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Show H HOPE LINGERS IN BOTHA'S BREAST Dogs Not Bclievo That His Execu-Hon Execu-Hon Will Take Flaco on H June 10. H Tv IFPERKNTT Indeed from tho prlml- H I 1 -'rc' Plls3'on(lto man who killed 3 "vv,1,Iam TIbbctts Is tho "Dutch H Charlie" of today. Ills one idea, no longer Is to pay for tho rovengo he took. H TJIr chief thoughts arc now as to whelh- H ?r his appeal to tho Hoard of Pardons will H succ,-e-d, and the fearlessness with which H lie at first Invited death has gone. H Another side of. his elementary charac- H ler has now shown Itself In tho love of H life, tho JlrsL Instinct of every healthy H unlmaL. For all this, hln physique nccms H to havo boon very' little impaired. lie H ats regularly and even heartily, and his H .sleep Is as sound oh If he wore as har- H dened aH he ilrst tried to bo. His con- H duct In the penitentiary leaves nothing to he doslrod, and all tho guardu who have H 1ho death watch over him say that ho Hl slvcs absolutely no trouble. He Ik nat- nrally disinclined to talk of past events, and makes Httlo refcronco to tho progress of his petition for clemency. He received the news of the action of the Board In allowing his lawyer more lime in which to got up IiIb case- wtth-out wtth-out much outward show of Interest, al-though al-though It was evident that his anxiety H increased. This Is surprising: to those who rcmem-j rcmem-j her the fiercely passionate outburst of H the man, the unrestrained fury that made l.lm kill his child-wife and tho man Tlb- I belts. Do- seems to have a wonderful amount of faith that he will not be killed, and this keeps him from showing- . assigns as-signs of breaking- down. What Httlo ho has to say regarding his case is of a sanguine tone. He professes great con-fdence con-fdence In his attorney. lie shows no ill feeling against unybody and treats verbody with whom ho comes In con-tift'wlth con-tift'wlth civility, showing that ho Is trying try-ing to give as little trouble as osslble. l'erd l-Jngolke. Robert Price and Charles Layflold. convicted of burglary, and Arnold Ar-nold Young, who was imprisoned for stat-i stat-i torv rape, all of whom wore pardoned hi Saturday, will be released as soon as I he official nollco of their pardon ar-rle." ar-rle." r So f.ir the Board of Pardons has only K commended them for a pardon. The form of release will havo to be made out and then signed by the Governor, when 1c will be sent to the warden. Up to vraicrdav tho men had not been informed of their success in obtaining a commu-t commu-t itlou of their sentence, and they have not et made any definite plans as to what tlir-v will do when they are set at liberty " |