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Show v SPARKS FROM THE WIRE SAN FRANCISCO. OSDt. I.orcns Foanl, a well-known mooter mariner of this coast, is dead He waa born in Denmark In P39. SHERIDAN', Wjo- Curl Knowleton, a miner, was kille-1 In the Tolerio mine, ncm Miun'Jon. Partleulura are lacking. GREAT FALLS Mont. The record price for wool In the history of thi stm; nraa reached Baturday when a Philadelphia firm bought 350.000 pounds In LeWlstOWn for 25 cents per pound. HELENA, Mont During the month of April $170,417 IS In guld from the mines of Montana wft.s received ot tto I'nlted States offoy ofTIco In this city, according to A-arer A-arer H H. Tatem (it this amount 1101. 1S3 came from Fergus county alone About 110,000 was received from Idaho, Washington. Nevada and British Columbia. i 'HEYENNK, Wyn.-Tho Carpenters union has ordered u strike on all work here, the contractors con-tractors having refused ao Increase ln wages from 45 cents to 50 c nt an hour. Hulldlng has come to a standstill. nELLIVGHAM. Wash Heirs have been found to the estate ot Frederick L. Dames, the butcher, who waji brutally murdered ln this city April 11. They arv his mother, 8.1 years of age. who is paralysed oni totally blind, und his sister, Mrs. Frederlka Wellhaum.-n, both living at Milwaukee. Wis Ph.- property left by Dames U worth ubout I0 000. No trace of his murderers has been found. ALBANY, N V The Nicholas Copper company com-pany Of Laurel Mill, yueens county, was ln-COrporated ln-COrporated here today w ith u eaoltal of u, - ooo, ooo, to manufacture electrolytic copper, sulphate sul-phate of Cepper und like products. The directors direc-tors of record are all of New York. LANCASTER, Pa The annual session of the National lCur Leaf Toba-a association bgun here todaj Special attention Is being devoted to the society's efforts to prevent a lowering of the duty on tobacco from tho Philippines. BOSTON. A movement to merge the companies com-panies engaged In the manufacture of street rullwny cars of the entire country Is In pi egress. eg-ress. Options have been secured by the promoters pro-moters upon the pro pert) of leading companies compa-nies In various puts of the Country. It ll piunnej to hav.- one corporation with u eapi tul of about I50.uo0.oo0. HELENA, Mont Gov s. P. EH rod, om-niiswioner om-niiswioner of Public Works c j Bach and State Auditor .1 F Halltiduy of S..ulh Dakota are hero from Plena and will de.,((- two dayi to looking over the Montana cai-llol with a view of bulldlric a new State houne along Its lines. ni'TTE, jjqui j0hn Poweis single, a miner, uged was accidentally killed In the Mountain t.'oh mine here lolaj BERLIN. The coslle of Lyehtenwald. belonging be-longing to Count IJItzthum VOH Elchstadt, situated sit-uated near Chemnlts, has been destroyed by Hre with mony valuable pictures and mem orluls of the past. Involving a lofs of several million marks. The castla was built three and one-half centuries ago bv Kulchl Hermann von Hurras and was rebuilt In tin ea:lv py.c of the eighteenth century MILWAUKEE A reward of $1000 b.is b. en offered for tlv- um-M of llenrv . Go, r..no.i HKlhtarit .a:-lie . ,( tb. l")r-l Nutluiiul bank ..( this city Qoll disappeared on the day the defalcation de-falcation Of 1'ia.llk I. Itlk'e.iw b. e.ir,!.. .-I,,,..., st. LOUI8, Announcement vvas made niav that Stephen Connell, who ho been attai hed (... the I'nlted StUteS M-IT.'I :-.-Vpe .llpUltmelK In St. lxuls for the past year, has b en appointed ap-pointed an bend of the secret servlci department depart-ment at tho Lewis und Clark exposition at Portland. Or. Mr Connell will leave May 11 for Portland to take chargo of the work. BELLINGHAM. Wash. Tho remains of Peter Soibrrg. the elghteen-year-old boy mis- lr.g from home two Weeks, were found In the wooijs near lyoke WlUUcom to-inv with bis head blown off from u uon dlsihaige It Is en evident caso of sulcM Although no motive Is known |