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Show His Name Is Gardner, and He Is Nephew of Prominent Coloradoan. s IDENTITY IS ESTABLISHED BY THREE YOUNG MEN Dead Man Believ3d to Be a Criminal of the Hold-. Up Typo. The stranger who was shot and killed by O. Ellmore, tho Third South street grocer, at 10:30 o'clock Saturday night, as boon identified. His name "is .lohn Gardner and ho was tho nephow of J. W. Gardner, a well-known liveryman livery-man of Colorado Springs, Col. Gardner had been living at tho American lodging lodg-ing house on Commercial street sinco last Wednesday, on which day he reached Salt Lake, Tho information establishing the dead man's identity was furnished by .John Wolsh, C. A. Scott and John "Ucdfield, three 3'oung men who had worked with him at Onl-way, Onl-way, Colorado, a few woeks ago. They saj' that Gardner was a carpenter and machinist aud that thoy had known him but a short timo. Whilo at tho Colorado town they had made an arrangement ar-rangement to go together to tho Pacific Pa-cific coast. In pursuance of this agreement agree-ment Scotl, Welsh and Gardner camo on to Salt Lake, arriving here last Wednesday. Redficld followed on Friday Fri-day and tho four had since that timo occupied room 3d at tho American house. Two Companions Found Work. Saturday afternoon Scott and Welsh started out to find -employment. They had not far to go ana were engaged to work for Contractor P. J. Moran. Whilo tho two friends were on this mission, mis-sion, Gardner and liedfield strolled about town and took an occasional drink. They finally fell in with a soldier, sol-dier, whoso name Jiedfield does not recall, re-call, and the three kept up tho drinking drink-ing bout which Gardner and ltcdficld had started upon. Lato in the afternoon after-noon Redficld quit his companions and went home. Q?hat is the last time ho saw Gardner alive. He knows nothing as to the movements of tho two in on. during the late afternoon and early evening. The soldier has no yet put in an appearance at polico headquarters headquar-ters and it is thought likely that ho was not far away irom tho corner of Third South and West Tcmplo streets when Gardner met his death. Tho young men who came out from Colorado with Gardner aro hard-working and respectable fellows. It is a certainty that they knew litilo of , the character of tho man with whom they cast their lot on tho trip to tho coast. Everything tho- officers have brought to light in tho case indicates that tho dead man was a criminal of tho holdup hold-up typo. The double pockets of his trousors are such as all. or nearl3r all, law-broakers of the burglary and robbery rob-bery classes aro found to havo. Theso pockets aro calculated to ""fool" tho officer who attempts to search the prisoner pris-oner who is provided with them. Proof Positive of Character. Inside of a very deep pocket, reaching reach-ing nearly to the knee, is tho ordinary trousors pocket. In this the weare"r rips a hole so that when tho officer plunges his hand into it, in search of stolen money or property, ho decides on tho instant that the prisoner is destitute of both. However, if he would roach on through tho torn pocket down into the second roomy re-ceptacal, re-ceptacal, he would generally run up against the swag of which he was in quest. Such wero tho pockets found in tho trousers of the aead man and this fact is taken as proof positive of his character. All thioves and hold-ups, when pro-paring pro-paring to enter upon a ticklish ?,ob, such as Gardner had undoubtedly planned Saturday night, invariably rid thejnselves of all papers and other articles which may, in tho event of their arrest, load to their identit3r. Except Ex-cept an old newspaper, a copy of a theatrical programme and a few coins, Gardner had absolutely nothing on him when the bullot. from llmore's pistol struck him dead. The fact that ho entered the store on his dangerous mission mis-sion unmasked and unarmed is, it must be admitted, an unusual circumstanco and can only bo oxplained by tho known fact that Gardner had been drinking heavily and in a frame of mind to attempt to bluff the thing through without taking tho ordinary precautions. Ellmore Bisked His Life. Ellmore himself is an unusual character. char-acter. An ordinary man would rather surrender a few dollars to a desperate robber than take chances of losing his life by refusing. It was difi!erent with the grocer. He risked his life to savo hi money and Gardner paid the penalty pen-alty for attempting to carry out u job for w'hich ho was unprepared. An inquest will be held in the caso this afternoon. Until that is over . Ellinoro will bo held in jail. The pris-! pris-! oner, since his arrest, has stubbornly refusod to say an3'thiug about the tragedy: |