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Show HORSE MM GAME NOT DEADJH IN Great Crowd Throng the Grandstand Grand-stand and Bleachers at Calder's. RACES WERE BETTER THAN WERE 'EXPECTED Contests JYere Such as to Cause Spectators to Become Enthusiastic That the horse racing gane Is atlll far ' from dead among the old-follo"wers of the sport was evidenced yesterday at Calder's Cald-er's park, when the old. grandstand and bleachers and the fonce along the noted racing course were taxed to their capacity ca-pacity with people out to see the ponies perform. The grandstand was a solid mass of humanity, as also the bleachers. The yell of tho poolkeeper, the clatter of the horses' hoofs, the cheering of the crowd, nud the various other things connected con-nected with horse racing were hoard again at the park, as In days gone by. The races themselves were even better bet-ter than had been expected, There were of course some slow, uninteresting events among the number, but the majority of them wore fast and of sufllclont merit to draw tho crowd on Its feet with enthusiasm. enthusi-asm. The country races, which made up a part of the programme, were all slow, but the professional races wore fast enough to more than make up for tho slowness of the others. Bait Lake Horses Appear. The first event was a mile match harness har-ness race between Sammy J. and Bl-zama, Bl-zama, both Salt Lake horses. Three hoats wore run for a sldo bet for tho best two In three evonis. Elznma was easily tho best horse of tho two. Sammy J. being afflicted with a bad habit of breaking. break-ing. Elzama took the first and third hoats, but lost the second one In a break about ten feet from the tape. The best time, made In the threo heats was In tho second, tho time for this being 2:48. JodrF., Phil B. and Thorhe,,.threo country coun-try horses, had a milo harness event which proved a great surprise. The surprise sur-prise was given by Phil B., who was about half tho size of the others and looked as though sho had no more life than an average mule. The surprise was that sho left tho rest of tho Held far in tho background in both of the heats which were run. The half-mile harness race between Laura Spurr and Mary Stoker concluded tho country part of the races. They went a mile In 2:55, Mary Stoker winning. The professional part of the races bo-gnu bo-gnu with a ono-fourth-mllo dash botween Mary E., ownod by Nov Evans; Mayflower, May-flower, owned by Alfred Chllds, and Little Lit-tle Dutch, owned by H. Jones, and it wbb as spirited a go as could be desired by any ono. The three horses dashed around neck and neck. Gradually, amid the chocrlng of tho crowd, Mary E. pulled nhoad. and wop iu twenty-five seconds, which Is but a half second more thau the present Stato record. Tho finish was great. A ono-hnlf-mlle. running race botween Weldon, owned by Richard Hartley, and Commodore, owned by Alfred Chllds, was also exceptionally fast an Interesting. Weldon won by a neck In tho fast timo of :63. Tho final event on the card and probably prob-ably tbo most Interesting go of all was the flve-elghths-mlle running raco botween bo-tween Little Phil, owned by Nev Evans, and Chappy, ownod by Alfred Chllds. Tho two horses woro very evenly matched aud put up an exceptionally fastexhibl-tlon. fastexhibl-tlon. Tho time was 1:05, as compared with the Stato rocord of 1:02. Considered Consid-ered as a whole the racos were vory successful suc-cessful and the most of the crowd went home satisfied. Eosults of Contests. Match harness race betwoon Sammy J. and Elzama: First heat Elzama first, Sammy J. second. Time, 2:55. Second heat Sammy J. firs). Time, 2:50. Final heat- Elzama first. Time, 2:50. Harness raco between Joe P., Phil B. and Thorne; First heat Phil B. first, Joe F. second.. Thorne third. Time, 2:52. Second heat Phil B. first, Joe F. second. Time, 2:51. One-fourth-mllo dash Mary E. first, Littlo Dutch second, Mayflower third. Time, :25. Harness race between Laura Spurr and Mary Stoker Mary Stokor first, Laura Spurr second. Time, 2:55. One-half-mlle running race Weldon first, Commodore second. Time, :63. Flvo-olghtbs-mllo running raco Time. 1:05. American Association. At St. Paul St. Paul 3, Columbus 2. At Kansas City Kansas City a, Toledo 2. At Minneapolis Minneapolis 5, lindinnnp-oliB lindinnnp-oliB G. At Milwaukee Firnt pamo' Milwaukee 11, Louisville 1. Socond game: Milwaukoc .1, Louisville 3. |