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Show NO MOSQUITOS. 1 NO SALOON. I Upper Falls Summar Resort MOST BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED RESORT IN STATE. Ths Ideal Family Outing Place Amonjj tho pines In tho heart of I beautiful Provo canyon, between Up- I por and Bridal Veil; falls. Along tho I famous TROUT STREAM, tho Provo I river, whero tho nlr and water la pure. clear and fresh from the anow-capped mountain peaky. Rio Grande railroad station. Long distance 'phone. Raton reasonable. Address J. L. DONNAN. Prop . PROVO. U7.AH; LORNA ' LORNA Lorea Is still considcrod the latest perfume, per-fume, elegant and lasting. Only at MidayDrugCo.'s New Store S. W. corner 1st So. and State St Botween Salt Lako and Orphcum Theaters. LORNA LORNA I FOR MORE THAH TWENTY YEAR8 a wo have znndo tho ouro of blood poison a M epoolalty. Prlmnry, Secondary orTtrtUry Blood Poison Permanently Cured. Youoan E be tronted at homo under name guaranty. I OaplUl (600,000. Wc solicit the most obstl- nato cqscb. If you have exhausted tho old methods of troatment. and still havo aohca 1 and palno. Muou3 Pntohos in Mouth. Sore : Throat, Pimples. Coppor-Colored Spota, S Ulcora on any part of the body, Hair or t Eyebrows falling out, write for proofs of j ourea. 100-poffo Book Froe. 1 COOK REMEDY CO, I 310 BASONS TE61ME, CUib, Q.S.A. IThe moment transactions transac-tions take place is important. im-portant. 'Phone 65 for the correct cor-rect time. Scott's Saiital-Fepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE fe Korliifluinrniitlon orCatorrhof Kg V, t)1A OUrtorniKi Dltaod Kid- ftkrr OPTS Kuei H. If 0 onitr. no PiT. Cures l&'tZ&t ll)r.:infc!y na rornmnontly tho CiJ, " 5 UvTcru ensm oi O'onorrHpnA 3l(v n-nd Jlt-t, uo mrtr or hov vftittivV. Hjdii Ktnr.dln;. t A btolutcly Yw&atr- liurnilcKj. Hold by drugRlsto, VV siL J'rlco t .00. cir hr mall, post-S&f&fyh post-S&f&fyh Pft'i -W,B boseo. t2.70. lTHE SANTAL-PEPSIH GO, DsJIelontalno. ilc S. J. HD1 Drug Co., Salt Ilako City PILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams' Indian Pilo Ointmont will cure, blind, bleeding, ulcerated and Itching Itch-ing pllen. It absorbs tho tumors, allays tho itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives Instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment In prepared only for Plica and nothing elso. Every box Is guaranteed. guaran-teed. Sold by druggiots; sunt by mnll for EOc and U per box. WILLIAMS M'K'G CO., Prop'u, Cleveland, Ohio. ly-f-S-lS-1 Johnston's Druu Store fWJR CHICHE3TEB'S ENGLIOW Pennyroyal mm )4 Original ntiil Oulr fionuluc J for CniClIliSTKK'.S 3CNOI.ISH ltd) an1 Colli metallic boxci. icsl.J TV -Sfla Uh Ulno rlbUon. Tnko no otliur. Ilcfuau tw VrVj Dnniccroti Hulmttlutlonn nnd Initio-" Initio-" fij tlnnn. Hit cf jour Orncjlii. or na -Jr. In tlitnp f'ir rrllcMlvr, Trntlmnnloln V V iffi t"1 Itollol for l.nillc," n Ulttr. Itj rt X 'LI turn Mull. 1 0.OHO TttlliaonlaU, S. lit by l )l Dru;liU. CJKIotitotcr Ulicmlocl Oo. Votloo IhtJ pfo UnillJi'i nn.ve, ''II, A.. H H Brv Those jufforlnir rrom weas, a M ifcy iioho which sup the plcnsurco ol B y a of life should trie Juvon Pills. " One box wMl tell n story of marvelous results. Tnls mcdluiuu lias moro rojuvenatlnL', yltnllslnc force thnn has ever boem offered. Sont out-paid In plain puckneo omy on rocclpt of Ux't adv. and SI. Mivdo by itB orlulnntors 0. 