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Show IbeaiTestate. ?!' -k beautiful Md this k jllsl fcjge and airy, nml thr;- , Sn rods. It is - L the "f'r mu-t s, II at I UeJiVTIIE-'ITY. ? South between Uh K.- t st- ' " ,ort walk to town. ' -Elk all the way It aro only nsl.-- Bf foot fcetT Brlgham ' But. Prt.-H in. h Ir &ROPFR-T SON Jjti S-ith M.n.1' " ' 1 cret I'-a-.k dJaWn i a i; ' floi M(.Mi-si.rKi:r:P K TALKS HERE. K 01 on 1st st with old Eld rul i ;-) '" hands-n '-.-.-ooni modern ftotUg-. "it 1st -" front, fu of plumbing, shade Milt for a horn.- but owner nust -H I' ,,; I'iuty. Vtuac.k sai es f arl a "-P-m ctrlnly K brick hnm-B 'n h" " :! Crth. r. ' bench. Hardwood out; inc. nlr rooms, fine JEted laements. etc Those nf ' v.u ! that will surprise you. K to s"H .and Is at your B if you want .a snap In a K. & ro . -. w :-v:t sr- ttvlslor. In the rlty. rorner r j0;h r.i. tn 1 ' t Beets i" si ; u. - Lota K-nis to sull ou. Be e"r,; u vrnr.i to hir a building K BKOS.. C ' 2nl South. I hGte KdROOM HOl'SE, STA-ncer: STA-ncer: "ii . ii- I m. Bed liriek. fruit, so east, irlghain and Oih East; very BE. 3rd South h2526 KIN CHEAP'. 7-ROOM taodern. brick house, ec-. ec-. Inquire .XX) Last Sth h701 KB & LYNCH, m Loans. J10 Atlas Blk. hl2S7 FORTY -THREE ROUM5, Wner too old to att'.nd to hs full. Mu3t sell. Ad-iime Ad-iime h2M ffeDTs-Ri MOD. BR. fde I'rroot, rl Auerhaeh hW MA'L ESTATE INV. Co.. Kan brokers 251 Main al4c mt- kND rrJ-i PKK MONTH lot the choicest lot In the Wot City. Beautiful hmle, J good car service. Frltsch, Id South 6t. P'S FRL1T FAI'.M p. Mlll'S A-.Maho For i f m l d barn and .1 v.. II of ,o, ty-fhv aiivs 'ghl - ear-old : tn iv. he-all lr and In line fides other fruii d.lr.---We, No 130 Keith l.ldi; . , i ., hlWT iLER RI A I ESTATE. H agency F', . . i.r.i .mi. , 1 1 . n rtfea .!ai r I In nr. hamls K hllSl B, STONE AND BRICK g Bo. Inquire v, Ithln hHI i BONALLY have bar- Mtate Salt Lake Sounlv i Security and Trust bldg.. f h6S6 I OF NuN - RES 1 DENTS t Laku Security i Trust i"o. 6116 OWLER. NO. 02 MAIN ST. lOTS .lust j-: o . ii ti-.o I new EAST HEX' "li SUL-1th SUL-1th E. and Cth So Bts I Bo and Y'tr. E. av. . iUZO 0 Ets . JK). Pick, North bench. .and ?,rd E Pts . jiino t,:o L ASIITOX REAL ES-0l ES-0l News Bldir MOU t VACANT IUII.TTno city. Salt Lake Ir.ve-M-W. 2nd So Jfa B IN PARK Ti:nT7 ! ley. 0"' Mc.:,,rni.;k bids: ' L g2155 pTLER. NO 2 M aTnSt" suthea,t, ! w,.. ,n r tracts to suit purchas- !gi giw PlllTlS W. 2nd So miwv MING HOPSK3 un" Wulkci'B bank. t- U2113 rjifn ' " BEN. .11 .hl M ,!RIrK Ui T ' i- r" 1 iric la nck R,,xl KstalVr0 BP D- F Walker Block ; VJJY okIli" the fa, i th'.i Ten abMracts. Jh5t all errors In title. m of purrhare or sale Turner Ahstrae. r , " BP" undor Dttieret Bank 'fe?'" TPY MODERN dturt Jri,i25"' furnaco nd V, ,ar 'ornri. built ffi? at a sacrinco by the h2174 Kelther V-," r, each. 2nd So. Both 'phon. s pVSl , h24fi! ltliLaJlL rbob,'ns. eJm !-Lasified (ui- K? rea' estate nda than all Pfrn combined, and th0 Rd9 ny? Because The Tribune Vtr C'"B of buslneea'' Ogden Department. DKINK. IDAINHA NATURAL LITHIA WATER. "Mak'S ewrvthlng Good" F. J. Kle?e & Co , Ogden. P.leRer & Llndley, Salt Lake, Distributers HELP WANTED. A CARRIAGE PAINTER. MUST BE aober Apply to J. J. McKiiinon, 2202 W Kshlngton ave . Ogden. Utah. hMM FOR SALE REAL ESTATE CALL ON L'S. No matter what sort of property you art looking for. you will Hod t advantageous advanta-geous to consult us. 50 buyti 4-im. house and barn near 1st So. and 9th W 160 jvh. $1500 for a One, pressed brick. 