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Show I FUNERAL DIRECTOR. BBBR W HALL, UNDERTAKER. removed m So .Mi Wst ? mdo TOs MONEY TO LOAN. WE LOAN MONET ON AN V KIND of real estate at lowest rates'; plain mortgage- no unneoc-snry delay. Salt Lake Security & Trust (.. F E. McOurrln, WWW prudent. Security Trust Bldg. 88 and 34 So. Main st. SOME PRIVATE MONEY FOR SEC-end SEC-end mortgages; 210 Atlas block VERY PRIVATE, ON DIAMONDS and Jewelry; 209 Atlas block. JMO 1500 TO SSOOO. 7 PER CENT; $3000 TO j porno, 6 per cent. Meeks & Lynch ,3b. Atlas. 222 SaSY MONEY, EASY TERMS, EASY roles, very private; chattels and other se-eurltlef. se-eurltlef. See us Room 209 Atlas block913 SALARY LOANS. DAYS OR MOB., easy terms Emp. Credit Co, 16. MS. M&ln iii: BUILDING LOANS. CAN BE PAID IN monthly installments. Mortgage toans at fi and 7 per cent. J. L. Perkes. 339 Atlas hlock. IMa IF YOU WANT MONEY QUICKLY and free from red tape, the, right h.ng 1s to go 10 a home concern n,"an! its own money Partial payinenta aUowsfl any time Th Home Trust and Savings rn . 10 W First South. LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST IN city on all kinds of loans, furniture, pianos, etc.: long time; 112 D Keith bldg. CHEAPEST RATES ON FURNITURE, pianos, etc . without removal Room 3 I over Utah National bank "2134 "MORTGAGE LOANS MADE ON FA-vorablo FA-vorablo terms Fritjch, No. 12 E. 2nd So tl J 93 UN MORTGAGE; NO COMMISSION. Pomeroy. 6 W. let North. 'Phono i31-Y H uSSl j DON'T BORROW TROUBLE. BOR-row BOR-row money Salaried men or women accommodated ac-commodated on their note, without mortgage mort-gage or indorser, easy payments; confidential. con-fidential. Cherry. 4"7 D. F Walker bid. eC17 1 ON AN PROPERTY; YOU KETAIN possession. The S' ringer Co.. 70 W 2nd So 81000 TO ion.OOO. ONE TO FIVE YEARS. farm or city property James K. Shaw under Walker Eros bank pW I ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. MIL- ler & Vlele. 303 McCornlck bldg AT LOWEST LIVING RATES. ON pianos furniture, horses, vehicles; easy terms. F O. Wood 149 Main st.. R 310 eS4 PRIVATE LOANS; NO REMOVAL; low rate; easy payments 210 Atlas blk. e300 I WANT ALL THE GOOD LOANS I 1 can Becure; no commission, no Eastern I compnny, no third party, low rate, many options. Russel L Tracy. No. 11 E. First WHEN IN NEED OF READY CASH see us. Crescent Loan Co , 03 Hooper blk . h3 LOST. IN SALT LAKE CITY FRIDAY H morning, typewritten contract regarding BBBBj Tooele county mining properties. Leave H 100 Atlar. block and get reward. LARGE SQUARE ENVELOPE CON-'ahilng CON-'ahilng photogrn phh- prints. Reward If H returned to office of Hotel Halls. ' SMALL GRAY HORSE. UNSHOD. H return to 154 No 2nd W , reward. J2142 1 A BLACK MARE. WEIGHT 10"0 to 1100 ;j Pounds; had halter on; lump on left Bide; J itheral reward 23) So. 2nd West J152S j AUCTION SALES. FINE LOT OP INDIAN P.i GS at sacrifice price. Almost new Densmoro I i typewriter M0; four large slot machines I at your own price; casta register at a I ' :"A bargain We carry the best and largest . sH.sortr.ient of second-hand goods In the city. We will save you from ifi to &" per B ent on new good- There Is a reason for H it. Cash or Installment. Nebraska Fur- ..'i-..3 rlturc Co , fi2 E. 2nd South. jlF95 I STEAM CARPET CLEANING. WE CALL FOR. TAKE UP, STEAM clssm and relay your carpets on short nn-tlce. nn-tlce. Thornburg Steam Carpet Works, 2 E 9th South; 'phones 100C Guaranteed. hl263 SALT LAKE STEAM CARPET r anlng works, cold-blast feathei renovating; reno-vating; work Kuarante;d. Cor. 8th Wi st and SO. Temple Emvr Evnon, Pr.ii . Bell tel. 8019; Ind . ill". gTfts WALL PAPER CLEANED. HEN KAPLAN. EXPERT CLEANER of uall paper, etc.; rooms $1 up; satisfaction satisfac-tion guaranteed. Office. Doull drug store 'el Bell 1109. Ind ;7l JH05 NATIONAL HOUSE CLEANING corxiparjy. 69 East 1st South; both phonee. Il'j GENERAL REPAIRING. WALTER M. JONES 24 RICHARDS si., Niagara Hydraulic Rams J2M6 SCAVENGER. UTAH SCAVENGES CO.. OFFICE 860 So. 3rd E ; Bell 'phones Z610-K and 3UJ-X. 2S9 CITY SCAVENGER CO.. OFFICE 137 E Sth So.; 'phone Z3iG-Z and Ind. 3 u'.i hT22? MASSAGE. sall ,RR M- TRIPP. MASSAGE AND v. -OT magnetic treatment. SSS S. W. T. JJ3(;i ' Uwj LIVE STOCK. iftfnil FRANCISCO VETERINARY tvSS college. Next sc-E3lon begins July J7. Ilo.l WANTED. GOOD GIRL AT THE RAINIER. 