1. Hoon Co.. pro Pdetors Hood'ii .SarsiiDarllla. Lowell, Mms. Modest Claims Often Carry the Most Conviction. "When Maxim, the famous gun inven tor, placed his gun before a committee commit-tee of judges, he stated Its carrying power to bo much bolow what ho feb; 'suro the gun would accomplish. Tha result of the trial was therefore a great surprise, Jnatead of disappointment. II: Is the Bttme with tho manufacturers of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Diar-rhoea Remedy. They do not publicly boost of all this remedy will accomp-linh, accomp-linh, but prefer to let tbo users make Ibe alatemonts. What they do claim, is that It will positively cure diarrhoea, dyaontery, pains in tho stonmcb and bowals and has never boon known to fall. For sale by all leading drugglatu. fi IF ALL YOU WHO ARE IN NEED OF A SPECIALIST WILL CALL ON fi I ME FIKST YOU WILL NOT HAVE SO MANY DOCTOR BILLS TO PAY. fi P 5a $MP(PMP 33 Years is 8 li t. W. Ullllllllj) Salt. Lak. Cit.y I f Oldsst R.s!iablQ Specialisb in- th? City. Salt Lake 1 " I ! Iscroscopic Medical Institute f DR' C' W' HIGGIIsTS ai D" MBr and Prop" I W Has Removed to 0 fl H MK 1-2"3- and 5 28 We5t Third South. ' fil Qy $V TM it After 45 years' study of Nature and her laws alonj; special I y v v im v lines, my superior advantages and ability go without aaylns, B a and I unhesitatingly declare, and my unpi-ttllelel record as a ; successful specialist in private diseuaea of men backs up my claim, thai moro ' men have been cured by me of VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE. NERVO-SEX-i UAL DEBILITY, BLOOD POISON and REFLEX DISORDERS within the last 35 years than by any specialists In the United States combined. This fact Is self-evident and Indisputable, and. with my rates more ronsonablc and treat-l treat-l ment more successful you do wrong to experiment with concerns whoso moth- 1 ods are being frequently changed, and whose doctors are tho scrapings to- J ; gether of transient and defunct concerns. S i Courtesy demands that we mention no names In a newspaper, but if you 9 coino to my offlco I can furnish norao valuable Information with the proofs so f. concluslvo that you will not regard1 them as selfish arguments. P NER.VO-SEXUAL ESiLlTY CUR.ED. And will forfeit $500 for any caso taken under his treatment which he falls 0 to cure If directions are followed. All cases of piles cured. Liver and kidney Fj complaints cured. All classes of fits cured. Tapeworm removed with head or ( no pay. i Office hours: 10 to S:S0 nnd 7 to S p. m. Please send for a list of questions to ; SR. C. W. HEGGINS, Sail Lake City, Utai. j DR. COOK'S