w BMr6. Kenneth Kerr and children Reft Tuesday evening for their home Iat Riverside, Cal.. after spending the tliolidays here, with her parents, Mr. Rand Mrs. Le Grand Young, at J fed VButto Hollow. Jp3Irs, T. If. "Wcstenuan returned on Tuesday, after spending the holidays with friends at Lincoln, Neb. Miss Laura Sherman left Tuesday to visit her aunt at Los Angeles, before be-fore returning to Washington, D. C. Max McCartney returned Monday evening from six weeks spent with his parents at Berkeley, CaL Sherman Armstrong left Tuesday for school in California, after spending spend-ing tho holidays berc. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace M. Brans-ford Brans-ford are spending a few days in Idaho. Mips Muriel Dinclan of Toronto, Canada, is here visiting Mrs. A. W. Scott. |