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Show ! ; The Progressive Property Looks Fine as Work Roaches the Deeper Levels of Mine. ! ' I COPPER, SILVER AND LEAD IN QUANTITY ! Officials Advocate Purchase of Majestic Smelter "by Some Strong Interests. Proident Boh a and Superintendent Lessiiiff of the Progressive Mining company on Tuesday arrived jn Salt, Lake with some mightv fine ore and . some mighty lino news 'from this property prop-erty in tho Star district, of Beaver county. Tho ore is from the new strikes niado at depth in the group, and not only demonstrates that tho ores of this propert go down, but that at tho present deepest- levels it is richer and bettor than at any upper portion of the mine. The most gratifying developments aro on tho 150-foot levol. The management man-agement there lias encountered the continuation con-tinuation of the oro chute had in the old incline at the upper levels, and thore tiro four foot of ore, the average valuo of which is 57.2 per cent lead. 40 ounces silver and 1.(30 gold to tho ton. A picked samplo, a specimen of which the officials above- mentioned men-tioned brought to this city with them, assayed 73 por cent lead and 73.2 ounces silver to the ton, carrying also .SO oonts gold. On the footwall bordering border-ing this lour-foot streak is a foot of talc rock which averages 39 per cent lead. -15.9 ounces silver and -10 cents gold to tho ton. Another find of much importance, news of which is given for the first timo by these gentlemen, is in the developments de-velopments in the jwest drift. This strike has been made at a vertical depth of 250 fool, and at a distanco of fully 200 feet from the body above described. The find wns nindc when the first cross-fissure north of tho shaft was penetrated, and there is a six-foot ledge exposed, throughout which are largo kidneys of oro. This oro averages 17,8 icr cent coppor. 23.4 ounces silver and 60 cents gold to the ton. The oro is a fine looking rock, and as this drift proceeds the management manage-ment will of necessity extract much for shipments through pure dovclopnient work. M. Lessiug stated, that the management manage-ment had one car of oro now rcad' for the markot. and as soon as the smelting conditions settle down suili-cientlv suili-cientlv this ear and others will be Bent "iu. Mr. Lessing advocates the purchase of the old Majestic smelter, near Milford, 1)3' some strong combina j tion of interests, feeling that the Horn Silver. Majestic, Moscow, Progressive, Pro-gressive, Commonwealth, Hub, Cedar and Talisman alouc could provide more than enough copper, lead, and silver ores to make the venture a paying one. , IIo and Mr. Bohn are thoroughly familiar fa-miliar with the resources of the Star and tho North Star districts, and feel that the mines arc entitled to the most sincere confidence on tho part of the mining world. Both gentlemen left Tuesdnv for the Progressive property to continue tho present active campaign cam-paign of development work. |