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Show VAHKET OPENS FIRM ' BUI QUICKLY WEAKENS Decline of Prices in European Grain Centers and Bearish News From Argentina. CHICAGO, Jan. 7. Tho wheat market opened qulto firm, owing to a one penny advance at Liverpool, but a sharp decline de-cline later at Liverpool caused a slump In the local market before the end of the first hour. The market continued weak the remainder of the day. Tho fact that all of tho European markets mar-kets for wheat were weak was mainly responsible for tho liberal salC3 by prominent promi-nent holders which depressed prices here. Tho market waa further weakened by Argentlno advices, which rcltorated former for-mer claims of an abundant yield. Tho close was weak. May opened a shade to IfO'ic higher at $1.07i to $1,071, sold off to $1.06 and closed nt $1.06i(j?1.068. The corn market was strong almost all day. There was a slight reaction during tho first half hour owing to selling, based on liberal receipts, but tho market soon became firm again and continued strong up to the close. Firm cables, a small primary receipt, strength of tho cash grain and a report that tho Argentlno crop Is threatened by locusts wcro the principal bullish influences. May corn opened unchanged to llc higher at 613 (51614c to 61gc. sold off to 614c and then advanced to 61jc. The close was at G1J S'61gc. Trading in oats was very qulot'and the market was firm in sympathy with corn. A largo increase In local 3tock caused some selling by cash houses. May oats opened a shade to l3'lc higher at 54?c to 545c, sold off to 54gc and closed at 54Jc. Provisions were Inclined to bo weak because of continued heavy receipts of live hogs. Pork rallied moderately late in the day on covering by shorts and closed at a slight sraln, the May delivery being up 74c at 51S.721. Lard wan off 24e at $S.25. Ribs were down 5c at $7,424. RANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES AVheat Open. High. Low. Close May ... 1.07J 1.071 1.06 1.062 .Tulv 002 00H 0S 0SJ September .. 06 061 053 0ol Corn . ,, May 614 61 611 61g July 001 601 0t 60?. September .. GO 601 59? 60i Oats-May Oats-May (old) .. 5i; 511 Mi 543 May fnow) . 53i 531 53 ;oi July (old) .. 481 4Sg 4Si 4SS July (new) . 46S 464 401 iol Mess Pork, per barrel-January barrel-January 13.10 13.10 13.10 13.10 Mav 13.574 13. SO 13.575 13.723 Lard, per 100 pounds January .... 7.071 8.00- 7.97 8.00 Mav S.10 S.274 S.20 S.25 Short Ribs, per 100 pounds-January pounds-January 7.05 7.05 7.05 .0o May 7.-10 7.474 7.371 7.42 CASH QUOTATIONS. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, steady; No. 2 spring wheat, $1.0SIj1.12; No. 3. Sl.OO'gil.U. No. 2 red, $1.00i.0U; No. 2 corn, 00c: No. 2 yellow, 624663c; No. 2 oats. ROJc: No. 3 white, oOiSSc; No. 2 rye, Sic. fair to choice malting bar-lev. bar-lev. 06cfiJ?L04; No. 1 Northwostorn flax seed, 51.214; prlmo timothy seed, $4.35j 4.10; clover, contract grades. $17.00; short ribs, sides (loose). $6.75'&7.25; mess pork, per barrel. $13,12413.25: lard, tier . 100 pounds. $3,024; short clear sides (boxed), S7.00QI 7.374; whiskey, basis of high wlnca, 51.35. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels 36.200 3S.600 Wheat, bushels 21.200 ' 47.J00 Corn, bushels 2S7.S00 200,600 Oatrf bushels 252.000 307,000 Rye. bushelr. 6.000 2,000 Barley, bushels S0.700 20,100 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On the produce oxchango today the butter market was sleady; creameries, 20 tf20c; dairies. 18(?;i25c; esgs, firm, at mark, cases Included, 255?27c; firsts, 26c: prime firsts. 