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Show GOLD FIELD GREAT BEND. Reorganization of Company With Colorado Interests at Helm The reorganization of the Goldfleld Great Bend Mining company, with properties prop-erties favorablr located in Nevada's great camp of gold, which took place In tl Is city yesterday, Indicates qultej conclusively con-clusively that the control of that undertaking under-taking has passed into the hands of Colorado Colo-rado swings mining men and Investors in the reorganisation Clarence Ddsall is made c,--, resident of the company, with Frank E Gillespie it treasurer and Fred L. Bherwln of the same city a member of the board of directors To provide for these new official.-, resignations wero submitted during the daj by Messrs Frank H Cook. John A. Klrby and William Wil-liam M Bradley who have been with the proposition since its original organization organ-ization The transaction h which these Interests ir.- admitted to the family circle cir-cle affords, said Mr Cook, ample means with which to carry out all the coin-pun) coin-pun) s plans, and BnOUld result In his Opinion it m iarlv day In tho disclosure of wealth 'or which the- company has been seeking It Is understood that Vivian P Strange lm,er whosi supervision the v.ork thus far ha progressed, will return re-turn to this city to give local Interests bis personal attention, his successor to b - deslcn.it d b the officials at Colorado Springs. Of course. S. A. Whitney retains re-tains his position as secretary of the company and will continue to dire, t tin affairs at the general offic es in this city |