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Show NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate of Hannah A. Jones, deceased. Credltora will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at No. 424 D. F. Walker building. Salt Lnko City, Utah, on or, beforo tho 14th day of September, A. D. 1901. LYLITII Z. WEBBER. Administratrix of tho Estnte of Hannah ' A. Jones. decOased. Date of first publication. May 14, A. D. 1901. W1272 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-puto PRO-puto division. In and-for Sal Lake county, Slato of Utuh. In tho mailer of the estate of Joseph Olson, deceased. Notice. The petition of Jacob Olson, praying for tho Issuance to himself of letters of administration ad-ministration In the eslnto of Joseph Olson, Ol-son, deceased, has been set for hearing on Tuesday, the 31sl day of May. A. D. 1901. at ten o'clock 11. m. at tho counly court liouse. In the courtroom of said court. In Salt Lako City. Salt Lnko county. Utah. Witness tho clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed, this 19th day of May, A. D. 1901. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES, Clerk. Bv David B. Davles. Deputy Clerk. Sullivan Si Barnes. Attorneys for Petitioner. Peti-tioner. W1S73 IN THE DISTRICT COURT. PRO-bate PRO-bate division, in and for Salt Lake county. State of Utah. In the matter of the estato es-tato of Joseph O. Romnoy, deceased. No tlco. Tho potltlon of JoHoph M. Romnoy, tho surviving executor of tho estate of Joseph G. Romney. deceased, for confirmation of the salo of tho following described real ostato of eald decedent, to-wlt: Beginning Begin-ning at tho northeast cornor of tho northeast north-east quarter of section 21, In ownshlp 2 south, rnngo 1 cast, Salt Lake meridian, running thenco south 61.2 rods, thenco west 72.2 rods, thence north 45. cat 6S rods, thence east 55.2 rods, thence north 3.2 rods, thence cast 16 rods to tho placo of beginning, containing 26.43 acres of land. Alo nil tho right, title and interest lu thirteen acres of flrst-clas water right belonging lo said land, together with nil other wnter rights thnt may belong to said land or may hereafter belong theroto. for tho sum of $6000. nnd upon the following follow-ing terms, to wit: $2000 paid In advance and balanco upon confirmation as appears from the return of sale, filed In this court, hat) been set for hcnrlng on Friday, tho 3rd dav of Juno, A. D. 1901. nt 10. o clock a. m., at tho county courthouse, In tho courtroom, court-room, of said court, in Salt Iakc City, Salt Lake county, Utnh. Witness the Clerk of nld court, with tho weal thereof affixed this 21st day of Mav, A. D. 1901. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. Clerk. 1 By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk. w21U IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO-hato PRO-hato division. In and for Salt Lake county, Stato of Utah. In tho mntter of the estato es-tato Of Joseph G, Romney, deceased. Notice. No-tice. The petition of Joseph M. Romney. one of tho surviving executors of tho estate of Joseph G. Romney, deceased, praying for the aottlcmcnt of final account of said executor ex-ecutor nnd for tho distribution of the residue of eald estate to tho persons entitled, en-titled, hns been set for hearing on Friday, the 3rd day of June. A. D. UOI. nt 10 o'clock n. m., at the county courthouse In the courtroom of snld court. In Salt Lako City. Salt Lnko county, Utah. Witness tho Clork of nnld court, with the seal thereof affixed this .21st dny of May. A. D. 1904. (Seal.) JOHN JAMES. r:Prk. Bv David. B.. Davles,. Dopuiy Clerk. |