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Show THE COUNCIL SHOULD GO SLOW, i It Is understood thnt Dr. Wilcox Iirb made a proposition to the Council that If It will grant him an assistant at fifty dollars n month he will see that all proper calls for the City Physician are promptly and efficiently met. Tills offer, it is understood, Is in response to the frequent complaint of failure to respond re-spond In urgent cases, and the quibbling quib-bling as to whether one case or another Is a "proper case" for the City Physician Physi-cian or not. We trust that the Council will proceed pro-ceed with duo cnutlon in this matter, and will not give way to an cx parte representation. We do not believe that the addition of a helper to the City Physician would help matters a particle. parti-cle. As long as the Idea prevails In the Health Department that the hurry calls need not be answered unless and until the one receiving them Is fully satisfied that It is a proper case for the City Physdcjan to attend; that the per son needing care did not come to his injuries through any act or indiscretion indiscre-tion of his own; and that he Is not able to hire some other doctor to attend him, there will remain the same complaint of Inattention and neglect, no matter how many persons may be employed by the city In this department, v Take the case of the lineman who was knocked off the pole the other day, and lay oii the ground unconscious for half and hour, without the slightest attention atten-tion from anybody, and who was for two hours or more without medical attention: at-tention: how could the catechism, which the City Physician apparently wants answered, be replied to? It- Is all wrong, we Insist; the first and only duty of the City Physician Is to respond re-spond to the call; then the other matters mat-ters can be attended to; and If the Injured In-jured man Is able to pay, have him do so. Again, the laxpuycrs must be considered con-sidered in this matter. The Increase of fifty per cent in the, salary for a single sin-gle ofllce may not be very much In Itself, but others are just as much entitled en-titled to an Increase; Indeed, judging by the satisfaction, of -the public with duty well done, even more so. And we are assured that there aro plenty of competeht physicians in Salt Lake who would gladly take the office and perl-form perl-form Its entire duties-, for tho present salary, While on this 'subject, wc wish to add that the statement of Mr. Ira Poe In yesterday morning's Tribune, con"1-cernlng con"1-cernlng his personal treatment by the Health Department, and his account of how patients aro neglected, is well worthy of the attention of the Council, and to say further, that an ex parte denial will hardly answer; There should be an Investigation, and both sides should be given a .full hearing. If It is 'prfiVett'tb be' (rue that such things as Mr. Poo affirms to be true are being -done In this city, and patients are treated ns he says they are, it Is surely high time that a stop were put to It. Wc do not see how the Council can afford af-ford to ignore these charges which are so directly and positively made by Mr. Poe. |