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Show jTTS5ENIS... j MANY are pleased to know that there l to ho a Maude Adums matinee on Wednesday. But for Manager Vyper'H .success In arranging for the additional performance, a largo number num-ber of playgoers would have been disappointed, disap-pointed, nearly all the seats for th night performances paving been sold. There will be a brisk sale of matinee tickets today. Miss Adams will bo welcomed at tho Theatre tonight by the largest audience of the schhoii. And It w 111 ct rtalnly be the most enthusiastic of many sicaj-ons. For years Salt Lakers have desired to moo MIsh Adams In "Tho Little Minister." and when at last they have the opportunity they will warmly manifest their appreciation apprecia-tion of the vWt of Salt Lake's great actress. K. Frederick Warde. the actor, has filed In the United Stales District court hi Brooklyn Brook-lyn a petition In voluntary bankruptcy. His liabilities, as scheduled, are $10,710, and ho gives his assets as $1CC0. Warde Ik prevldont of the Frederick Warde Gold and Copper Mining company, and owns 1000 shares of the company's stock, which Is given In the list as assets, but without a market value. "My heavy financial losses," said "Warde, "resulted upon the production of the dramatized version of one of Disraeli's Dis-raeli's stories. T was managing myself, and It cost a great deal to mount and put on. This one was not a succes." Warde nld that next year he would be with Kaihryu Kidder In a production not Shakespearean. Sarah Truax. well known in Salt l.ak who played In "The ICternal City" last heuson. of which attraction 12. J. Morgan was the siar, made a speech In Pittsburg recently In response- to persistent calls from the audience, and as a result Miss Janet Waldorf will lake her place In the company next season. Mr. Morgan claims he was the only one In the company who had a right to do the speech-making. "The Knohanttd Tble." the new Pixiry & Herbert musical comedy, which was scheduled to have Its premier In Boston under the Hamlin-Mitchell direction, will lie brought out nt the Casino In New York instead. Ann Tynel will retire from "The Silver Slipper" at the close of the Chicago engagement en-gagement on June 1. Her prospective niaiTlagc to a wealthy Bostonian Is the reason for this abandonment of professional profes-sional life. ' ' At the Authors club Joseph JeiTcrson was talking on the Importance of memory. His did not always stand by him, he said. "Once I was standing In the Fifth Avenue hotel lobby when a little man came up to me and said; 'Why, how are you. Mr. Jefferson?' " 'Very well, sir." 1 replied, 'but you have the advantage of me.' " i'm Gen. Grant.' he said. "Wo went up In the elevator. 'Are you living hi the hotel?' I asked. He gave me his house number. Now, I knew he didn't live In the hotel and I knew where his house wn. but somehow I couldn't manage man-age my mind, so I got out on the second nutJi LUl lCill 1 n uuiu mn 111111 n uvi v in 'and been during the war." Xew York World. "I think this country furnishes better material for the dramatist thun any other country In the world," eays Maclyn Ar-buckle Ar-buckle In Pearson's "TalkH with Players." Play-ers." "There arc so many localities that furnish characters Interesting In themselves, them-selves, and a faithful portrayal of them on the stage Is bound to amuse. American Ameri-can types do not need to be overacted." v a " "T. P." tells an amusing anecdote of the older Sothern (the famous father of E. H. Sothern). He had made an appointment appoint-ment to dine at a restaurant with an j actor friend named Toole, and was exasperated exas-perated at having to wait long, and hungry hun-gry for his fellow guest. Seeing at a neighboring table an old gentleman who was ovldently even more cross and hungry than himself. Sothern went up behind him. and. hitting him a sounding amack on the back, grec-led him familiarly. "Halloa, old boy!" "What the devil do yon mean, sir?" cried the old gentleman, starting to his feet, purple with fury, i I really beg your pardon, sir." stammered stam-mered Sothern. "I took you for an old friend of mine. Pray forgive ine." The old gentleman resumed his scat, growling. Toole appeared at last, and Sothern, after abusing him for his un-punctuallty. un-punctuallty. arranged with him for the dinner. While they were waiting for It to be served. Sothern said : "I say. Toole. I'll bet you a sovereign you won't go up to that old boy. lilt him on the back and say. 'Halloa, old boy!' " "Done!" cried Toole, heartily; and he went behind the old gentleman, gave him a sounding smack on tne back and shouted, shout-ed, familiarly. "Holloa, old boy!" and was promptly knocked down. Harper's Weekly. |