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Show You should not feel tired oil the time healthy people don't you won't If you take Hood's Sarsaparllla for a while. Rummage sale at Unity hall. 140 So 2nd E. Bt.. Saturday, May 20th Doors open at 10 a. m. Marnane & Co., Hay, Grain, and Coal. 125 E. 2nd So 'Fonts 1935. Salt Lake Photo Supply Co. Exclusive dealers; developing, finishing. Birton Coal & Lumber Co. Coal, lumber, cement. Telephone 808. Battalion of cadets at Saltalr, May 19. PORTLAND EXCURSIONS Via Oregon Short Line. Salt Lake to Portland and return (direct) .. W.60 Salt Lake t Portland and return (one way, via San Frunclsto) .. 42.60 Salt Lake to Portland and return (one way. via Los Angeles) 50. SO Tickets to Portland und return, direct, di-rect, on Bale dally from .May 24tb to September 30. Inclusive. Tickets reading one way. Via San Franclaco or Los Angeles, on sale May 24th. With. 26th. 30th and Ist. and June 1st. 2nd, Srd ami Tth All tickets good for stopovers and limited to 90 days from date of sale. Additional selling dates for tickets via San Francisco or Los Ang.-les quoted later. City Ticket Office, 201 Main Street. EXCURSIONS EAST Via Oregon Short Line. Salt Lake to Chicago and return $44 iiO Salt Lake to St. Louis and return re-turn 39.50 Salt Lake to St. Paul or Minneapolis Minne-apolis and return 41 90 Salt Lake to Umaha or Kansas City and return 32.00 Salt Lake to Denver and return. 20 00 Correspondingly low rates to many other points. Tickets on sale May 27th and 29th and June 3rd, f.th, 10th and 12th. good for return until September 15th. See agents for further partlrulars City Ticket Office. 201 Main Street. DANCING EXCURSION To American Fork, May 22. Special train via D. & R. G. leaver Salt Lakp 7:30 p. m.. returning leaves Am Fork 12 30 a. m. Finest spring 'floor pavilion In the State. Everybody Invited Under the auspices of U of U. Orchestra for the benefit of the "Gym ' Fare $1 00 round trip. I v I Don't forget that the Mut. Prov. Fed. Is ready for business at No. 3 3d East. CALIFORNIA EXCURSIONS VIA SOUTHERN PACIFIC. May 24, 25, 26. 30, 31; June 1, 2, 3, 7. San Francisco and return, one way, through Portland $42 50 Los Angeles and return, one way through Portland , .....60.60 San Francisco and return direct, as follows: May 20. 31; June 1. 2 3l.f,o May 21. 25, 26; June 3. 7 41.00 Los Angeles and return, direct or diverse route 41 00 90-day limit Stop-overs. For other particulars and later selling dates, call on or address, D. R. GRAY. Gen'l Agent. 201 Main St.. 8alt Lake. Don't forget that the Mutual Prov Fed, w 111 furnish delicacies of all kinds. Cadets at Saltalr, Friday, May 10, 8 p. m. Dr. Hanchett. ofQce lemovea to 401 I McCornlck block. j Rummage sale at Congregational church. Fifth South and Seventh East, Saturday, May 80. EXCURSIONS EAST Via Oregon Short Line. Salt Lake to Chicago and return $44.50 Salt Lake to St. Louis and return re-turn 39.50 Salt Lake to St. Paul or Minneapolis Minne-apolis and return 41 90 Salt Lake to Omaha or Kansas City and return 32.00 Salt. Lake to Denver and return.. 20.00 Correspondingly low rates to many other points. Tickets on sale May 27th and 29th and June 3rd, 5th, 10th and 12th, good for return until September 15th. See agents for further particulars. City Ticket Office, 201 Main Street AMERICAN FORK AND RETURN $1.00. Via D. & R. G., May 22. Dancing excursion under the auspices nf I. of I. Orchestra, for the benefit of the "Gym." Leave Salt Lake 7:30 p. m. Everybody invited. Why Stiff" '"l fellef 'dS nessee. t- thtU om Tim relive the Pft 3 f leading drU5 |