258 South Main Bjreet. TEAM AND WAGON, AlO TWO safbiio horses for IB-day camping trip Prlci musl be right, 21 West Second South. Phone IO4.1-Z. UJ? L TEA! HER GOING EAST WANTS Position Po-sition as traveling representative lor wholesale house Add. B 51. Tribune. Ki LOCAL FIRM WANTS UNINCUM-rurc,t UNINCUM-rurc,t middle a;eil vmcii Aibtress P. V. Tribune. --u SURREY HORSE HEAP; Mb ST BE absolutely safe for lady to drlvs. Address Ad-dress 8S6 P&lm ne JL441 TWO, SPECIALTY SALESMEN. state experience, also references r O. box 892, city. -I2-"' PARTY TO SHARE CAR TO SPO-kane SPO-kane about July 1; household goods; lei. 21S 1-Y. 324 So. 4th E. J81 2 UNFUR. RMS.. MOD . WITH AT-tondance; AT-tondance; etate terms. J J. N.. Tribune. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S second-hand clothing, hats and shoes. 'Phon.-s -I7i-,1 ai.,l :i:-C. ' .'otiun iclal 1 st. llMo HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MENS rast-orr clothing, hats, shoes, trunk', valises; semi postal t5 Commercial St. Phone 2123-X. WHY BORROW MONEY FROM ONE-horse ONE-horse concerns when Uncle Sam. ino largest j.nwnbroker west of Chicago win loan you the most money and charge nut U the interest on diamonds, watches, jcwelrv, guns, Instruments, trunks, dptn-lnr. dptn-lnr. lurs. etc Goods hold as lone as you wish. Private booths bik electric sisn Uncle Sam. 30 E. 1st So , cor. Commercial Commer-cial st i9,t' BY COLLEGE STUDENT OF U OF U., pupils to tutor in prejjaratory work; Latin a specialty Sv"3 Sth East '23i3 IP YOU WANT YOUR HOUSE OK lot sold, list now. Cromar. opp postof-tlce. postof-tlce. h2475 HIGHEST PRICE FOR 2ND-HAND H. II. soods Western Furn. Co.. 2nd-hand store, "phoTs Bell 1791-Y, Ind. lii2o gl923 GREAT WESTERN IRON & METAL Co., dealers In scrap Iron, metals, rubbers, rub-bers, bottles, rags etc.; carloads a spe-cialty spe-cialty 23O-C40 So 1st West, "phono Ind 1S2L "Bell 2439-Z. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IKON brass, rags, bottles, rubber, copper, etc. Utah Junk Co., C3 E. Sth So.; phone B9 A LITTLE AD UNDER THIS HEAD attracts a wonderful amount of attention It Is ben use The Tribune Is the recog-1 recog-1 ised want-ad. medium of Salt Lake City. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND stoves. Matsen, 2G1 State, -phono 2123-K h974 HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DE-srrlntlons. DE-srrlntlons. Western Furn. Co. 2nd-hand store. 'Phones. Ind 1C25. Bell 1794-Y h!272 WANTED SITUATIONS. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE riay Bell phono 2223-K k'31 POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER; Al for peneral office work. Address B 86 Tribune. J2828 MAN AND WIFE WANT POSITION in camp hotel; references. Address M. B , 237 E Ith South J959 BICYCLES. 1VER JOHNSON, RACYCLE. NA-tlonal NA-tlonal and Indian bicycles; all hlph-Krado wheels Repairs a specialty; agents Edl-prm Edl-prm jihonc craphe Carter's League Cycle. Store. S2o So W Temple J533 CONFECTIONERS AND BAKERS. SHELLED NUTS, OILS, EXTRACTS, Jama. Jellies, pie fillings, crushed fruit, soda water sundries confectionery supplies, sup-plies, etc. H A. Tuckett, 820 E 1st So st J473 ENGRAVERS AND DESIGNERS. ETCHINGS HALF-TONES AND cuts Do Bouzek Engraving Co. g2Clt5 . SAFES. NEW OR 2ND-HAND; CASH. TRADE or terms. Soreneen-Stoutt Co., 4S E 2nd South. 7.H35 MOVING AND STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. STORING AND shipping; besl service cheapest price; pianos, household goods, trunks stored; f. ., . clean. Mreproof warehouse. irjl S. 3rd West, 'phones 8350. Korns Warehouse Co. J2MB MITCHELL VAN AND STORAC.E CO. moving and packing. V- W End So.; tel 20C3-Z 1603 KIMBALL'S TRANSFER VANS MOV-lng MOV-lng storage, and com e 1 hL'Uling 19 W 1st So. 21S8-X. uj3 WHERE TO STOP. THE "WORTH," SI BAM HEAT, HOT and cold baths 158 B, 2nd So. fllOl LINCOLN HOUSE. PAUL HEIN, Prop.. 68 E. 1st So.; 200 rooms; rates 25c-, 35c and 50e s31C FIELDS HOTEL, 26 EAST 1ST SOUTH near Main Clean rooms, elevator service etc. Terms. $2:50 to $5 per week J2267 DENTISTS. DR A SCOTT CHAPMAN. DENTIST. Mw-506 Scott bldir. Bell 1854-Y. Ind. 2668 MACHINERY NEW AND SECOND-HAND MACH1.N-ery MACH1.N-ery bought and sold. Larg - stock on hand, consisting of engints, boilers, . crushers, rolls pumps, pipe and 1mi1.es. cars and rails, sheet .ten! scab".;, air compressors, gasoline engines, electric elec-tric motors, generators, electric and steam heating plants installed. Telephone 1621-K. J. 11. Sweni, ;',i0 South 3rd West. T93J CLAIRVOYANTS. MADAMEAL1ESU i INK. CLAIRVOY-ant. CLAIRVOY-ant. medium and card reading. 