SCIENTIFIC, CERTAIN AND COMPLETE CURE FOR EX 7 e? Nervous, Rcstlca at frag Dark Clrolen under Eyes, Buh- m n DfiS.edWS&n.y'i:0h&f C fl. Moljmchollo, Youthful ol- E JWJf ;J flamed Prostate, Despondent, j" !' Weak, Trembles, Varicocele, BJ 5 o.ack (. Encrff'. Ambition and S Excessivo Drlnklns, Loaa in fi W ft fij Btrength, Poor Memory. Hoi- W - Urlno, Exposure, Overwork aaO. fL h lowed Eyes, Faco Pimples and asaj Worry, Exhausting Dreams. An ondlesa number of men havo one or moro of tho nbovo symptoma nnd crag rrom Jay to day in despair of a proa porous, happy future, and well they may, ror If neglocted tholr health Is sure to bo wrecked by a completo leas of physlcnl, mental and soxual power. My method completely and permanently revives manhood after "euro-all" "euro-all" remedies and "quickcure" specialists fail to oven benefit. My eclontlfic, systcmatlo courso of treatment for weak, nervous, brokendown youths and men, who have, throuch folly, dissipation and exceascs, unfitted themselves for work acd. 4hu enjoyment of life, la a system that has been tested many times over and provon entirely satisfactory In every case. It Is totally different from the many batoning pills and tablets, and tho stimulating:, stomuch-rulninji drugs given by ivould-bo specialists. My npeciflo treatment for all the symptoma indicating Falling Manhood Is harmless), though do effective as to remove them immediately. It la , constitutional; therefore, by purifying and enrichlnff tho 2SJ blood, ntrenirthcnlng the nervous system, nourishing tho Ub-$ Ub-$ nues. tho p.tlont becomes strong and healthy with all signs 5 of troublo forever gone. Tlio u-catment is tcv the human system what the nap Is to the treo It buds eif&rgy, ambition and confidence that leaf Into a prime, healthy, vlgoroua feeling of nsw life, I treat and euro all such polvic diseases as PILES, FISTULA. RUPTURE. VC9PELtt- BOOD POISON. SKIN DISEASES SORES, ULCERS. UL-CERS. liERVOUS DECLINE, and diseases of tho KIDNEYS, BLADDER AND PROSTATE. My method of treating those dlacasos has proven so successful that I guarantee a permanent euro In ovory case noceptcd. and contract by a written instrument to prouueo permanent and natisnctory rvuuHs or refund money OEPORT-AJNT I will cure you for leas money than you oan bo treated for by any other specialist in Salt Lake. You may havo to come to mo soonor of later in order to be properly cured; why not before you havo lost your money in doctoring with cheap, unskilled specialists P OTJIU3 OH 3tfO CHANGE ABSOLUTELY 270 GHAP.QE UNLESS SATISFACTION SAT-ISFACTION IS GIVEN. Evory patient is given a -written guarantee to refund re-fund every dollar paid for services if they do not receive a complote, lifelong life-long oure and entire satisfaction, and I havo made a deposit of 500.00 in tho bank to secure any contraot that 1b not fulfilled. CONSULTATION FREE, CONFIDENTIAL AND INVITED. A Deraonnl thorough and searching examination is required, though if Inconvenient to call' wrlto me a full deocrlMlon of your troublo. OfTico hours: 9 a. m. to 8 su m.' except Sundays, from 9 to 12-SO. Address or call m., COOK MEDICAL CO. "6s.M.in THE LAGOON ROAD SALT LAKE AND OGDEN" ltATLWAY. Time Tnblo in Ku'oct Jlay 30, 100G. Salt Luko, Lv. 0, 0, 11 n. m., 2, -i, G, 7, 8 p. in. Fir&t six trains run throuch to Knva-vlllo. Knva-vlllo. Kxtrn, Lagoon to Kuysvillc, 10:00 p.m. (Sunday 8:110 p. in.) Lasoon, TjV. 7, 10, 12 a. in., II, 5, 7, 0. 