1-tm cottage; cot-tage; beautiful lofr cellar, pantry, POrches; only $Uu down $3600. On the N. E. bench, near Pop, perton. Nov In course of construction. A splendidly built, modern home. Everything Every-thing up to date, from the hardwood floors to the slat roof. An exceptional bargain. R. L. Pjlchard, Mtrr R k pept Wilson-Sherman Co 52 w. 2d So t, i v hgaa LITTLE i LITTLE Lois near Brook ranch. Just east of 9th E.. bet 9th and 10th So. r, lots for $700 Th se are 60 per cent less than acreage prices 6- room home, with 3Viio. on cth So., r;eur 1th East, south front, $2000. it's cheap. 7- room, two-story mod. pressed hr . completely furnished 8H biks from new P. O., east side. $4000. I r om, now pressed br with large re-ptlon re-ptlon hall. It has all modern conveniences conve-niences Including boa! lurnaco and flni cemented basement; located on :r,i si price $3500. You can't equal it for a large lot ixit rods) near Brlgham and Til, East, with two double brick houses of . looms each, renting for $90 pei month You can buv It for I7CQ0; (2200 i ish, bal. G per cent: or will lake 4 or 5-room homo as part payment. Don't fall to investigate tl Is hh It would cost you 17000 to build the hOlUV s alone 6-1 oom mod pr. br., near 2nd E and Sth So 12600 Elegant '-room mod. pressed br., near 1st and B, 13500 4- roorn frame B lobe lined nearly new near Srd e and 10th Bo.: $1300: termi 5- room mod. pressed br. 3 biks. east of Main One loi atlon; $6600 20-acre farm near 1ehl. brick house, large Jbarn, 2000 choice fruit trees, 3000 dewberry plants that yield alone 1260 each year, grape. currant and raspberry bushes, fi acres in lucerne. shares water, wa-ter, elegant place and cheap at $i500 M-rootn brick house, with i", 2 1x10 ro,p r,n 1Mb E.j south of loth tiii., $3100. Pay $600 cash and $15 per mo . without Interest and the place is ours fi-room mod. pressed brick at 07-1 Oth st ! $2600 s-room pressed br., por. bath, toilet legator-.. , . I, -Inline ,i,,rSi jpj- mantel, i wo halls, loi 2V4x8, VV. 'J' mple near 6th Scuth; $3700. r;7 rods on 7th E . near 10th So.; $325. M'o have some good bargains and can make terms on nearly everything Little & Little, No. 4 W, 2nd So. h24Sl I Gyp tjnj3 Gfip Gjlp tjfi? Efip 5? There's a Differ- 5? ence in Teas ? Some arc strong and harsh tm and bad for the nerves . . J others are delicate tender, F fragrant and wholesome. , eI!i Such is c5 kfi? The Finest Product of jrp Japan's Fairest Tea rrj rib Gardens rj Ask for the package with the J T tea tree on it. .. I . J L Imported arid pirkel only by J L j ) M. J. BRANDENSTEIN & CO. j Jlj SAS PRANCISCO. J , tj3 Cji Lj Cl j3 tjl TEA Tf you want real ginger, buy Schilling's Best ; there's plenty of "ginger" something some-thing flavored with ginger. Wriic for our Knowiadga Hook. A Schilling c Com.ii), Juli lraa.i.o. . Xew Dish-Washer I Fels-Naptha with cold or warm I , water. Clean, comfortable, cool. Fela-Naptba Philadelphia y!A |