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Show SCANDINAVIANS MEE1-. Norway's Independence Day Is Celebrated Cele-brated in Logan. Srerta.1 lo The Tribune. LOGAN". Utah, May 18 Norway's Independence Inde-pendence day was observed here last night by all the Scandinavians, the meeting- being held at Thatcher's pavilion. Elalorule ar-rangemnnto ar-rangemnnto had been made for the occasion. Including a programme of speeches nnd music, nn Informal banquet and the regulation dance with which wo end all thine In l'tah Apostle Apos-tle Reed fimoot was scheduled to be present nnd was down for an address on 'Norwegians 'Norwe-gians In America. ' but, falling to appear, the address was given by Prof. John A Wldt-soe, Wldt-soe, who filled the hill with credit to himself him-self and to the satisfaction of the auditors The reallng by Mrs . A nrtlen was excellently ex-cellently done. nurprlMng nearly every one. it not being known that she was familiar With the Norsk tongue to the extent of being able to do the trick lo perfection, as she did. A congregational meeting was held at the Presbyterian church last night, reports from the various detriments being given and three elders being elected for a period of three years. The gentlemen chosen wero Iejutc N" Smith. Ephrulm P Sholton nnd John Lament Msssra Smith and Shelton have served In the session the past three years with credit and were unanimously rs elected, Report has reached Logon that considerable damage was done by the storm at 'e P the town apparently having been flooded. wre broken down and threes overturned, the damage dam-age to vegetation being serious. |