17 rear Mead st. between 9th ami PHh South on W. Temple Bell 'phono 2230K J1190 EVERYTHING TOLD, NAME GIVEN AmoM-Dlckson Bros . 269 East 3rd South. j llSTT HAY, COAL AND GRAIN. HARVEY & CO., 110 W SO. TEMPLE Bell 'phone 1632-Z. Ind . 12U. JR25 ICE CREAM MANUFACTURERS. KEELEY CO.. MAKERS OF PURE ICS Cream and liei bei- , ,- er. ain bi . ks etc.; 868 So. Main. Fones.. 3223. k3T. WANTED HELP. COMPETENT GIRL. APPLY MISS Preston, 31 No', state. jt88 NURSE gTrL. .'vV. E. SECOND South. EXPERIENCED SHOE CLERKS Davis Shoe Co. COOK. AT 6fi I STREET, INFANTS' home; call between 4 and 6 p, m kl2 FOUR CARPENTERS. S4 PER DA Y Satetiee ,v biuer 34 lllcliaid si Jl'449 STRK TLY RESPECTABLE LADY TO kep bouse for two gentlemen; call after la a 111 urtft E. 3rd So. st. J2461 EXPERIENCED SEWING GIRLS 231 E isi So; JM58 ONE FIR8T-CLA88 BLACKSMITH and woodworker at Tripp's shop. 137 W So. Temple. J2457 MARKER WANTED AT AMERICAN Steam laundry J2397 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; no washing. 23G 6th Bast. 2896 GOOD GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework, small family, no washing; good wages. Imp 0s E. Sc. Tern ple J2;ipj GIRL FOR GEN' L HOUSEWORK . 886 W 3rd No. J23.t A SOLICITOR OF ABILITY TO REP-no REP-no nt local house. B 46. Tribune. J2347 LIVE SOLICITOR; GOOD PAYING 1 roposltlon; salarv or commission. 529-680 Atlas hlock. J2346 BARBER SHOP FOR SALE TWO chairs, combination best In town l.V 2.1th st . Ogden, Utah GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: small family L'10 East Third South. 227.S MEN WE WANT YOUNG MEN TO learn the barber trad- , special terms to next 10 students; call or write. Motor's Barber College, 62 E. First So st J20J9 COMPETENT CLERK AT FRANK-llr.'s. FRANK-llr.'s. WANTED: MEN THAT ARE SATIS-fied SATIS-fied to make $1 75 to $2.00 a day Send in 25c. The Burgess Co., 342 Elllcott srj , Buffalo. Buf-falo. N. Y. JL26 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 17 Grace flats GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Apply 75 E Second South, Jewelry store A GOOD HOUSEMAID, 737 E. BRIG-ham BRIG-ham street J202 b'J ROCKS EMPLOYMENT ACKNC.V. Hotel, restaurant und household help Headouarters for laborer. C W 2nd So. 'Phone 4G4 7C GOOD, COMPETENT GIRL, SMALL family 847 E Second South EXPERIENCED GENERAL SALES-man SALES-man for mining camp, must be hustler, ,75 R month. Address B 14, Tribune. WANTED AGENTS. A BONANZA SIDE LINE FOR LIVE traveling men. George M. Colo Co , North Yamhill. Or J8S BOARD AND ROOMS. MOD COOL FRONT ROOM WITH board; private family; close in. Ind 2619 12417 FIRST-CLASS BOARD, CLOSE IN; mod. house. 71 N Stato Jii'77 THE CULMER. HEALTHY LOCA-tlon, LOCA-tlon, new management. 158 N Main. Ind. phone 22S0. J463 BOARD AND ROOMS J4 and S3. 730 E 3rd So 'Phone 23S5K 111; NITELY" FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board 66 West 4tlt 80. I5s5 ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE service at 2il E 4th So. Both 'phones 22S5-Y. h2LS 1400A1S Willi Oil WITHOUT BOARD. i46 Social Hall Detween Brlgham and First 80. and State at. alSH STENOGRAPHER & TYPEWRITER. MRS. J M BUCK. ITS ATlAS. BELL 2446-Z. Ind. 20S7. No espionage on work. sag MERCHANT TAILOR. SUITS. J18 AND UP. PANTS. $5 AND up Schliep A: 1 o . '.3 W -Jnd So. PLUMBING AND HEATING. YOU CAN SAVE MONEY ON PLUMB-lng PLUMB-lng by getting estimate from Keddlngton & Webb, lf.3 E. 3rd So. Phones pe 2228; Ind.. 8474. j044 BRSKINE BROS . PLITMBING AND heating 53 W 1st So st. Tel. 2021-K I HOUSE CLEANING. wall paper cleaning a spe- clalty. Leave address at Smith Drug Co. I ' ' I 1 1 pliuin 3 I'.S fcl8tX) FIRST-CLASS WORK IN ALL branches. National House Cleaning com-pqny, com-pqny, 59 East 1st South 11978 COLLECTIONS. THE FIDELITY COLLECTION CO., 501 Auerbach bldg Both phones 507 g!721 SPIRITUALISTS. THE MAURER'S LECTURE AND tests Sunday. 