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Show Take Up the Garbage. Editor Tribune: Thank you for your editorial this morning, appealing to the city administration and our citizens to clean up the streets and alleys, yards nnd business property, prepamtory to receiving receiv-ing the tens of thousands of visitors who will look In upon us the present season. But what are we going to do If the city administration, the lhv?t that should act, neglects Its, first duty? 1 passed along Ninth East street today, and saw licaixt of garbage awaiting- '.ho city garbage men garbage- which should have been taken up yesterday. There were barrels of vegetables. Un cans, empty bottles, bones, and all sorts of traah. Saw the same thing many times before. If this garbage Is not taken up promptly It not only makes an unslghtlv appearance anil breeds disease, but ft-makes ft-makes our cltlztns careless. It Is presumed pre-sumed that garbage is collected on certain days, but It is not. Can't you stir up the authorities? T. L. C. Salt Lake City. May 23. In various forms Tribune readers, and The Tribune editorially, has called attention to this neslect. It appear; to do no good. Upon the street to which our correspondent corres-pondent calls attention garbage w'as heaped up In various forms, recently, awaiting yie garbage collector for several sev-eral days. Swarmti of flies, nn offensive offen-sive odor, and disease-breeding continued con-tinued until some of the citizens called wagons and at their own expense hauled the stuff away. Our contributor is right. Garbage should be regularly and promptly collected. col-lected. Again we say that upon many occasions Tribune readers, through these columns, and The Tribune Itself, In many forms, has called attention to this neglect. There can be no excuse for this neglect becoming chronic. It not only breeds disease, presents an unsightly appearance and disgust to visitors, but it results In neglect upon the part of our citizen?. Whoever is responsible for tho collection collec-tion of garbage should see that It la collected col-lected regularly and promptly. No such carelessness would be tolerated in prl-.vate prl-.vate bufitntM, |