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Show PERSONAL MENTION. Tho late Dr. Samuel Smlles's "Self-Help." "Self-Help." a book fated lo sell by Its millions and ho translated Into almost every Euro-peon Euro-peon language, lay imprinted for six years In its author's desk condemned by publishers. pub-lishers. It wps printed and published finally fin-ally at Dr. Smlles's expense. Dr. William S. Evans, who died In Clinton Clin-ton county, Mfssoiirl. the othor day, was a prcuchcr for twenty-soven years, then a physician for twenty-seven years, and again a minister for twenty-nlno years. Dr. Evans was almost Ofi years old. Ho began to preach the first tlmo when ho was 17 vcars old, and did not commence his medical studies until he wns 40, He gavr- up medicine In 1875 and had slhco be?n merely a loo.il preueher |