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Show May Build to Pioche and Goldf ield Officers of tho San Pedro in Session in Senator Clark's New Yoik Office. Special to The Tribune NEW YORK. June 30. -The officers of the San Pedro, Los AnKCles & Salt lake railroad were In session today at Hie 0f- flce of Senator Clark ot Montana at Wall street They considered many inat-!i inat-!i and it Is understood thfv will he in session two or three days longer While they refuse to give out anything at this time, your correspondent able to sav they are considering the Pioche branch also the GoIdAeld branch from Las Vegas' ,nv correspondent s :,s,. in n ".-ii..n t.i say a favonible report on these new entiirei Is Ii .p.- f.il In tin .nurse of the next few days |