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Show HIRSCHMAN'S Have Bought Out the . Solomon Retail Store. Besides tho following special, all the shoes in both stocka nave been marked regardless of cost to insure their Immediate sale. TWO LOCATIONS: SOLOMON'S, HIRSCHMAN'S, 70 So. Main. 106 So. Main. SPECIALS ON SALE AT SOLOMON'S OLD LOCATION P- !3i3vo 1000 p.ilrs of Sample Shoes for men wo- sJSJBssW men and children at ONE-THIRD OFF t !yia price; medium sizes and widths t (f&El! Your choice of any Ladles' shoe or oxford I 3ss0 ln the f3o,nrn"" Bins, stock, values to Jl B dgH and hundreds nf pairs of new. regular I r0 ' lines all sizes, Ini ludlng ffr) 4 r I fff lan. black or patent 4.T"0 Jfc .Ci-,. Vour cholco of ,-vnv man s shoo or oxford Aj'v VSlUes to I5. In the Solomon Br...-, store BmV. an,J hundreds of new lines In tan. bis k or j"iU nf shoes or j2 BARGAIN TABLE I Clenn up of Solo- jOll mon Bros and r.ur own odd linos. In- A 1. eluding ''i-etr.-ip sandals, oxfords and & Tl isT 8' a ' " $1.00 ?pcj- I BARGAIN TABLE I Choice of Wo- r "'" I men's. Misses onrl Children s odd ,lnes rrf iJ sllppars and shoes, f-n r-- values to Ji w, at JUL 9,v, Jf' I- --gy BARGAIN" TABLE 3 -Children's Shoes. SSii:iS!:sg! -broken and regular llneS, An " r.i.Vg.om.- j values to si. at t"JIj BARGAIN TABLE 4 Choice of Solomon Your holce of any woman's hoij.se flip-Pro- up to 13 Women's Shoes and Ox per In the Solomon Bros store, und hitn-fords hitn-fords and hundreds if sample pairs, dreds m pairs of oomplet' new lines nnrPK,:Ur $1.65 3 ""',; $1.00' CHOLERA INFANTUM. Child Not Expected to Live From One Hour to Another, but Cured by Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Beraedy. Ruth, the Utile daughter of E. X. Dewey, of Agnewvllle, a., was seriously seri-ously 111 of cholera Infantum last summer. sum-mer. "We gave her up and did not expect ex-pect her to live from one hour to another." an-other." he sas "I happened to think of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy and got a bottle of It from the store In five hours T saw a change for the better We kept on giving It and before she had taken the half of one small bottle she was wi ll " This remedv Is for sale by all leading druggists. OGDEN EXCURSION Sunday, July 2, Via Orecon Short Ilne Round trip $1.00. Take any morning train DENVER AND RETURN $18.00 Via D. fe R O., July 3 and 4. Three fast trains dally Open top obneratton cars through the canyons free Final limit of tickets July' 15. Stopover.'-, allowed. EXCURSION NORTH July I, ih Oregon Short Line Greatly reduced re-duced rates to principal northern Utah and Idaho points. See agents for full particulars. Cit ticket ofJlee. :ni Main street. AJNCUOA LAtiO V. b. UAJ.L STSAMmfdi NEW TO rUC. LONDONDETIHI AND GLASGOW, NEW YORK. Ol-BRALTAR Ol-BRALTAR AND NAPLES. Superior accommodation. Excellent CuIMn. The Comfort of Passsngors Carefully Considered. Consid-ered. ULfgle or Round Trip Tickets Issued between be-tween Mw Tore and Scotch. Krjgllsh. Irish and all principal continental points at attractive at-tractive rates, tieod for Book of Tours For tickets or general Information applr to an; local agent of the Anchor Line or to HENDERkVN imoy., Oea'l A g cats. Chi- easo. Hi, I 11 1 s JULY 3 AT Salt palace MIKE SCHRECK VS. DAVE BARRY In a twenty-round glove contest for light heavy-weight championship Tickets, SI. $2 and S3. Box seats. S5. ATTENTION All Ye Who Need Drugs. The Johnson, Pratt Drug Co. beg to announce that they have secured the services of the veteran, popular and well known druggist, Geo. T. Brlce, who for many years successfully an 1 ably conducted the Godbe-Pltts Drug Store Mr. Brlce takes this opportunity opportu-nity of thanking his many friends for past favors and hopes that by every attention to their wants to merit their esteemed patronage. Don't forget the number. 4q MAIN STREET. I Get the l)v's Fourth of I July clothes today. wL He wouldn't hr- a boy if i m he didn't ix-'-d something Iv new for that day. K j A Suit, rVints. "Wiiisi. m j Shin, n.-ir, r.ip. Stock- 3 ! dF inp;s n- Xfikwear. - I W"h;itfMT it is, you g vrant it ripht. U j jg That i h the way n fan Jg f - n i on fTPMing it $ Itight in even pnnif S W'r- hare tlie blue over- U all suits adopted by th' tX, V. M I A boys H For Their Ogden Tan- I M yon Outing oext week. them to- I ONE PRICE. ' i J. P. GARDNER 1" I 136-138 MAIN ST. THE QUALITY STORE & SALT L KE TURF E&iiHSNGE 208 MAIN ST. California and Eastern races. Direct j wire for all sporting events. I WOO CIGARS FREE I I j If vou can find anything but tho f , E best Havana flUer In the Whits h Swan or the White Swan Perfecto. L 5 WHITE SWAN CIGAR CO , 8 "'J WALKER BROTHERS, BANKERS. INCORPORATED. Established 1S69. j CapltaJ and Surplus .8300.000 8afe Deposit Boxes for rent. Travelers' Letters of Credit Issued. ESTABLISHED 1S4L ISO OFFICEdL THE OLDEST AND LA RG EST J G. DUN & CO.. The Mercantile Ag:en:y GEORGE BUST. General Manager. Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyomlnf. OfMca In Progrsa bldg . Halt 1-nko City. iVIcCOaNICK & 00 ' Bankers. Ealt Lake City, Utah. ESTZ J3LISHi,D 187a I NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPU&LIC A thoroughly modern saving. depart- I nunt conducted Sn connection with, this I bank. I Safe depo'lt boxes for rent. U. S DEPOSITARY. I FRANK KNOX President I J AMES A. Ml RRAY Nee-President I W F ADAMS Cashier bPBbV CAPITXL PAID TN. 8800,000 I INTERTCST PAID ON TIME DEPOSIT j I J E C080RIFF H. P. CLARK. ! I PresldeoL Casbisss I OPEN AN ACCOUNT "WlTaf I Commercial National Ban I Aj3 Fxponent of Consei-vatlsm Comblnd I srtth Enterprtae. I J. i. Daly. W P Noble, Vlce-presldenta. I A H PEABODT Asst. Cashlar. I JESERET NATIONAL BANR. I UNITED STATED DEPOSITARY. I 9alt Lake City Utah. Capital, ?50O,OOO Surplus, 9250,000 I L- S. HILLS. MIOSES THATCHER. I PrealdenL Vice-President. H. S YOUNG. E ti. HILLS Cashier. Asst. Cashiss. H Gsfe deposit boxes for rent. I |