8.15, 161 E. 3rd South k's WE ARE ENLARGING OUR HALL; form Sunday night, meeting 8 o'clock, 10 cents, demonstrations In telepathy, inln.i-rc-adlng, clairvoyance, etc, your full name, occupation and future foretold lecture. Thi Silrlluallst (J.mI. 1 1 1 Christian God Everyone welcome.. Hall 69 East Third South st. Arnbld-Dlckson JS450 NO MATTER WHAT YOU WISH TO know call on Arnold-ldi kson Bro- . ..Vi East Third South St. Both "phones fln"-dpendenl, fln"-dpendenl, 3572) Hours iq to 8 dailv Namtjii given. ysSiXi MRS P FONTYN. CLAIRVOYANT and tranct; medium 267 So. W. Temple. g49 FARM FOR SALE, 20-CRE FARM IN MILL CREEK; all uader cultivation. Rood v, ater-rlhls ; 6-rm house, urtrslnn well, out building. Inquire 962 E. 3rd So TO LEASE. 6-ROOM MODERN BRICK. 4TH ST.. $27.50. Homer & Robertson. Main and 1st South (under Deseret bank) h2lS BUSINESS CHANCES. CANDY KITCHEN. GOOD BUSINESS first come first served Sickness: must sell by Juiv 2, 19'.0 2C1 B. w Temple k6 FOR RENT. 2 7-R Mod. HOUSES. E SIDE,. M6 00 5-r. mod. houses W. Temple 85-00 1 flat, Judd terrace 1 7-r. mod., 3rd st 35.00 5- r. mod.. W. 1th So SB 1 " 3- r. frame, 4a4 W. 4th N 10.00 And man others. Phone IPd-X M a 1 LAN i'ny. CO 8 and 1 Eagle p.lk ksa 3 ROOMS, CLOSET. WATER. BLEO trie IlKlit. blinds, phone. . t- 37 So Ub i: k.'l 7-RM .MOD. BR ; 137 3RD ST 185.00 7- rm. mod. br.; .' B 6th So 80.00 6-rm. mod br . lf'. W. 7th So 85,00 6-rm. mod. br.. 351 9th East 22.00 5-rm, meti br.; BOB E. 7th s 18. oo 5-rm. mod. br. ; 669 So. Main 15.00 8- rn. mod ; 125 N :t 84-00 5- rni br.; Aberdeen ave 15.01 4-rm. br.; 14 Iverson ave 12 E 0 4-rm. cot.; 4 Schenck's court 1. 6- rm.; 7M So. Main... 10.00 4-rm. br ; 620 St. Louis ave 9.C0 3 mis.; 70il So Main 7.00 2 rms.; rear 531 6th East 1.00 Store rm.; 171 West So. Temple .... 20.00 Front office rm.. large; Ma-ln st 20.00 targe h.'irn; 121 So. 2nd West 6.00 HOUSTONS THE HOUSERB, 'Phones 27 k23 3 ROOMS. BATH, CLOSET. WATER and summer shuntv. Christian Sorenson. 95 So 41 h E. k9 2 UNFURNISHED FRONT ROOMS: 232 Poplar ave , W. 3rd So. kJ 3 IJRGE FRONT ROOMS; WATER toilet, blinds, closet 29 So 4th East. k3 6- ROOM HOUSE WITH 4 ACRES, plenty of fruit; also some vegetables; chick-ps iind ducks for sale Address B 4S, Tribune. J24M 7- ROOM, BOUTHEAST, MODERN, 130 6-room, modern. East side, J?.". 6- room modern, southeast. S25 7- rooni house on East Brlgham. modern. mod-ern. $30. , 5- room. north bench. $16 4-room, close In. $2ft. 4- room, southeast, Sll G-room. southeast, modern, $20. 6- room, sob th west, modern $13. 6- room, southwest, modern, $18 7- room, northwest, modern, 30. For LheSS and other see The Ranck Real Estate Company, suite l'32. d. f. w alker block. 121 is l-RM MOD COTTAGE, IN REAR. iN-ciuire iN-ciuire 851 E. 4th So NEW. THOROUGHLY MODERN 9-roorn 9-roorn house, close In ln9 North Main GOOD 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE and barn 224 E 1th South. Cheap to rlKht party Hoffman Bros . 62 W. 2nd So st LIVERY BARN ON 4TH SOUTH ST ; north of Cltv and County building Frltsch, No. 3 E. 2nd So st J3326 NEARLY NEW FOUR-R. COTTAGE, west side, $t. 'Phone 1681-X A MODERN COTTAGE. IN THE rear. 216 N. 2nd West. J2068 5- ROOM MOD. COTTAGE. 10 DUBEI ave. Dubei, tailor 260 Main. 11908 NEW, MODERN FIVE-ROOM BRICK, cheap. 653 E. Elehth South FOUR-ROOM MODERN BRICK COT-t.-iRc Wellington avenue, 7th South, Cth and 7t.h East. 5-ROOM FRAME. MODERN WEST Temple between 6th and Ttb South, $15. 5- room brick on Park avenue, $20 7-room modern Wesl LSI North: servants' ser-vants' room and laundry In basement; $30. 6- room modern brick. 7th South between 1st and 2nd est $25. 7- room modern brick 3rd street. $37 50. Homer & Robertson, Main and 1st South (under Deseret bank). J1775 5-ROOM MODERN BRICK HOUSE Rear 144 W 4th South. J"7 FINE. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE; furnace heat; 348 So. 3rd Eat JUtS 5- ROOM HOUSE. STRICTLY' MODERN. $17. Apply at 533 West 1st So. st Jl-6 $1.' 