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Show Tuiiie in Wheal Prices in Salt Lake Market Quotes Cereal at 90 to 93 Cents Ter Bushel Oats Also Lower. "Whether it has any connection wttn tho attempt of th Chicago stock brokers to corner wheat or not. tho fact I?- that whnt Is now lower, a very noticeable fall h.i5itu' taken place on tho market Tricog ran up to $1.05 last week, but the highest they reached yonteroy was 86 cents From K) to 03 are tho prices. Oats ;il?o are cheaper Ttollod ontu nr? selling nt SJ 7.'.. and oats nt 11.60 Another drop eoncorns rye Which la now 62.60, A mimbor of changes nee to be four.d among the fruit and vegetables. Pieplant Is much cheaper, being 2!j cents a pound, and strawberries have rkiic down to 13 cents, Oyster plant has dropped from 5 to 8 cent.", and Utah asparasrua from 20 to 10 cent? 1'tah radish- - arc nw lakitiK the place f those front California, and soli at the moderate price of ;j cents per bunch. Onlv ono change In meat has occurred oc-curred The price for dressed hogo 18 now 74 instead of 7 cents, wholesale. Retail Quotations Meat Prlmo ribs. 174c: DOrtsrtlOUSS, ltf 22''jc; Krk, 174c; mutton chops. 10fil5c; legs. 15c. lomb, 154J20C per pound; veal. 16O20c; veal l"Af. :c; spring lamb. 61.25171.50 per quarter Poultry Pressed hen. .k:. broilers, 2c, fresh turkeys. 274c ducks. 20c; roast springs. 22c Frultn Lemons, per dozen, 2ag25c: oranges, per dozen. 20ff50c; bananas, per dozen. 154250; grape fruit, per dozen. S1-'-'1' I-5"t; j-leplant. 24e per pound; pineapples. 35c apiece; California strawberries, 15c per bvx California cherries, 'i-ci.'VV pound. getabe-i Cter plant. 3c a bunch; parsnips. pars-nips. 20c a peck, potatoes, per peck. 15c; new potatnes incise a pound green onions. 3c; asparagus, as-paragus, I tah l'V a pound; carrots 20c a peck , lettuce. SljflOc; spinach. 5c u pound: GsJlfornlB French artlchok.-c-. HHjl.V: each, green peas. 2c per pound; green beans, 20c per pound. I tah radlthes. 5c a bunch, cucumhers. 20c eacn : Tlah hothous" parsley, 5c a bunch California n-'- cabbage, per pound. 5c; I'tah radlsht B, flvo bunches for 10c. fresh tomato, s. per pound, 30c; mushrooms. 20ijj2jC per pound. Dairy Products Rutter prr pouna, 3fc; cheese. 20c; eggs, per dozen. 20c. fancy cheese per pound. 86c; comb honey, per comb 16c; strained honey, per pound, 15c: Swiss chee-ie, per pound, 40c; llmburger cheese, per pound, 60c, cream brick ctaees", 25c. Edam cheese, 11 25 each. Fish Salmon. 174c. halibut. 13c; striped bass. 224c; ccdflh 15c; perch. 124c; wblti-llBh. 20c; lobsters. 174c sturgeon, 15c. select oy-ters, oy-ters, 600 a quart . eat f.nh. 15c per pound, shad, 12415c per pound, herring. 15c per pound, klpperc'i salmon, 20o per pound; cmoked sal-in, sal-in, n. p-rr pound smoked halibut cubes, 20c per ;ound, klngllsh. two pounds for 2riC. t.nr-rscuda. t.nr-rscuda. 15c pir pound, yellowta'l, 80s per pound. Wholesale Quotations. Hay. Grain and Straw Out straw per bale. 30c: alfalfa, 110.00; timothy, per ton, baled. 113. 501t 14.00; wheat, per bushel, 90la9hc; corn, per CWL, 11.35. corn, cracked 11 40 oats. 81.00, rolled oals, $1.75 barley, rolled, 11.351 1.4i, flour, bakers" No I. 12 30. flour, straight gra.le, 12.401 flour, high patent. 12 501? 2. 60, rye. 12.60; grnbnin Hour. J2 MK2,70; cornmeal, $1. 70'j 2.0O; bran, 11.00; bran and shorts, II 10. Meats Pressed beef, per pound. 54Q64c; dressed veal, per pound. Sc; lr. .'-d lamb. 9c. dressed hogs, 74c- live. II 6 per cwt. ; pork loins, 11c per pound, mutton. 7?i8c. mincemeat. mince-meat. R419o. spring lambs, earh $3 25. Poultry Drensed hens, 17c; frozen broilers. 21c. turkeys, frozen. 