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Show A WELL-KNOWN HOLD-UP. Dendman's-Cut Robber Has Always Been Unlucky. T A COM A. Wash , Juno 30. While It Is generally given out that tho detectives engaged In running down the highwaymen highway-men who attempted to hold up the North Const limited on the Northern Pacific at Deadman's cut. near Tacoma. last w.ck, have mad.- no progrcfs, it Is h al nod from reliable sources that they, an working on the theory that the leader of the gang, the man who climbed on the e-nglne, Is a criminal well known In Nmlhwest police circles. 'I he name of the suspect Is withheld, hut it Ii claimed the police of Tacoma, Seattle and Portland know him well and he answers perfectly tho description given by the engineer, even to llm pox-marks pox-marks and deformed 110.se. The man lu qui stb.n has hern lu hold-ups before, hut h.is. never carried one to a finish, and tho al tempted robbery of the North Coast limited came nearest to being a success of anything he has ever tried. |