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Show I S. D. EYHNSl 9 Undsrtake- a Embalms.-. H Open All Nlrjht. Tel. 304. fc! 213 Stat St, Salt Lake City n I il i II M GEO. G. DOYLE & CO., I MODERN PLUMBING I HOUSE HEATING TEL. 163. 211 STATE ST. I Take sU Adam Snyder, Agsnt, 276 S. Main. Phones Bell 1061-Y. Ind. To find better Piano valueB than those we offer, or you'll be doomed to disappointment. dis-appointment. See the Everett Piano. CAHSTENSEN & ANSON (Inc.), Templo of Music, 74 Main St. r Why Have Bad I Coffee in Camp? I A LEYS0N COFFEE MA- I CHINE is easily carried and I makes perfect cofleo in tho I mountains as well as in your I city dining-room. 'Phcne 65 I for the correct time. SALT LAKE CITY. H Seme Genuine Piano Bargains 3 now $425.00 standard rnako planoB, In mahogany und walnut until they go $275.00 2 now WOO. 00 pianos, In mahogany and oak 20. 00 1 second-hand, standard moko nlnnn, beautiful Cicx -v golden oak caso JIO.OO Organs from I? 00 up, CASH OR EASY PAYMENTS. Vansant & Chamberlain I 51 and B3 v&'.n. Saltair Beach ..Theater.. Now running every evening HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE. 8 o'clock to 9:45 p. m. Admission 10c nothing I 1$ Cheap IF YOU DON'T WANT IT. 1 WE OFFER STANDARD B GOODS PROPERLY SOLD H IN JEWELRY STORES, R AND GUARANTEE I EVERYTHING WE SELL H TO BE SATISFACTORY TO E REASONABLE PRICES. I OSEPHTNE, IHOPFMAN HOUSE, LBERTA, JfICHARD MANSFIELD, 'J'rade FAIR, JASCOTS, UDITORIUM, I Nutshell. Thesa are tho names of some of the cigars carried by RIEGES & LINDLEY, The Whiskey Merchants, 1 THERE is! I No better recipa for defective j fl eyesight than a pair of our J ' I 9PECIAL MAKE GLASSES, J j Wo test your eyes free nnd ccr- S . la rcct the defectiveness. I RUSHMER'S 73 W. FIRST SOUTH. ; I 'phones: Bell, 1763-K. Ind., p DRUNKENNESS CUBE. ') .'.-; 'A'J'ij irea.tnuct. I THE PAINT OF AMBf Nothing Bettor Can Bat Bennett Glass & ?t 67 W. 1st South STATE AGENTS.), I Is ; f BARGAIN mmm kM Grand Thb WED. AND " SAT-4, DENVER THEATRE CO. Propfi THE BlTTNESf MATT NEE TODAY AT flfr Tonight Last Tindu Tho Dramatic SensaBj "SAPHoJ PRICES-Nlghts, 10c, 20cJB nces. ifie l le Next Wi.-k "Th Sonator'lHi "An American c;irl." UTAHNATHE TOINIGhi AND PALANCE OF Wf: The New Domiflj; MATINEE SATURDK "FRENZIED FINANCB.l WEEK. Victory Datcman ln ftj Prlcre Mfitir.ff, io and 20 M, lng, 10 and 25 cents. TEL. BELL KTC-Y FOR UTAHINA Pf IN THE HEART OF TH' HIGH-CLASi VAUDEVILLl Featuring Leo Lung Foo, nrs5 harl'.irir .-. n the Ameriesl.' ADMISSION, TEN cjk IS THE COAL FOR Ail FIRE IN THE SUM DOES NOT TAKE MU0E CAUSE IT ALL WZ CLEANEST COAL YOUj SAW. Central Coal & Com "At the Sign of -the P4 PHONES C600. 38 SO. & j Buehmer & Roihsf I Pcpi lar Tal I Have Moved to.l I 334 iMAifil STRt I I t Just North of New IW T NOIICE OF STCCuHOLBjf NUAL MZtTINt Notice I ' tha;R? ty M...r j-d?,rB. "1 ' , SxS ofrt-. 1 c-inf.a.'.y. U JHE , n,, ,. - 1 . . t S ik J-.iko Utl count'. State cf I'tah, 0 , at 10 o'clock &- Wb purpose ...f ulc-ctlrig officer the cn.sulng year and to trfH other t-u3lnc4 us may IrS&UHk foro buIJ nici-tlng H K HOUINSON, Suit LakwVity, Utah, Juns fl |