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Show I q I've told you the ffil as4jF I equal to that of 'tke-mercliaiit jtekfrK I Mor tailor, style the yery; "best, H I Afcoilt materials imsnrpasseti for IgfflEf 1 pattern and wear. Jwallm 1 I The one you want maynot W5P H 1 SllltS be here next week. Better pjfejg. 1 I Of . an(i e disappoint- 1 I v $10.00 to $35.00. Jg? , H 1 " 210 MAIN STREET l J ' ;Q'"1 Americas Beauty BeerJ: I j 1IQ capacity of onr Brewery is I I rrMWi doubled this year. There is 'a ; I; 1 ilHnH I reason g0(i reason. : 1 I i Tree Gity Deli wry. -; ; I 1 fil Sicy Brewing go. j I M l" iT iu X. MOBITZ, General Manager. - 1. CASINO I Opposite tho Pootofflce. - . TONIGHT CASSIDY'S MUSICAL 'CO. in "RAIS-A-RUOTION." J , Pretty Girls I Catchy Music 1 ' 10-20-30 cents. Salt Lake Turf Exchange I 208 IIAIN ST. Caltarntfl. anil Eutorn race. Direct rlrn tor all sporttnc events. I ijK HONE TREATMENT FREE I JP SBGSEssasssi DURING JULY AS A TESTanH I . H i iMffiy To convince the skeptical and to provo to tho afflicted tfco unparalleled uccess of tne ICew I 1 WM(?X F X5?,lJ???nt- PI(S-SHORES k SHORES WILL GIVE ONE FULL TREATMENT AT THEIR I B a OFiricK. ic Ajjii catarrhal diseases, including deafness, xiav feve. asihma 1 6 S$Li At AIP.LTJ,G TROUBLES, DURING THI8 MONTH ONLY. After rou have teatcd the superior I n FSSsS 2) nacrttsoi tlio newtroatment.lf you'R-nntto oeoured. Drs 8hores' n 111 cure you FOR THE LOW I iiB I S5 S$ FKE 0F -NB DOLLAR PER TREATMENT. OR 115 FOR A CURE. MEDICINES KRKE. Br I liH I fPZ Ngc- v 1 means of Drs. Shares' WONDERFUL DISCOVERT thor arc enabled to enre manr mild or recent IIH xa? J SsvWtt' oaeoa In a vory fow treatments even the old and ohroulo cases may be cured for IIA. Whr sutler I iiH E ftSSev TK&ra f.rSSi-fttarrh '"',len J"011 Clla D0 OURED for tl a treatment? Tou art) Invited to FIRST TEST IT S iil I lvK?tob nrv titDE, and be convinced. Apply today. I , S 'ttGZ&S&iiih. Iw Hf-Huorea also treat and ouro all our&ble riervoua. Chronlo and Private Dlwases of Men. ffl - 9 XjximHlJsc h iii -?Scs3 on,en and Chlldron of every name and nature Coniultatlon and Advice Freo and Confidential H HiH A 'KtHSiri -v. for any dlseato. Callorwrlto. Ej ipPH I "KS1 Special Department for 7Ven ( I lilMK WSpT D' 6DorQB haTo a Special Department excluolvoly for tbo treatment and euro of all Private 1 ll R JfeiS- Diseases of Mon, whether caused by lgnoranco, excosses or contaalon. Tou may consult Drs. n IH H isS5SS8P? nhorca abouvtho mostr delicate or embarrassing private troublos, with tho ansurance that you will I H J "Vi: bo civen bonc&t advice, and skillful trcatmont, and ovorythlntr will bo STRICTLY PRIVATE 1 I 5" - AftD CONFIDENTIAL. Younff men who havo beon lod astray by bad companions mlddlo-aged a IH D -i nion who have gone to excesses ola oaon who And tholr sexual vltor gone unfortuuatos who havo fl IH H DR. A. J, 8HOR1IS contracted diseases tho victim of Blood H H II I Poison and all others who nood the ooun- mrsunu ni IH n sol and aid of oxpcrloncwl and kindly phy- SSSiEJfeSk. I ll m TTATri? rTT"DTnCI T)T iriTT slolann, aro cordlallylnvltod to consult this tSllMlttW I H xIUMjl OUJttrjo xl MAIL ffiKSSJ .ana 1,8 ndvhoa FKEE OF jt mlmmi I H , . , . , So sure Is tho ouro undor DRS SHORES IjPSlM. I Q IF YOU LIVE OUT OF TOWN MODERN METHODS In all PrlTato Dl- 5Isk R ffl oases, that you may arrange to pay tho fee y maSSjSkHSV l IH It ACD I T" KZT Drs- Shores A Shores for tholr fr a euro In small weekly or monthly In- . aSaW IH H ww III I U Now Symptom LUt, and sot tallmcnta, as tho ouro progroases, or you iSftWfflHsl R 1 R their udvlco FREE. may PAY WHEN CUBED. No matter 1 &s?&Wiml b U what your trouble Is, or who has foiled to fe LSmSumw H IH 1 i euro you, oonsnlt thcao MastorSpeolRllsU, t'K mMmF H H I DRS. SHORES & SHORES H N brOuRht on by early dissipation or by tho Improper fxpfrt iDpniAi irtr A'2vWmmSiSs' I H K treatmontotsomoooutraoted disease. Acomploto cArfcRT SPEOIALIoTo WfA7B) R and radloal ouro ls.thoroforo, a question of rostor- u Dl , ., , . . wA&Mr KtH mMm U lug tho prostate sland to its normal stuto, u ml this Houston BlOOk, 249 South Mndl Street, WxjP IH D wo accomplish promptly and complotely without Opposite Kol !l-0'Brlon'a Storo. Xx' I I tho usn of Internal remcdlen. Our trcatmont Is n cu i niTn nui JEV I local ono entirely. It Is original and solontlilo 'a,, La,0 ui,j Tr 22BZ&J H I and has boon provod absolutoly onoctlvo by thouo- ss2?Jir H I ands of tests. We are coniluccd that by no othor Offlcc Hours Week days, 9 a. m. toSp. y -"S l H I mothoda can full and permanont restoration of m. Evenings, 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays and T1TI Dtvi-atra H B BironBth and vigor bo accomplished. holidayKl 10 a. m. to ii noon. ' w' M"ttEB j IB |