22'ic. fresh, 23c, roasters, lo FruMs Santa Taula lemons, per box. $3 50; tnnar.as. per bunch, 11 7,1j3.50; dates. per (ound, 7c. oranges. I250fi3.75 per box. pineapples. pine-apples. 14.00 ter dozen, grape fruit, $4 00 per box; limes, 12.00 a hundred; strawberries, $1.76; California cherries. $1.50 per box. Vegetal, k-s allfornui. head lettuce, 4c per dozen, parsnip. $1.00 cw! ; yellow onions. 3c pound; vegetable, marrow. 6c dozen; California Cali-fornia cabbage, per cwL, $2..'0; potatoes, per cwt , 6fc; turnips, beets and carrots, per cwt.. 51 .". preen onions, per dozen. 20c; Utah lettuce, let-tuce, 25c; cauliflower, per pound lOTj iu ; pea?. PV per pound; cucumbers, $1 7."., Florida tomatoes, toma-toes, per cral'-. $C 50. Mississippi tomatoes. 16 00 per box. Dalr Products Eutter. per pound, 2"c. cheese, per p-und. 12c; eggs, per case, 14.75; comb honey per crate. 12.75 Sweitzer cheene, per ound.' ISc; llmburger cheese, per pound, 17c. cream brick cheese, per pound. ISc; Kdam cheese per dozvn. 112.00. Fish Salm.jn, 13lfl5c; Clilmok balmon, 14c; halibut. 11c; striped boss, per pound, 17c; solos, per poaind, 11c; flounders, per pound 11c; California Cali-fornia smells, per pound, 13c. catflsh, ISc pi-rch per pound, 10c; lobsters, per pound, 15c; OySten, New York counts. 11 CO per 00; selects. 12.25 per gallon; codfish. 6tr9c; whlteflsh. 15c; Eastern codflph. ire per pound, kippered salmon, sal-mon, 15c per pound, smoked halibut, 15o per Iound; smoked halibut cubes, 15c per pound, shad, 12c per pound, pike, 20c per pound, crabs, $2.60 a dozen Stock Market Letters. JamCS A. Pollock A Co, stock and groin brokers. 6 Wert Second South street, make puMln tho following lvtlera on the stock market: mar-ket: Dick Rros., New Tork, say: "Stocks were heavily sold again during the first hour this morning and for a time were decidedly weak. rally starte.i before noon and It went on through tho afternoon. Thero was no news during the da and encouragement was derived de-rived from tho failure of expected bad newj to materialize Market should continue to rally tomorrow " T. A Mclntyre Co New York, say: "There was greet Irregularity and uncertainty nt th- . 1 1 1 1 1 vc and thin continued through"iit tho llrsl hour vlth the geneial list breaking one to two points from Saturday's closing. The rally was helpad by tho most Oggrasslva "i ratOTI on tho short side covering freely and ijeubllng up for a turn on the long side Ws v i, old not bs surprised to boo the rally go I what further, but think 11 will bo some lime ! for., confidence will be sufficiently restored re-stored to cause a bull movement " Mutton, New York, says' 'The feoturo of today's market was th.i celling pressurn of I nlofl Pacific and the various pools being te-ii, te-ii, o. l I'M f.icior uncovered u big short In-tsn In-tsn M which was compelled to cover at In- t.rain and caused an extreme rally of three to live ilni through the active list. Slocks w . i . wi ll bought on the decline Ratuclny and earlf today, which absorbed all the offerings and placed the market In a healthy and strong position for good advances Tim Starch ' tat. mont for Union Pacific won ;v flattering ix-hlbltlon ix-hlbltlon ond Were It not for recent violent n stipulation of this seou'rlty wc sh.,uid strong- y advlSO Hit purchase us it Is enrnlmj ricur-ii. ricur-ii. p. i cent without any return from th South-rin South-rin Pacific hOldlhgl For tbOSS who will buy II ami put It away large profits should bV reaped, w look for a further recovery in prices." Logan . Hryan. New York sav "Market closed sharply higher. The opening shows i ii. is about unr hang.. 1 from which a little advance was scored . market steady, easing off undOl