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Show I VISITED RICH MINE. J. M. Eoynolds Has Delightful Trip to Colorado Points. J. M. Reynolds, member and official caller of tho Salt Lako Mining Stock exchange, who was one of tho visiting Elks to Denver last week, has returned. His time was divided between business ' and pleasure. I While, absent Mr. RoynoldH waB per mitted to visit tho richest gold mino in tho State, at Lcadvllle. It was to him a revelation. Tho ore vein, which Is a ilssuro, is not so very large, but bo rich is It that the ownors havo refusod an offer of ?2,E00,O0O for tho mino, which nd-Joins nd-Joins the famoua Johnny. Tho mines throughout tho Stato are making good, tho crops, aro bounteous tho fruit crop is a plentiful ono and everywhere maturing at tho maximum size; good wage in 'all branches of industry in-dustry prevail, tho people a3 a whole aro nappy and altogether Colorado. Mr. Reynolds Rey-nolds cays, never experienced a moro prosperous year. Tho treatment accorded ac-corded tho vial tors by Denver was princely in its hoHpltallty. Salt Laktts Own It. ! W. V. Rice and James Farrcll of Salt Lako nro tho owners of tho Gibraltar ground at Bullfrog, Nov., In which a rich strlko was recently mado. It is said that the oro runs an high as $1800 a ton |