50, FOUR-ROOM HOUSE; $10.00, three-room house 732 W 2nd So. st. M!7 E 1ST SoUTH, 7-R. MOD. HOT v at. r heat, good barn; will leaso at $30. jli"9 "THOROUGHLY MOD 9-RM HO I BE 314 First st. Jlllu TO RENT OR SELL AT A BARGAIN. on ver easy terms, 8-room brick modem, No 323 South loth East. Sco owner; 21i Atlas block. J1439 EEALTII'l L NEW 4 AND 5-ROOM fiats; 3rd So. bet 1st and 2nd W 1M62 LARGE s-RM HOUSE, E L. BATH: 822.50. Inciulro 325 H St, J-3 STORE ROOM 20X6fi FT., BM W -'ND South Used past three yearx lor flour and feed sto-e. Good location; established estab-lished business. James Hegney, Albany Hotel. 6- ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; Cf,6 SO 5th East. J26 C ROOMS AND BATH. 3 BLOCKS east of center. $16.00; 4 rooms. $14 00. suitable suit-able for bachelor or family without children. chil-dren. Frltsch. No 12 2nd So J150 STOREROOM. AT 78 W. 2ND SO Inquire of Hubbard Inv't Co. 7s w 2nd So st. 12477 A DRUG STORE. ELEGANT LOC'A-tion. LOC'A-tion. corner of 1st West and South Temple, Tem-ple, Empire block; $b. Houston Real Es-lato Es-lato Investment Co., 251 Main. 7- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 324 E 2ND So Apply lubel. Tailor. 260 So Main 1 12038 MODERN 7-RM. BRICK. 533 S 1ST West "C22 YOUNG - FOWLER. 32 MAIN ST 6-room. celler. barn W nd So . $10. 6- room brick, modern E 1st So , $25. FINE STORE ROOM. 1ST SOUTH HE-tween HE-tween Main und State. $7i per month Houeton R E nnd Inv. Co 1923 7- ROOM FRAME, BATH; 7TH SO 1ST West. hl690 EMPIRE HOTEL, 35 LARGE ROOMS, baths. South Temple and 1st West, com lng location; $100 00 per mo Houston, The Housers 'Phono 27 h2168 WANTED. 100 HOUSES FOR RENT Tenants furnished free of charge J N Courtney. 41 V, . 2nd So. Ind. fone bl622 0 HOUSES. ALL PRICES AND LOCA-ttons. LOCA-ttons. TuttlS Bros . 149 Main bt. I16OO SEVEN AND EIGHT ROOMS AND 0110 ery large S-room modern house with steam heat. All close In Jas K. Shaw, undei Walker Bros.' bank. al9S6 LARGE LIGHT BASEMENT. STEAM heat and light ground floor; nrncc space If desired. Rent $15 40 E. So. Temple gjgO J3) PER MONTH, 5-RM BRIC K ; bath, e I . 2 blocks from cltv and county bldg must be small family. Apply 744 State st JKdl 10 ROOM MODERN FUR-nace, FUR-nace, etc ; stable, 1116 East South Temple; will base to right tenant till October 1. 190C. at $50 per month. Horner A Robertson. Main and 1st South (under Deseret bank). J1909 TWO ROOMS. $4 THREE ROOMS, $7. four rooms. $10 Call 25 Apple street. J1818 '-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE; BATH, toilet, pantrv, electric light, lawns, shade, etc. 156 West 7th South st. J2118 FOR RENT. $30 S-RM. MOD . 679 STH STREET. $80 7-rm. mod.. 84 R street. 8309 -rm mod., 210 E. 7th So. acant 1st Julv. 821 7-rm mod., 204 E. 7th So, Vacant 1st Jul. $27.5-9-rm . 150 E 7th So. R. I, Urlt hard. Msr. R. E. Dept., Wilson-Sherman Co., 52 W. 2d So. Tel. 492. 2128 FOR RENT FURNISHED. FIRST FLOOR OF MOD. NEW house.; nlcelv furnished, parlor, reception hall, dining-room, kitchen, cellar, two porches, barn. Bdl phone jgflS-K, k34 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MOD- ern; reasonable. 230 So. 3rd East. kio N 1 1 '10, COOL HOUSEKEEPING OR sleeping rooms. 37,"i So. 1st West. J2335 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-keep'g; HOUSE-keep'g; Krnj1 llr. ; no children. 2:51 S. 1st West jJWl NICELY FURN. RMS FOR HOU9E-keeping. HOU9E-keeping. 60 West fth So. J24no NICE C00L ROOMS; GROUND iloorj also housekeeping rooms, os East 3rd So. 5-ROOM MODERN BRB K COTTAGE, bath, toilet. ,ce llht. 715 So W. Temple. Tem-ple. JM62 A SNAP 8 ROoMS AND RATH FOR housekeeping. 33 So 1st West. J2439 NEWLY Fl RNISHED ROOM S WITH use of pbmo, modern, closo In; 2"9 E 4th South. Bell 'phone. 26-Y. J23S7 6-RM NEWLY FURN. FLAT Wl I TH t'so of piano, modern, rooms single or en suite 314 E 6th So. st J288J ::r ELY Fi RNISHED FRONT rooms for housekeeping 3fi So. W T 8 DESIR, HOUSEKEEPING RMS. ground floor, mod., close In 303 So, 5th E . , , 32260 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping :-' E Fifth South. TWO PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS, modern; single or en suite, close in. East Side. 