pr. ilit -taking sillies The fact that all the dreadful things that WOTS promised for this morning did not in any way materialise gSVS strength to the situation and forced ui-gent ui-gent short covering. The market has had a great big break, and with the clearing Of tho financial atmospbsre some further speculative rally may bo looked for." Ginin and Provisions CHICAGO, Mai I Excellent demand for . n ri lin at outside martlets Imparted strength to v.hcat today At the Close May was up 2''ei . Jul- was up c JuTj corn showed a gain of c ana oats were up 14c. Provisions arc orr f in.- Bentlnaent in tho wheat pit was bullish bull-ish from tho start At the opening Jul- as unchanged to '..e hlxTher at s2',i 82C. May was Unchanged tO 4c lower at S(7Wt"4c. Comparative firmness m Liverpool, notwithstanding weakness hfio Saturday, was one reason fur Unimproved Un-improved tone. Another factor was a r'i.( rease Of 1.4tV4.000 bushels lii the amount of brrudsluffs on passage. r Shorts we'e moderate bidders for both Mai and July, but offerings were vefj iir.bt. Later, as n result of predictions . i , inner weather, Urn July option eased 'il l.-mp'il arllv , t lie prlri d. i linipc p, 82i There v.-ils a quirk recovery, however, from ihe slight setback, the strength of May being the rallying force It idlng nt p.) time was of large volume disquieting rumors regarding thu slock riaiket having- n t' r-.donrj to check speculation spec-ulation In the jjraiii p(8 A redaction of l.sss.noo bushels in tho lslblo supply of wheat had a ptrciiKtn-rnlriK ptrciiKtn-rnlriK -.-t p.ut the fa i tor most largo- i responsible for th.- late strength was the sharp advance in the price of cash wheat. rVdvices frrni Minneapolis and Kansas 'it reported active demand at lnghcr pre ii is for wheat for milling: pur-peses. pur-peses. In sympathy with strenRth in these mark'-ta. the Mny option hero ad-rint-id to ';, while July .sold up to S3'..-c. Tho miirkrt dosed strong, with prlcea almost at tho highest point of th ,1 . llnnl ijuoiatlons being at BSHt on Jul-. May closed at iOH. Total deliveries to-da to-da on May contracts were estimated at about 5OV00 hushois. Clearances of wheal and flour were equal t. 18,000 bushels. Primary receipla were 74,000 bushels, compared with 2-H.OOO bushels a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re-ported receipts of c.v cars; against 394 last week ml 102 cars 0 je.ir ago Scntlmont in Ihe corn pit m.is drrblrdU bullish July opened al '.' lower to '.e higher nt IG'g45c, sold up to 4hKr and dosed at 46c Local recolpta were cars, with one contract. The oats market w.-is weak at the outset, out-set, but Koon became firm. July opened t,nchanKci to tt,r lower at SRH'QWtfiC, s-dii up to a4i4028fcC and closed at 2Sc. Local rerelptn were 72 cars Prof It-ta.klnfr In pork weakened th entire en-tire provisions market, notwithstanding l.lcrber prices for live hogs. At the i I.,--, July pork was off Tc at SlS.vTJa, lard wai down 2c. ribs wore 7' 10c lower at $7-i45. rtANGE OF THE LEADING FUTURES. Articles Open. High Low Close, Wh'nt. No. Mny 87i 90 ST 6K July B.'J 634 R2 WJ4 September 78' 795 "sH r' Corn. No ; May 47 4JN 47 July 4ST 4S S 4 September 4l, 46V 45 MUj Oats. No. 2 May July 2V, 2S?(, MS September 27H M M M:i I'ork May ii cs U.6T4 li 73 ll 75 Jul.- .... ,. l: 17'i i:.174 12.074 12.07'j Trd May 7 05 7.074 " 4 7.05 July 7 25 7 f74 ' 2-74 " 224 September 7 40 7 4:"- 7 .774 t.gJH Short Ribs-May Ribs-May fi.Rj 6 S d S24 .0 July 7.15 7.174 7 124 7.15 September . 7.374 7 74 7 324 7 3i rv?n QUOTATIONS Cnh tjuotatlonp wero 03 follows: Flour, easv; No 2 spring wheat, WS93c; No. 3. 84 -693c. No 2 red. 87i391c. No 2 corn, 4Sc: No. 2 yellow. 