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Show school Bey is COUNTING Slimmer Vacalion is Drawing Near, Rouies to Old Sw.mnung Holes Are Called Back to Mind. Teachers, Too, Are Dcing a Little Day Dreaming for School Year Nears Fnd. From now on the Salt Lake schoolboy counts days. It will, bo all over June and already the younger generation Is beginning to lay plans for days of dell-clous dell-clous Idleness This Is true from the smlor classes In the high schools right on down to the beginning of the primaries. And. tot that inatt-r, ih teachers are doing a little day dreaming. Vacation Days Near School clorcs June 2 Ibis year. lnsl year the glad event came Mav 27. Nine full months of work on the pari Of pupils and teachers will have been completed When next month Is two days old. When you get right down to .real facts there are only aboilt thn e weeks more r.f real gilnd For then come examinations and closing exercises and commencement, and meantime preparation for the end helps make the days a Utile more exciting than they have been. Take it all In all. May piobably Is the happiest month In the Salt Lake youngster's calendar, .for anticipation an-ticipation Is mingled with delicious beginnings be-ginnings of realization. Nine Months of School. In the way of a school year, nine months is looker! as the proper thing pretty much all over America, nowadays. As a rule, terms begin In Bept'i mber, and all over the country the school years wind up at about the same lime Tills, of course, applies to the cities, in the country, coun-try, most of the children will be free In a week or so. In the smaller towns of the State school's last term ends a little earlier, as a rule, than In ZlOIL Ten Months on Coast Out on the Pacific coast some of the Cities have a ten-months' school year. That brings them up toward July before the end comes. This is also true back East. In places But, take It as a rule, educators think more cm be done In nine than In ten months' work The last few weeks get to be I drag and tin- knowledge knowl-edge that they are coming inukes things go slow with every one. As a whole, progressive pro-gressive cities, have nine-month stretches. Lcok Forward to End And so they're all beginning to look forward for-ward to the end. The boys have called back to mind the routes to old swimming holes. With the girls there aren't so many plans being made Olrls lake It all as a matter of course. But the male sex has to be ilolng things. Bos of 14 end 16 are beginning to louk around for summer jobs, which most of them will quit before vacation is two months old. With all of them change will be wo- ome. |