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Show CHINESE ARE READY TO FIGHT Will lest Exclusion Law. Strong Combination Exists in United States for This Purpose. Members of Royal Family at Head of Organization Has Already Won a Case. CLEVELAND, O., May is That there Is a Htrong romhlnatlon of all the Chines? In the United States prepared to llKht for what they consider their lepaJ rights of entering and acquiring a residence In the fnlted States, was stated tonight to the Associated Preps hy Ben Lee, a Well-know Well-know n local Chinese, who Is at the head of the local branch of tho organization. Minister Has Orders. Ben I.ee sin ted that the Chinese have received advices from sir Chentung I.lang fhenK. Minister to Washington, Washing-ton, that he hus received orders from the Chinese Government to sec that the Chinese Chi-nese . Itisens In this country protect their i iKhts by organising. The lirt test of their strength wan made, according to Ben Lee. when six Chinese were tried before I'nlted Stales Commissioner Mover at Indianapolis recently, re-cently, and In which the results were found satisfactory The same strength will he used In the approaching trial of other Chines here Royalty at the Head. The organization, according to Ben L6e, dates sin..- the visit of Prince P" Lain to this country a year ago. Hoy Kee of Indianapolis, one of th most prominent chinamen in the United States and B member of the roval family. Is said to be the active head of the organization In this part of tho country, receiving Instruction In-struction from Sir Chengtung Liang Cheng. Appeal Will Be Taken. Ben Lee J.-nied that there were any Chinese Masonic societies engaged in this, but that all members of tfie race BJlkS were united without regard to their af- idi itiotis with m-. of the -iv ompanlea n appeal w b he la li' n In I'' 'I' ral ourl In this cltv next w k In the case ,,( a Chlll.se .-.ll' has be. II ordered deport. .1 from the United States In conformity with the Chines? exclusion la |