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Show IMAYOR SAYS 10 MODE I BOMUI OGDEN" iNoIsoit-CliH'ord Match First and Last Under the Present Administration. SpiMil.il lo The Tribune. OGDEN, .Ian. 7. For a (lino Tuesday, tho "light fans" of OriIcu wore bordering on a "brainstorm." Tills mental condition was brought about by the announcement of tho nowly-eleoictl Mayor, A. !. Browcr, That he would refuse to sign a licemie allowing al-lowing a prize tight ot be pulled ofT In Og-den Og-den while he was in office. In addition jo this, the Mayor .cnt written Instruc-llons Instruc-llons to Chief or Police Hi-owning Id use whatovcr means ho found necessary to prevent a contest of this character In Ocrdon. This iiowh full like a sledge hammer ham-mer on the ears of the sporting fraternity fratern-ity of Ogden, whose mouths have been watorlng for tho light scheduled (o bo pulled off between Jack Clifford and "Battling" "Bat-tling" Nelson at tho Grand theater the evening of January 13. Promoter William Gulney, when ho heard of the Mayor's action, hurried to the hitter's office and the two held a conference. Gulnoy explained ex-plained thut several hundred dollars had already boon expended by him in advertising adver-tising tho contest, and that it would mean a considerable financial loss If the order wae allowed to stnnd. Finally Mayor Brewer relented, and said that Inasmuch as the order would work a hardship on Promoter Gulney. ho would allow tho contest con-test to be held as scheduled, but declared that this would be the last In Ogden under un-der his administration. Clifford sustained a slight sprain of the wrist a few days ago while sparring with a local lighter, and has boon contlning his training to road kwork. J lis arm Is now .-well, and Wednesday he will resume his regular work. |