10:!IO p m (Sunday 0:110.) Sundays nnd holidays special through truinu to Lagoon nt 8 and 5 p. in. 3 AEZ&im&ZX PIUKS. ' NEVADA NORTHERN RAILWAY Curries-Cherry Creek-Ely Dully Jicopt Suiuhiys. ,AL,5:ave- Arrlvo. 10:20 a.m Cobre 0:55 p.m. 1:2-) p.in Curries 1:00 p. m. U;20 p.m Cherry Creek ...,3;00 p. m. 7:00 p. in Ar...Ely (by uuto.) Lv. 8:00 a.m. NOTE Passengers from Silt Luko City take 11 M5 p. m. Oregon Short Line train, j Sleeper from Salt Lnko City to Cobrc, , . l: TIMETABLE 4 H TTJffikj IN EFFECT W&m&M JTJNE 17, 1906. No. -1 From Osdon, Chlcoao. U.Ticlin, St Louts, Knnsns City H ho. 14 From Marysville, St. H Anthony, Iduho FaUg, Blnclc- foot, Pocalello, Ogdon and In- H termodiato points 7,10 a.m. S10. 8 From Ogdon, Portland, H Hut'.e, San FranciRco , 8:30 a.m. H ho. C From Ogdirn and Inter- mi'diato poi-.i'a 0:30 a.m. H 17o. 12 From Ogdon. Oaclie Yal- H ley, Jlaliul, Park City nud in- H tnioilialo piintn 11:45 a.m. H I10. 12 Prom Cliinafo, Omaha, H m O- 'ci, Rnil Int'irniMllato points. -i:2S p.m. H r.o. 2 From Oden, Chicago, St. H Louit, K'niiin.i City, Chnnhn, IB Driiver .nd San Frannisco .... ft:15 p.m. IH i-,0. 10 From Ogdna, Cacho Val- IH 1"V, Butte, Portland end San Francisco 7:35 p.m. H DEPART. Ko. C For ORdfn, Omaha, Clil- eao. Der.rar, Kunsas Oltv and H St L-ntla 7:10 a.m. - 7 For Offdcn, Portland, JiLtto, Sou Francisco mid iu- H torincdtato points 10:30 a.m. H 2io. 1 For OkiIcji, Ouaha, Chi- cugn, Denver. Kannas City, H St. Louiu and Sk:i Franclacu. . 1:30 p.m. H 0w1?-r1''or Ocden, Cacfic Valloy, Mnlnd. Park Clly ami inter- mod into points 4:0G p.m. H No, 17 For Ocden. Omnha. Chi- cairo and ititiTmeuitln points .. Ci55 p.m. H ho 3 For Ojdcn, Denver, Ivan. IB snn City, Omaha, St. Luulu and H Chlcaco G:05 p.m, H Ko. 13 For Ojdon, Pocatollo, . Illackfooi. Idaho Falls, St. An- thony, Marysville and Inter- modlato points 8:00 p. mi " H No. 0 For Ocdon, C.ioho Val- loy, Dutto, Jlolnna, Portland, San Francisco and in'.ermc- diato points 11:45 p.m. D. E. BURI.UY. O. P. A. D. S SHiXCER, A. Q, P. A. City Ticket Offlco, 201 Main ittreot. Tnlopliono 250. Noto. Tho trnin nurbet's "jhown above are Oregon Short Line train immbcn njid do not apply to tho Southpr.i Pa-Ke wo.U of Ogden or tho Union PnciHn oa;t thereof. fl -YELLOWSTONE PARK TRAINS. CURRENT TIME I 'yl In Effect Jnno I &J 3, 1906. H LEAVE SALT LAKE CITY. No. 10 For Hobcr, Provo and Murysvalc 6:00 a.m. No. 10 For O'dcn.... 3:10a.m. No. 112 For Bingham 8:10 a.m. IH No. 102 For Park City 8:15 a.m. No. G For Denver uud East.. 8:G0a. m. H No. 11 For Ogdou 10:26 a, m. No. 0 For Oedun and Wost. . .10:35 a. nt. No. 1 For Ojidou nud West,., l:4Cp. m. H No. 11S For tiin;;hnm 3:00 p.m. No. 2 For Donvor and Enst. . 