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Show ..Society,. Bishop Franklin s Bpaldlng win give a reception on Thursday evening at his heme on East First South street, In honor of tiio visiting clergy and the congregations con-gregations of St. Paul's and St. Mark s churches. A number of the out-of-town guests who v. . re present at the Buckingham-Kemper wedding last week formed a lake party Saturday evening. The Plan r Harris home on Saturday afternoon af-ternoon pri si nti-d -i true picture ,,f Japan Miss Margaret Harris entertained twenty-five of hor friends at cards. Lantern's were strung about the rooms aiuI fern and umbrellas helped to carry out the effect Tail vases of cherry blossom? were used in profusion. The tally and score-cards were of wire paper, hand painted. Prizes were won by Miss Mar-Jorle Mar-Jorle Palmer and Miss Dot Partridge, see Wlnslnw and Mek Smith have returned after an absence of three years In Europe Eu-rope The young mer. visited Italy. Switzerland, France and Great Britain, and speak in glowing terms of their tra-els. tra-els. Dean and Mrs Eddie have as their guests this week Archdeacon and Mrs Emery of San Francisco s 1 s Mr. and 'Mrs. George Y. Wallace and Bishop Bpaldlng are entertaining members mem-bers of the missionary confeter.ee Their guests are Bishop Nichols of California and Bishop Morlan of Sacramento. Mrs Dietrich of Pocatello, who has been visiting her brother. Dr. A. C Behle. for the past week, returned to her home last nlcht. see Mrs George Sutherland has discontinued her Wednesdays at home on account of Illness. Mrs Pierce came down from Butte on Sundav and left for Los Angeles last nlrht. Mrs. Ellen Wells left Friday for Liverpool. Liver-pool. e s Mr and Mrs. W. B. LaVlelle left for Los Angeles last night Elshop and Mis. George Romney leave for Portland '.oday. After visiting there some weeks they will make the trip via the ocean to San Francisco, and In a month s time will return to Salt Lake t Mr and Mrs Walter B. Wllklns left for Omaha on Sunday evening, having been guests at the Buckingham home during dur-ing the iast week. e G. E. Hoffman has gone to Idaho on an engineering trip. Mrs Kenneth Kerr and children left last night for Terminal Island. California, to pass the summer at the Keith cottage. Miss Pauline Schettlcr left for Los Angeles An-geles last night Mrs C S. Richardson leaves today for Boston on a two-months" visit to her grandparents. Mrs James C. Leary left for Kansas City last night. She will attend the graduation grad-uation exercises f Platte Institute, at Platte Cltv. Neb., from which her daughter. daugh-ter. Miss Lorecn Leary. will be graduated grad-uated soon Miss Bamett and Miss Janle Barnett entertain at cards on Wednesday evening even-ing in honor of Miss Baer of Denver and Miss Jonas of Oakland, Cal Dr. W. H. Hanchett returned from Los Angeles last evening. Mrs J. B. C'osgrlff entertains at a luncheon today She will be the hostc&s of a similar affair tomorrow. Miss Jonas of Oakland, Cal.. Is the guest of Miss Martha Walters Mr6 Schuyler Snyder entertains at cords this afternoon at the Miller flats. Mr and Mrs. Joseph H Hurd. Mrs William Hurd and Miss Sadie Hurd are comfortably local, d at the Benton apartments. apart-ments. San Francisco. O. Altree. -T.1M, South Main street, announces an-nounces the engagement of his son, Alfred, Al-fred, tp Miss May Ross of Kaysvllle. |