'Phone 2349-X. J2233 NICELY' FURN ROOMS, SINGLE OR en suite 47 E. 1st So JS048 6-ROOM OTTAGE; FURNITURE for sab. very cheap. Apply 43'" Constitution Constitu-tion blk, Independent telephone 3566. J1345 NK'ELY FURN ROOMS IN PRI-vato PRI-vato family, bath. 55 W 4th So. J19G5 Nil I.LY FURNISHED ROOM, MOD-ern. MOD-ern. 325 So. 2nd East. J19'4 3 OR 4 NICE RMS ON GROUND floor; gas or coal range. 70 W 5th So. J176 8 RMS COMPLETE I- U HOUSE-keeplng; HOUSE-keeplng; modern. 618 So Main. J1750 SEVEN-ROOM MODERN. FOR THE summer; no children. 5 blocks east of bt Blness district. Apply 204 Dooly blk. NICELY' FURN FRONT RMS , PRI-vate PRI-vate family; close In 251 E 2nd So J1037 A 3 AND 4-ROOM COTTAGE, CLOSE In. 331 First et. J340 NICE ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board. 256 So West Templo. J3 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT RMS. bath; 15 E 6th So. 12064 COSY FRONT ROOMS; FINEST Location; Lo-cation; tourlsba welcome. 127 S W. Temple Tem-ple 1101 FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board; 47 So. 6th West. h7:9 YOUNG & FOWLER. NO. 32 MAIN ST. 7-robm brick, thoroughly modern, completely com-pletely furnished. 1st and Q sts.; $35.00 hl520 THE PLEAS ANTON. NO. 6 KENDALL square, handsomely furnished rooms; modern: close In Phone 2408-K z236 HOUSEKEEPING SUITES 1 TO 4 rooms. 237 West S. Temple. FRONT ROOM. MODERN CONYEN-lences, CONYEN-lences, use of bath and 'phone, prhato family; 520 So. Stato st. J2103 OTTAGE OF 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSE-keeping; HOUSE-keeping; 365 S. W. Temple. J8078 Kl RNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE: healthy location 482 Third st j20.S0 CLOTHING. MENS AND YOUTHS' SUITS ON easy weekly or monthly payments Hub Clothing House, l West South Temple 1719 ATTORNEYS-SMITH ATTORNEYS-SMITH & PUTNAM ROOMS 20-21 Commercial block Tel 3139, Bell 11225 J h, DAJKMiCR. LAW Y Eh, OFFICES 16-19 Commdrtlal olock. 'Phono y49-Z w274 OUTDOOR ADVERTISING. CIRCULARS. SAMPLES AND DODG-ers DODG-ers distributed. J M W'alden. Bell phono 1592-Y JE0 CASH REGISTERS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS, OS-car OS-car GTOShell, sales agent. No J21 Main et Expert cash register repairing. Second-hand registers always In stock nl5S0 TO TRADE EXCELLENT TABLE BOARD. OR room and board, for modern cottacre or small modern residence. Address B L"6. Tribune J1SJJ CARPET CLEANING. 236 W SOUTH TEMPLE, AND FLUFF rugs made to order Ind. 'phono 1209; Bell. 1209-X 1S51 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. RETIRING FROM BUSINESS I N -". of the best saloons In Ogden oh , -t location, certainly a snap; Invoice $57j: will take $l00 cash. J. H Mers 373 :4th St. ROOMING-HOL'SE. 2J ROOMS. GOOD business; all men roomers. 82200. Room Ing-hcuse, H rooms, price $1200; cheap rent. 542 Second East. Bell phone 8293-X J368 GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO. $115 No 4 philips court, opposite posioftice JS91 BARDIE Z UINTAH RESERVATION Township Mp and Guide. 15 cts. coin at tcci: stores or 914 S. 2nd W st. 1297 FRESH JERSEY' AND DURHAM cows; trade for drv; calvc-e wanted Saunders, 'phono 2374-Y. 11354 S FRESH COWS ; TRADE FOR FAT. :,v; E: st llth South FINE BUSINESS OPENING GROC-ery GROC-ery and meat market, large sales, good profits, small capital roqufrad. Address Geo D WlSelj Twin Fads. Ida. J1771 HOUSEHOLD GOODS. NEARLY NEW parties leaving city. Apply 327 W. Sixth South. JL2H FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 1 $2200.00. 1 A BIG BARGAIN. This place is mi actual sacrifice. i THINK OJ IT!!'! A fine. 7 large rooms, brick rest-dencc. rest-dencc. el. lights, both, nice lawn, hich foundation, ood porch, lot 4xio rods. This home is In the henrt of j citj's choicest suburban district. $1000 ensh. 'ail early nni secure 'bis snap EDWARD M ASHTON, 801 News I building J2333 HOMER ,- ROBERTSON SPECIAL: 4?cxlo-. feet on First South between 4th and 5th East' 5-rnnm 5-rnnm brick cottaKe, connected with sewer. We ask vou nothing noth-ing for the house und will sell the ground at B less figure than asked for anything In the neighborhood. neigh-borhood. If you are looking for a specially fine piece of property at a bargain, let us show vou this. Homer A- Robertson, Majn and 1st South sts. (under Deseret Banki .12343 WHEN Y'OU BUY OR SELL. Keep In mind the fact that We make correct abstracts Guarantee against all errors In title. Examine titles Attend all 'etalls t purchase or sale. The Homor Abstract Co Inc. Main and 1st So :mder Deseret Bank al242 YOUNG & FLOWER. NO 88 MAIN ST BUILDING LOTS iust placed on the market, In our new EAST BENCH SUBDIVISION, SUB-DIVISION, on 12th E and 5th So sts Also. 1 lot. 1st So and 10th E. sts . $1250. 