3:50 p.m. No. 8 For Prnvn and Tinttc. . .5:00 p. m. No. 13 For O'don 0:00 p.m. No. 20 For Denver and East.. 8:30p.m. IH No. -1 For Donvor nnd East.. 8:00p.m. No. 3 For Ogdnn and West. . .11:10 p.m. IH ARRIVE SALT LAKE CITY. No. 10 From Denver nud East. 8:00 a.m. No. 0 From Ogdou and Wost. 8:40 a.m. No. 12 From Ogilon 9:50 a.m. No. 7 From Tlntlc and Provo. 10:00 a. m. No. 5 From Denver and East. 10:26 a. m. No. 113 From ningham 10:50 a.m No. 1 From Donvor and East, 1:35 p.m. H No. 1-1 From Ocdca 2:10 p.m. No. 2 From Optica nud West. 3M0p.m. No. 101 From Park City 5:15 p.m. No. 115 From Bingham 5:40 p.m. IH No. 9 From Provo, Hobor and H Marysvalo 6:55 p.m. H No. 20 From Ogdcn 6:20 a.m. IH No. 4 From Ocden and Wost. 7:50 p.m. No. 3 From Denver nnd East. 11:00 p. m, 1 All trains except Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 20 stop at intonuediato points. Tlckot ofllec, Dooly block 'Phono 205. I. A. BENTON, O. A. P, D. fS MOST 1 I VMIy POPULAR ouy RAILROAD CURRENT TIME TABLE. DEPART DAILY. No. 7 Los AngolAs Limited.... 4:45 p.m. No. 1 Los Angolos Expruss. ... 12:01 a.m. IH No. 51 For Stockton and Tintic. 7:46 a.m. IH No. 63 For Ncphi and San Pcto IH Valloy 8: 00. a.m. No. 53 For Gnrllcld 11:30 ztz, No. 65 For N'ephl 4:45 p.m. No. 61 For Noplil and Lynn ... 8:30 p.m. ARRIVE DAILY. No. 3 Los Angeles Llmltod .... 5:35 p.m. No. 2 Los Angeles Express .. 0:30 a.m. No. 62 From Lynn and Nuphl.. D-50 a.m. No. 64 From Garfield 1:20 p.m. IH No. 66 From Nophl aud San Pcto IH Valloy 1:80. p.m, No. 01 From Nophl (, 5:45 p.m. No. 52 From TInllo and Stock- ton 0:00 p.m. Finest Dining Car Scrvico irx tho Wost. Only direct line to Los Angeles. Stage con-nections con-nections for Nevada mining camps. B CITY TICKET OFFICE. ' 100 S. Main st. IH 'Phonos 103C. J. II DURTNER, I District Passonger Agent. OOLOHADO-UTAH SORT LINE TO ST. LOUIS, Through car, Salt Lake City to St. Louis and Kansas City. Only ono change to Now York. Dufrnlo and principal points hast. Low IH rates for summer travel. H Especial nttontion to Indies and children. jH Tourist liepor throuph to Onlcngo. 13os- IH ton nnd other points without change. IH IVo trains daily. , ... 1 Iiumiro at ticket office, 103. Dooly block, JM Salt U City. An hgonclurfully H & P S: T. A.. Missouri Paciilo Ry St. jH Louis, ll TRAINS TO SALTAIR BEACH I TIME TABLE IN EFFECT MAY 31, 1000. jl Going LoaYo Returning Arrivo IH Salt Lake .Salt Lako. 10:30 n. m. 1:00 p.m, 2 :00 p. m. i! :30 p. in. 3:00 p.m. 4;:i0p. m. 4:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 6:00p.m. 0:30 p.m. IH 0:00 p". in. 7:30 p.m. IH 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. S. -00 p.m. 0:30p.m. jM 0:00 p.m. 10:30 p.m. 10 :00 p.m. 11:30 p. m. Sunday last train loaves Salt Lako at jH ''Sujiday last train leaves Saltair at 10:00 IH Depot First South and Fourth V est jH ''FARE FOR ROUND TRIP. 25 GENTS. J. E. LANG FORD, Lvssov. |