19c; No. 2 oats. 24c: (fo 2 Wblte, -''-'Sc: No. 2 rye. 70c; good feeding barley, 3-i640c: fair to cholco malting. 4415 47c: No. l flax seed. $i 25; No. 1 Northwestern, fl 40; mess pork, per borTsl. Ill tM-ljl 1.80; lard, per 10-1 pound?. $7 02tj-fi7 OS; short ribs sides (loose). I6.67tye07.00; short clear sides Iboxerl), 16.7606.87; whisky, basis of high wines, 1123, clover, contract grade. $13.00. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Articles. Receipts. Shlpts Flour, barrels lfi.frV) 17.-0 Wheat, buehels W.0el TI. 700 Corn, bushels 09. sort 666,000 OatS, bushels 116.000 79.900 Rye. huwhels . 3, ono Barley, .bushels 24.200 11. m PRODUCE BXCHANOB, n the pr.vluce exchange trviay the butter market w.i eas . creamer?-, :0'a.'4, dalr.-. IR 'u22c. ejrKs. steady, at mark, cases Included H': . l'r firsts, 16 . prlmo flrjts. 17c; extras, IS'ic cheese. 14c. Coast Grain. SAN FRANCISCO, Mny 1 -Wheat-Enler . May. II 43 bid. Il 44 nske.l. December. II 29S Barley Easy. December. KT'sc New York Sugar Market. NEW VRK May 1 "agar Raw. nominal fair refining, 3 15-16c eontrlfugnl 9S-tevt 4 9-lCc; molasses sugar, 3 ll-16c. Refined, dull Visible Supply of Grain NEW YORK Msy 1 Th" vlslhle supply of grain Saturday, April 19, as compiled by the Ni v. fork produes exchange, is a.s follows: Wheat. :-s.5,0i bushels; decrease. 1,661,000 bushels. Corn, 9.971.000 bushels; decrease. 121.000 buihels. OatH. ll..OfiO bushels; decrease. 814. o-o buslu Is, Rye. 1.116,000 bushels, decrease. 7iC09 bushels. Barley, 1,19. 000 bushels; decrease, fj.tvo bushels. Dried Fruit Market. NEW Y11RK. May 1 The market for evaporated evap-orated apple continues o,ulet. with most fruit held around outside figures. Common to near-by prime, 44jf5,ie, prime, 6 30fio.40c , ; choice, 66V;c; fancy, 7c. Prunes, oulet, with prices still ranging from 2c tr. G4c. according to grade. Apricots are receiving llttlo attention for tho time being, with cholco quoted at loftlO'-jc; Taclflc choice. Ho; fancy, l.'u i mpeaches m-peaches aro In limited demand hut steady wlth choice quotel at lO-glOSc. extru choice. Pj4i810-c. fancy 114'nlJc Raisins arc a llttlo llrmer In tone, owing to speculative demand Ioose muscatels are quoted nt IS'afl'.e; seeded raisins, J'tftbo-London J'tftbo-London layers, 61.0S4J1.2O. New 5Tork Metals NEW YORK, May 1 There wns s sharp bren4 In tho London tin market, which closed at (137 6s for spot and 133 for futures. Locally, Lo-cally, the market was rather unsettled and rul.-d easier In sympathy with tho break ubroud closing at t66.l6O68.60. Copper also was lower abroad, closing at (C 2s 6d for spot and (65 is for futures In tho London market. Locally. th market seeiBS quits kinsettled It Is underst.xsl leading pio dlicers are still asking $U. IT. for Iak. und electrolytic, but It Is als . reported that the prices can bo shaded, ond there aro rumors of business under I6i lake Is more or less nominal at 61G.0O& 15.25 electrolytic. I15ii(( 615.15: costing. I14.45ijl5ao. Lead Is unchanged at II "lO-fj 4 60, locally, and ut tli lis 3d abroad ; Spelter Is quiet nt $5 SO, locall-, and decllnoil to (23 17s 6d In London. Iron closed at Ws Id In Glasgow and at ICS- In Mlddlesboro Locally, the market was qulot 11 nd unchanged. N- 1 foundry Northern Is quoted at 617.60016.00; No. ; foundry Northern. North-ern. IlC7tvl7.'vi No 1 foundry Southern end No 1 foundry Southern SO ft 117.660 W 75. No. 2 foundry Southern. 116 751; 17.25. St Louis Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. May I Wool "Strong and higher high-er . medium grades, combing and clothing 1 'Jic. light line. 2)fi2!c; heavy line, 15419c: tub-washed. tub-washed. 31'j39'e |