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Show ONTARIO CAVE-IN. First One Has Been Dug Through and Timbering Is Being Set. Special to The Tribune. PARK CITY. fiah. May IS At the Ontario On-tario tho first cave has been dug through and men ore now at work timbering It and making that portion of the tunnel secure once more It Is about 3"0 f--ot Into the second obstruction ob-struction and the work of digging through thot will be commenced within the next few days This morning the water In the mine was reported re-ported to be obout thirty feet above the 1300-foot 1300-foot level showing hul a VSTJ slight rise during dur-ing ths post week B. M Sperry receded a telephone message this afternoon calling him to Snlt Ijiko City PSCaUSe Of the nerlous Illness of his son. Dr. J B Hosmsr, Noble McDonald. James Morby and Charles Hosmei I. U ..-erland this aflernoon for VcmnI They expect to be gone three or four weeks, and are going to spend the preai-r portion of thai llmo In looking ov.-r the reservollcm country. The delegates from the various riand lodges are returning and aie bringing back honors with them At Salt Lake City J. M Lock-hnrt Lock-hnrt wn elected grand ms-ster workman of the A. O. V W . while at Ogden W A Rnd-don Rnd-don wn unanimously chosen grand prelate of the Knights of Pythlnn |