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Show FLAG WENT DOWN " WITHOUT A SHOI Mutineers Yield to Kruger. Promises of Leniency Supposed Sup-posed to Havo Been Made. Official Version of the Mutiny Is That Cotnplaint8 About Food Were a Pretext. ODESSA. Juno 30 Without fltlnc a gun or making the slightest show of se-slstance se-slstance tho mutineers on the Knlaz lJo-temklne lJo-temklne hauled down th red flag and .surrendered th battleship to N'lce-.vd-rnlral Krugefs squadron, which arrived hero at noon today. It waa an anxious moment for Odessa us tho Kfjuadron of five battleships and t.even torpedo boats, with their crews -at quarters and their decks cleared tor nc-tu-n, steamed within range of the Knlaz POtemklne, th. flagship dying signals which read "Yield or be sunk." Engagement Was Expected. The Knlaz Poteinkine, Which had weighed anchor, starteu lu the direction of Langermi point, near Odessa; Every ono expected the. Immediate opening of an engagement, but, instead) long interchanges inter-changes of signals were begun, the mutineers muti-neers apparently parleying to obtain favorable fa-vorable terms. Finally the battleship Stood In closer to the squadron, the ves-Bels ves-Bels of which formed a clrclo around her. :.nd later the squjulron resumed formation and beaded out to sen, tho Knlaz Potem-kino Potem-kino returning t her anchorage, m.com-paiileii m.com-paiileii by the Ekaterlna IL, which placed n prize crew on board. Verbal Promises Made. Tho terms of surrender cannot be learned, aa boats from the bhoro were pot allowed to approach, but it Is thought that the mutineers received verbal prom Ises that tho punishment prescribed by the naval rules would be mitigated to some extent. The Ekaterlna II. remains in tho harbor. Tho city is still In a MrU- ot l.verl-di -inx1.-t All Hi" hotels are guarded by troops, and further reinforcements rein-forcements have arrived. All reservations reserva-tions on outgoing trains havo been taken for days ahead. During a demonstration the funeral of Ih. sailor Omlltohuk yesterday, four persons per-sons were killed and several wounded. Many arrests havo been made. This much-dreaded day, to tho surprise of ever one. passed without a shot bring br-ing fired either ashore or afloat, while the mutinous crew of the battleship Knlaz rotenikine capitulated to Vice-Ad-mir.il ECruger's squadron, und at 5:30 o'clock this afternoon the vessel w:i .slowly steaming three miles distant after VIce-AdmlraJ K.rugers vessels, which had already sailed and wero vlslblo six miles awav A Day of Surprises. Exactly what happened during this day of dramatic surprises la to a gr. at extent u matter of conjecture, aided by binoculars binocu-lars After the shots the Knlaz Potem-kln Potem-kln fired before midnight Thursday nothing noth-ing further happenod. Odessa woke early today to find tho Hlack Sea squadron lying off Dangeron point, and every ono was expecting n naval fight Tho city was like an armed camp. Troops barred all tho approaches to the haroor and were bhouacktng In tents In Cathedral square, and four batteries of artillery, well 6ujg.-plled 6ujg.-plled with ammunition, had been placed In tho park and at Langcron Tho popu-lacOi popu-lacOi astir at dawn, rapidly availed Itself ol cver I seiop ..r uiineneo ivimmainl. ing a view- of the It irbor The Knioz Po-temkino Po-temkino was ecu 1 1 s- u steaming to meet tho squadron, exchanging signals us she proceeded. Returned With Torpedo Boats. Then, to the astonishment of all. Admiral Ad-miral Kruger's five battleships passed out of sight, and the excitement of tho town grew more intense. At noon thu squad-ion squad-ion returned in lino abrea-st. and was now- accompanied by several torpedo-boats torpedo-boats and torpedo-boat destroyers. Again tiie Knlaz Potcmkine started to meet the vessels, and another rapid exchange ex-change of signals took place, apparently In a secret code, for they could not bo lead from the shore. Clearing for Action. The Knlaz Potcmkln was n t. be clearing for action and the squadron to be maneuvering In battlo array, continually contin-ually signalling, until the rebel battleship lay midway between the shore and the squadron with her broadsides pointed respectively re-spectively toward the town and the .u plum, pl-um, as if threatening to shell Odessa should Ph.. I.- attacked by Kruger's ships. in addition to his seeming reluctance to destroy BO fine a battleship Admiral Kruger Kru-ger was apparently animated by a desire, in case be should bo compMled to open lire, to light farther seaward Eater the Squadron was observed to Bend ten boatloads of marines toward tfio ECnlaa Potemklne, apparently to take possession of the mutinous ship, for It aoon became known that she had surrendered unconditionally, uncondi-tionally, after. It Is paid, vainly demanding demand-ing uninesty |