1 lot. 2nd and O sts $1000. 6-room mod. brick. North Boneh. $:vn 3MxlO 2nd So end 8rd S sts., 54800. riZO ON I V T WO LEFT NOW IS YOt R tim to get Just what yon want In a fine, modern, up-to-date home; finest location lo-cation In the city Opsn from 4 to ." p m Second nnd F streets, facing east. J1M2 REMOVED TO 330 MAIN ST WE have moved to our now quarters, 330 Main st , where w-e have a choice, EXCLU-SlY'E EXCLU-SlY'E list of homes, lots, large tracts for nlattlnK both In acreage and cb se-in larfje pieces, also a choice Hat of business propertv. See us Peterson Real Estate Inv. Co , 330 Main Bell Phono 3320-K. J729 HOMER A ROBERTSON. SPECIAL. 7 room modern. Ninth East, near Rrlgham Small barn, connected con-nected with sewer, cement walks, etc. THIS IS A BARGAIN. $3500. HOMER & ROBERTSON Main and let South Under Dcs-oret Dcs-oret Bank ) J133 F J SENIOR ft CO.. 300-301-SOla D F Walker Bide West Side acreage, 5 to 6000 acres. J830 $3500 Buys this place; It Is new and modern all throiiRh. closo both depots, cash, balance to suit RANCK REAL ESTATE CO . 1943 Suite 232 D F Walker Block. WILL FURNISH THE GROUND. Excellent Ex-cellent location and build vou 4 to 8-room 8-room modern pressed brick at once; 50x140 or 100x150 ft. Y'ou can pay $Lii to $400 cash, balance $13 to $30 pel mo.. 7 per cent. Call at once, as we will build only a limited number nn these payments Hubbard Invt Co , 7S W. 2nd So. J1273 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CIGAR STAND. BEST LOCATION IN city. Applj 46Soilth Main A snap. kl $300. ISM. JMMI. Think of It! A saloon in the center of thi city, doiiiK good business, 1 heap rent, lo atlon can 1 be bent, for onlj S800 $--MI $MM' THE SN1VEY CO.. Suite 231 D F. Walker Bldg. k:7 THREE BEAR CUBS. EACH ABOUT f eir months old. n-- black one hrowu. one mi kind and gentle. Send me offer- Karl Kovaclc. Somerset. Col. k8 BIKE BUGGY IN FIRST-CLASS CON-dltlon CON-dltlon Little ft Little No t W Jnd So. J2440 GOOD DRIVING HORSE. WEIGHS nbcul 1200, 8 viu old. Inq. 1070 So. ;,th Etst. j-'444 "CASH REGISTER. ST AN A It D MAKE; ver cheap. Vj E. So Tempi.' 2i, VICTOR PHONOGRAPH AND REC-ords. REC-ords. cheap; O. K. Furn. Co . 306 S State 12890 $760 BUY'S ROOMING-HOUSE OF 14 room. $i3(juBus a candy K. and Ice 1 eanj parlor. $.") Buys a home bakery and gr ceiy. 8300 Buys a confectioner) $7f Buys a saloon. $660 Buys a grocery .-2:1 1 .-neat market Yours for bargains THE SNIVEY co , 231 D. F. WSlkor b'dr. Business chances a spe 'but) -,."3T'l FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE-keeplng HOUSE-keeplng at 129 E 4th So. J1911 FIRST-CLASS ROOMING HOUSE; good location Address Q 46, Tribune. llOot HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD, IOWA itables. 19 W. 80. Temple. allOJ A GOOD RESTAURANT, GOOD LOCA-tion LOCA-tion 45 W 2nd So hlGS3 COLUMBIA CHAINLESS BICYCLE nearly new, cheap for cash. 7,i E. Bri?-liam. Bri?-liam. J2J.4S HORSES. SURREY AND HARNESS. 1 surrey. 1 top buggy, 1 delKery wagon, good condition. 47ij 3rd st., "ph ones VC JJiJSO SINGLE DELIVERY HACK AND harness nearly new; larg- black mare, vec gentle, tine trotter 73" K :rd Si J20S1 FINE KNABE PIANO; $75; 210 Al LAS block. J1460 GOOD PAYING CANDY BUSINESS. Parties leaving town. 372 So. Main. J2112 CARPENTER AND CABINET SHOP, with machinery and power, good established estab-lished business, cheap. Inquire at 221 W. So. Temple. J1078 THOROUGHBRED REGISTERED Jersey bull, 4 years old, for sale or trade for milch COWS. Joe. Read. 1316 W. Dllrd North. .-40 $7Vl Buys a rooming-house of 14 rooms, furniture fur-niture In good condition, and a long lease. $-S00 Buys a restaurant, located on 2nd South This Is a snap and will not lat long. $750 Buys a saloon In a location that can't be beat See us at once or you may lose u bargain! THE SNIVEY CO. Mercantile Brokers. J31 D F Walker Bids: Business chances a sciUai4s. 1263 8J l FOR SALE- REAL ESTA1 )A - 1 Dorni.r, house! ly S ibta:-!ial brick ; 7 rms . each side; close In. Wotfl always rented W ill pay lSj t eiil net on lnvefliment l R. HOUSTON RUM. F ST ATE INP - JH $24ti ' J2ir 1 I win buy a 7-r . 