2Sc; extras. 30c; cheese, steady, H4$?13c. LIVESTOCK MARKETS. Chicago. ' Cl-nCAGO, Jan. 7. Cattle Receipts, about 7500: market steady to 10c lower; beeves. $3.50tfT'5.00; cows and heifers, Sl.25TDl.50; Tcxans, 53.103.00: calves. 55.0000.75; Western?. $3.10 i.50; slock-crs slock-crs and feeders. $2.25(f 4.15. Hosts Receipts, about 11,000: 5(5) 10c lower; lights, ?4.15ff4.55; mixed. $!.25S 4.60; heavy. $4.20 -(.57.1: roughs. $1.20 4.30; pigs, ?3.G0!qV1.25; bulk of sales, 1.10 .55. Sheep nccolpts, about 13.000: inarkoL strong; natives, S3.00f5.20; Westerns, ?3.00(frr..2ri; yearlings, $4.7075.50; lambs, ?4.75iSC.OO; "Westerns, 54. 750. 05. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 7. Cattle Receipts. Re-ceipts. 14.000. Including 400 SouUierns; market steady to 10c lower; native steers. $3.S0(55.r0: native i'owb and heifers, ?2.25 JjM.75; blockers and feeders, S2.751S4.50; bulls. $2.00&4. 50; calves. ?3.506.75; Western steers, ?3."5Q'5.00; Western cows, $2.50(y1.00. Hogs Receipts, 7000; market 10c lovr-rr: lovr-rr: bulk of sales, Sl.20'?J 1.35: heavy, 51.25 ff? 1.30; packers. ?1.20pl.35: pigs and lights. ?4.00ig'4.30. Sheep Receipts. 1000: market steady to 10c. lower; millions, $ 1. 00(0)1.75; lainbs, I $6.00fG.70 ; fed ewes, $i.754.05. South Omaha. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., Jan. 7. Cattlo Receipts. 6000; market, slow to 10c lower; low-er; native steers, $3.50(25.50; cows and heifers. $2.254.25; western steers. ?3.00(S 4.50; Texas steers. 52.75 1.00: cows and heifers. S2.00Cr3.75; canners. $l.50(S2.50; sloclicrs and feeders, $2,750)4.40: calves, S3.00Cf5.50; bulla and stags. $l.7o34.00. Hogs Receipts. 1S.000; market, 5c lower; low-er; heavies, $4.25(f?4.35; mixed. $1,221 1.25; lights. 4.204.30: pigs. ?J.00g)4.25; bulk of sales, ? l.22Jfif 1.27. Shocp Receipts. 0000; market, strong; yearling, 35.00fr5.75; wethers. $1. lOftM.OU; ewes, 84.00 4.50; lambs, 0.25)5)6.85. St, Joseph. ST. JOE, Jan. 7. Cuttle Receipts, 3100; market steady. 10r lower: natives. 5 l.00ffj'G.75; cows and bolters, $l.75(g4.60; stoi'kirs and feeders, $3.25 1. 00. Hogs Receipts. 13,500; market 5(o'10c lower; top, ? 1.471; bulk, ? I.25&4.35. .Shpup Receipts. 6200; market 10c higher; high-er; Iambs, $5.502)0.S5; yearlings and walk-era, walk-era, .'Jl.oOfr'o. JO. Evaporated. Fruit Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 7. The market for evaporuted apples continues quiet, but is a llttlo steadier In tone, owing to tho refusal re-fusal of the holders to meet lower views. Fancv are quoted at 1 11 Jc; choice at 'J301Oc; prlmo at 381c; 1006 fruit, 7(5? 104c. Prunes are jlcady on pot with quotations quota-tions ranging from 51 to 10c for California fruit und from 7 to 7?c for Oregons 50sS 30s. Apricots are unchanged with choice quoted at 22&)23c; extra choice, 23025c; iancy, 21026c. Peaches quiet with choice quoted at 120i 12Sc; extra choice. 12i0J3jc; fancy at 131c: extra fancy, 1401 lie. Kalslns are unchanged with loose muscatel mus-catel quoted 7ft;17!Jc: seeded raisins, 70 OJc and London layers at $1,700)180. Now York Money, NEW Y'OIUC, Jan. 7. Prlmo mercantile paper, 8 per cent; sterling exchange, wonk after strength, with nclual business in bankers' bills at 4. 85. 600' 1.85.65 for demand de-mand and at 4. SI for sixty daya; commercial com-mercial bills, 4.80.75. Mexican dollars. 45c Government bonds firm; railroads steady and strong. Money on call firm, 5406 per cent; ruling rul-ing rate, 6; closing bid, 5: offered at 6 per colli. Time loans easier" sixty davs. 61 and ninety daja, 6, six months, 6 per cent. |