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Show MAKE TRIP TO PELICAN POINT Officials Visit Site for New Smelter. Negotiations on for a Famous Fa-mous Four-Hundred-Acre Farm. One Owned by Utah Sugar Company on Which Is Splendid Hot Spring. Special to The Tribune LBRI Vtoh. May 18 Mr. Baxter, chief engineer for the Rio Grande, and Mr. Parson, Par-son, attorney for Samuel Newhouse with several sev-eral other Kenilomen representing Interests ln and around Pelican Point, arrived ln Lehl this morning. Mr. Baxter, with ex-Sheriff Storrs. of tho railroad building firm of Straw A; Storr3, wont over Jordan to look over the lino that the proposed r.tllroad from Blnirhn.m to Boston la would cover, and make an entl-mat entl-mat of tho cost of bulldlne It Mr Baxter ulso stated thnt the Rio Grande pe.iplo .,uld build a spur from their I-hl station to the new town springing up Weet of the lrtk'j. all of which ll good news to the people hereabouts. here-abouts. Messrs. Parsons and W ills went to BeMoan Point, v. hero they had fUBUgtments with omo of tho land owners. It Is reporte.1 that Mr Newhuuse Is also Dl collating with tho L'tah Sugar company for Its famous 400-acro Saratoga fArm nnd hot springs rrsoil Jubt west of I.ehl This resort, which Is located on the shores of 1 lah lake, and has some flne hot sulphur Hprlngn. Is conceded to be probably 'he finest locution for a pteasuio resort In the State, and Inasmuch Inas-much as the prondeed raJlroud would puss by the springs ll Is supposed that their acquisition acqui-sition by the mining king would mean the building of ono of the finest resorts ln the state Tho tame gentleman has also taken an op-Hon op-Hon on the 5s-acre Allred farm west of Jordan Jor-dan and about two miles north of tho Sura-toga Sura-toga ranch Prof. James Tworllon left todaj for Sugar Ity, Ida., when- ho will accept tho prlncl-palahlp prlncl-palahlp of the Sugar City schools. K II Greene the Klo Grande agent at I.ehl. With his wife, has gone to Qulney. III., for month s visit. While Mr. Grcune Is absent his key will bo held down by O R Reed. The merchants of Lehl, American Folk and Pleasant Grove will meet tonight to organize an nsroclatlon Ono of the objects which It Is hoped to attain la the granting of a half-holiday half-holiday during the summer for the olerks Israel Anderson has removed to Idaho Enlls. where he has accepted tho position of fore-mnit fore-mnit In the sugar factory. Tho Lehl ("cngregatlonul academv will close Its school year tomorrow, and hold lt9 commencement com-mencement exercises Tuesday evening, when Rev P. A Slmpkln will deliver an address to the graduates. While helping to drle piles at the sugar factory yesterday. Abe- Gates met with an accident, crushing the toes of his right fool. One toe was amputated. |