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Show A PILGRIM'S VOICE. i The Deseret News, which Is the organ of the oppressor, issued from the paJ-a. paJ-a. e Kales, de.-lalmeth with its trumpei voice such silly things concerning the 1 Scripture past, and the Scripture present pres-ent und the Scripture yet to be fulfilled, that U Is beeometh upon prophecy to correct this wickedness. Which is this same Deseret News blaspheming and proclaiming an antl-Chrlst while calling call-ing upon the people at once. And now be still, ye blatant horns. And listen, ye horns of zlff and copper. cop-per. And be still, ye swears of circulation lies. For once l-t the Leseret News and all Its horns of petty shoutings about the king's palace be silent while the voice of prophecy Is heard to tell wherein doth come the fall of the dy-nusty. dy-nusty. Joseph, thou dost reproach thy Maker, for thou dost oppress the poor Joseph, thou d03t Increase thy riches, by this same means that thou dost oppress op-press the poor. Thou dost love to oppress, and to hold the balance of deceit In thy hand, lor thou hast become a merchant, and all things ore as gain upon thy side of the balance. Thou hast violently taken riches by forcing thy Judges to decide In thy favor. The houses which thou didst not build and the riches which thou didst not gather thou hast by thine oppression oppres-sion taken unto thyself; and thou art a sinner to God because thou hast sinned against God's poor. Thou shalt feel no quietness In thy belly in all the days to como and thy nights shall be nights of grief and sorrow, sor-row, and thou shalt call thy wives about thee, and thy many children, and thou shall say I am oppressed of a dream! Arid In the dream there came Just one man and he wandered through the kingdom, and at first his voice was va Ic But even through the palace walls I could hear the cry. and It said. "Joseph, Joseph, Accursed one! Arise and cast thy riches from thee, and be a follower of the meek and lowly one." And I did hide me In my chamber and did call the guards to make great il.anur f their horns that I should not hear. And yet the voice did come, and It did swell as the voice of a multitude mul-titude ' Joseph, Joseph. Accursed one! Arise and cast thy riches from thee and be a follower of the meek and lowly one." It was as if the thousands of people of the city had Joined to the one man. And again I dreamed and all the soldiers sol-diers were making great sounds with their sword and spear And yet I heard the one man's cry as if it were the shouting of a nation And then I awoke and it was broad day. and looking from the palace windows win-dows I saw one pilgrim walking through the forest road; and on his back he bore a tiny burden And yet I feared that In that burden was the title deeds to all my kingdom and estate, and I would have sent after him, but that the ladles, my wives and the others of my court, laughing as" I spoke, said "What can harm the great King: Him with the many Wives and fighting men and many phlldren!" |