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Show . LABOR PARTY MEETING Public Bally -Held at Labor Hall Sunday Sun-day Night. The Independent Labor party held its first public rally or ratification meeting since the nominating convention at Labor La-bor hall Sunday night. The meeting was presided over by Dan Elton. The exercises were opened with a vocal selection se-lection by Miss Lillian Brown. The young lady possesses an, excellent clear, strong voice, and her rendition of the song was so highly appreciated that it called for an encore, to which she responded re-sponded in a song no less pleasing . Upon atrollcall of the names attached to the petition necessary to have the ticket placed upon the official ballot it was found that a sufficient number of voters had signed the petition to com-plv com-plv with the Jaw in thafc respect. "Mr. Willard Hanson, church Republican Republi-can machinist candidate for County Attorney At-torney on tho church Republican and Labor party ticket, was the first speaker speak-er introduced. Mr. Hanson said he did not come expecting or prepared to make a speech. The primary object of his presence was to see that tho ticket was legally: put into shape to be given its place on the official ballot. However, he said, he desired to stato that he was with them in this campaign, not only with them during this campaign, but for all futuro time. "I am the son of a laboring man. I myself know what it is to toil and labor. la-bor. I don't forget my friends. Tho laboring man is the honest man and true friend. If elected, I shall enforce the law fearlessly." Miss Catherine Smith and Miss Eflie Bohe, two bright little girls, rendered a number on the piano and mandolin in such manner as to demonstrate that they are already musical artists. Their effort was warmly applauded. A. G-. Allen- upon being introduced said he was here from a sense of duty, as ho presumed they all wore. -He discussed dis-cussed the labor situation 'from a Socialist Social-ist standpoint. The- meeting closed with an impas- j sioned speech from Chairman Dan El-ton. El-ton. i |