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Show AMUSEMENTS sait IAKK THBATKB. Mat Ooodwln In Tli,. ' i -uri.er." .i cuHynv hnlranm In fur act, by I N MorrU. The audience lauKh The ull'nce laughs fr.,,i.en.ly. It laugh, heartily. Therefore Mr. Ooodwin'i latent plsy i ""SSS ,r, i t object in life l preaent. a we onderatand 1 U Is to make audience Inugh. He has at times in RjS Htage career trh.-d 10 B hi. audience, .-Non then would lnll -n thinking at he SS J-X'",.11 V, wa, the to him It WSSn'J appreciative. It TJSS ' UM penalty for having m.hi the peopM. l great success, to regard him a a comical cue l-hl ur.jus. p.iialtj was visited upon hi in ..nco lo-.l bight For h. had a K-rloun wt"-? a very Kerlous one, you mmt admit, as at HIS time iio uj snifferlng the pain of f.arlnit tnal the girl he lovea In this play would l.rc.iiie th bride Of another SOW, Mr QOOdWill wan propsrly giving expression to his unhnppinewi and yd that audience, or a t -t r U,n'' It laughed All plaMng Is pretending r.ut It wan app.ireiuiv ini wiui ui 1 TCi m . wax pretending to be preK-ndlng. This enori to make a serious matter .-f univapplnoM was therefore very amusing And Wo audience laughed. . There is much wit In the play to warrant merriment The plot is not convincing Th- leasons given for doing things nr.- net aiwas strong HUt who cares for logical development develop-ment when OUt for a laugh'' And there Is much genuine inspiration In the lines wi.l situations sit-uations for hearty laughter But to Its real wit there Is added some that Is spurious Mr Goodwin evidently thinks It necessary to throw In some ch.-ap Jokes with the many good OnSS, for he throws them ln. He finds that people will still laugh at the mention ot Sunny Jim." Hut It Is to tho credit of the l.lg audience of last night that some of these counterfeit wlttlclHms fulled The charming presence of originality is ek In thn plan of the play. Two acts end uniquely, unique-ly, ln one, at curtain time, the hero and thn heroine nr.. locked In a tower The audience shows that It wants to eo them. They do not come Hut a gentleman kindly steps out t.. k.i that, as tho two aro locked up. they cannot oblige the house. Often we hav teen the dead rise, when given such a call, to say nothing of countless Imprisoned one? who have come forth free, nn.l probably this la the first Instsnee Of Inability of players to appear when pn.perly appluu'lnd originality also marks the situation that makes the good man of the put) do tilings or llnurlly assigned to tne man of villainy. It Is the g.od man In this ease who Imprisons the girl, taking oare to Imprison himself with bar. And this hold .1 1, contrary con-trary to custom, enables him to honorably win the girl Mr. t'loodwln. w .dl -quail .led as ho Is to amuse, has good n-o'lMunce In tho work of entertaining. en-tertaining. Ho has a typewriter girl, who gives much humor to the scenes In which she Is seen. The diameter Is taken admirably by Georgia Mvnduin. Florence Parker ns Polly Maddox. the sister of the ioodwln character, Is vivacious and clover. The two are South Dakotaus lu Knglund. tho brother being a millionaire, rtuth Markev. tho leadlDg woman, wom-an, looks well, ajvl her playing Is also pleasing pleas-ing Pells Bdwardee has the lmjortant part on Ihe melodramatic side, of an escaped con- I't. Hob tiuentln. Mr Quentln la responsible responsi-ble for xeveral breathless momenta. He also relieves tho situation by dying opportunely. Mr GOOdWln Will pr.-s. nt tonight "An American Amer-ican citizen which has won such favor on account of the clean, pure, wholesome story which it tells. The Isurper" will be given Saturday Rfternoon and "A Glided l-ool" .Saturday night. GRAND THKATKR "Thn BldSWSlKS of New lork." The Sidewalks of Nw- York" was ghen Ot the Orand theater last evening by the MSCI -nnln company Heck Bwein ns' Horace Hor-ace Orerngngn n,.hhns .,rtraved with freshness fresh-ness nnd humor ih,. country bo . Mr Harrv halun Ol Clarence Douglafs acted with .-a?.. and naturalness Tho i lltlnn was well done. ' ore King Swnln as tho wlfn was a trifle posey and studied. Ulai Bwaln WSS much better In dramatic scenes. The plnv deals With varied Menee In New York, from a library li-brary In a country home, near New York V the kidnapers' den In tho slums of tho bowery The lionsn wa-s packed The pla will t.. given . iming the remainder of week, Willi a .Saturday matlnoe. If advance notices are to he trusted, we mav cxpe. t John Drew at his het In The Duke Of Kllllrr.-tnkle. which begins on cnHC m nt of three nights at tho Salt Ijke Theatre nmt Thursday nlKht. It Is not often that th New "iork prcs mvfji suoh heartr. lavish prale as that which has been bestowed upon John Drew s skillful performance of the romantic ro-mantic witty hero In thhi plav Fashionable audience, thronged the Kmplrn theater during the engagement of over four months of this comedy there. Mr. Drew was orlglnallv booked for Juno dstee, hut he ( now In Den-,"r Den-,"r n his way to tho coast and so will appro.-soon. appro.-soon. The got h. rn-Marlowo snat soln opens nt the Salt I-nke Theatre today. Thn engagement Is for Monday and TMaday nights, nnd two of the greatest mducliona ev. r (.-(n hern are promised. For the 5ot hem-Mario we production of "Komon and .lull.t" th.. Salt I.nkn Rout.-. In compllanos with the demand of tho people f the valleys has decided to put in low rates for the round trip to this elt on To. - lav I'M Tickets will be sold at all point", Nephl to Murray Inclusive, nnd In Banpl te valley, good on anv of the three trains coming com-ing north that day, and returning leave So.lt I-akn City 11:30 p, m. on the regular Nephl train. It Is expected that a largo number w 111 come up. |