1, iiSr.' l0l voufh.-.vt ; ?".:. 1 cash. hal. f20 gUl without Inter, st. You , nn t h;'y ' have others 1 . MA II AN INV. co , 0 aTul 10 Et I'3' COM PETIT I ) N D E FI Bnlt' F..r 8 days (iofil ) we are nfT hnndsoine 7-room modem brick ( !i lin $l-v under Its rej,l valdkVf' A. McKellar it Co., W 2 8850 t Bus a 2-rm. s k . walking rltaf1 P e s a 4-rm mod. br., ' watttf tance terms. $250fi Buys a '.-rm mod. hr southei terms. $3-wi m tt Bu a fi-rm mod br., north C Buys a 2-story mod br , 7 ij up to date. ,0,0 R NCR REAL ESTATE ftA 232 D. F WalkSfrt i V MOD '.-RM. HOT SE; EASY'W 851 80 3rd East - st I' Tib is W PARTRIDGE. RlSt' tate and mortgiiR' ' ".',-57 CO it ' block Ind T. 1 2088 " 11 040-ACRE FARM. SIX MILE! IT center of o!'. 120 acres In 1 L acres In icraln abundance of 1 '21 wholf fnrm; suitable for sutxllv K ir.lr-n tracts no smelter smokr'! U ks. feed vards and maehlnei L Geo. A. Lowe. 20$ E. 1st So , Bell JJi 1 I PROPERTY OF NON-REl W cared for. Salt Lake Security ft gl CHOICE LOTS, SO. MAIN V vard $300; easy terms. W. J Has1 W. 3rd So LIST YOUR PROPERTY WrWJ terfleld ft Cr.8m.1n. Phonesif' Main WE SELL REAL ESTATe7S,I all Tuttle Bros . 149 Main Red IF YOU WANT A FINE HOBsSj me offer on new 7-room modenfi. 3th East. Just below llth South: 4JE5 ft., nno orchard; lawns, ccmently EI ART) M ASHTON. Rfi tate. rentals ril News bldg, TJ SNAPS IN VACANT BU lots all parts of city Salt LaWL ment Co. 15 W 2nd So. 7-Ri OM inn SF, IN PARK T8Ji3 625 U U Hlskov, COO McCornlKj YOt NG .V FLOWER, No. 32 JsJ'Z 30-acrc tract southeast, closo Injwj vide into Hrnaller tracts to BUltMgi ere- Salo or trade. WE OCCASIONALLY HAVB pains In real e5t.H1 Salt Lake'-? and Trust Co . Security and Tr&i main floor A Y'OUN(. iL- FLOWER, NO. 32 My 7-room pressed brick thorough 1 ern, with furniture complete lsir TO SELL '.i-P-M. PRESSED' house, strlctb modern; partlsjfi: city. S57 E 1st So mat REAL ESTATE BARGAINS fi R lands. E J Wills. 13 W. 2nd i Itui iMLNG HOUSES, r' See Goddard, under Walker's 1 HOUSE OF FORTY-THREHlw all outside. Owner too old to -business. Rooms full. Must dre?? T 7. Tribune $1200 111 bm a 3-rqoiii fr. house nJ, R p depot lot J3.13Q ft. to allV barn. Terms. Will buv a .'-room br houseW of land. cor. lot on car line. Eas-51000 Eas-51000 Will buv a 3-room fr. housS& nt land one oik frr.m car line. SJ" THE RANCK PEAL ESTATI J26 232 D. F gjj I " llOL ST' iN REAL ESTATE I real estate and loan brokers, 26T" $lTCA8H"AND 87.C0 PER i L will buy a pair of the choiceflM P southeast part of city Beautlf flnu residences, good car servlCS . No 12 East 2nd South st. :M I LIST YOb'R PROPERTY WIT ' Miller, 112 W 2nd So. j HOMES. 1 1 o street near ird sir'-et. 5-rm. lar an I p Mitr lot L7 rods; rooii other cot be;-. J22w A New 4-rm. pr brk. l0t8M p. 1 . elalii I ub bcap Bt $2IJ Luutb . . m Beaulifi.i 11 in .tn Last, iasjj eity park, C ims. and summer large lot; $2230 M q st. and 1. .-on. mod. brsy cennectfon; . U street-Just complerd. twea h. mes Imrdw 10 I lloorti. large bsl (4000 and ?3S'? Don't fall to pri .spc ti i. businebJ :u U-i "'i Main, Just south of foV hoO a front foot. Finest ' 1 -' ' st .and- betweei M nn and R. G. dej U T ' Pi:l D-HABD. MGR R. Bi -.-'OEIt.MAN ' '- 52 1 SO TEL, 42. j ELEGANT MODERN FOOl i ' ' f brick, cement Wgjfjl. - t est bargain In city . nsv' Hubbard lnvb Co . .8 Wj south. YOURS FOR A GREATER Wj Help to nn!-.' M" By buyhig Pice Si'.'J; location East So. T4SSJ double house with 14 looms; , mf through; single house with 6 rsjj 1 x830 ft. - . , M ' Sellers. Ranck Real Estate finite r. I 1 F alk-r blocs " jN HI VING OR SELLING SM Ranck Real Estate Co Both pH Suite 232 DFWalker bldg. KELSEY & GILLESI'IeT 22 Bi M. We buy or sell all classes OSJ tate 5 OF THE BEST BARGAJM 6 Business property on best , psrtl Bt that will pay over b per cent S'bet. Main and W.jJ Ji'Templi: bet. W. Tempi. WSe Tu'Z'Sx subdlvUlonl 7S W Second So. jm "Ttaii realty CO " block, will tell o"' property, a 2UX10 RODS. STONE house, 66S E. 1st So Inquire wl8J 1 J |