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Show LESSONS FROM THE TEMPLE OF DIANA "Redeemed Humanity as the Temple of God" was the subject of Dean Eddie's Ed-die's "Whitsunday discourse at St. Mark3. If. said the speaker, one had been sailing on the Bny of Ephcsus on a bright May morning some twenty centuries cen-turies ago, he would have had his attention at-tention arrested by that magnificent edifice, standing on an elevated site, known as the Temple of Diana of the Ephesians. This great and splendid building, its dimensions 200 by 300 feet, with its 200 fluted columns, glorious ln Its perfect proportions and noble sculpture, was one of the seven wonders won-ders of the world, and even today may be regarded as among the grandest temples of worship ever erected on this earth. To the trained eye of St. Paul this perfect structure easily suggested such a line of thought as Is indicated in the text: "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, pro-phets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone, in whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto a holy temple In the Lord." (Eph. II.. 20, 21.) The apostle, whose cultivated culti-vated vision was fully alive to the beauty and majesty of the Epheslan temple, quickly passed on to the contemplation con-templation of a spiritual temple perfect in grace and symmetry, which, then as now, Is in course of construction under the hands of the great architect and builder. The various points of resemblance between be-tween the material and spiritual struc- , turc, such as its strength, beauty, unity and harmony, were dwelt upon. While we belieev ln tho catholicity of our own branch of the historic church, we must still look forward to the time when the great temple not made with human hands, but formed of redeemed souls, each one In its appointed place, with Christ as the chief corner stone, shall be completed. "When that time comes the visible church, which may now be regarded as the scaffolding, so very essential during the period of construction, construc-tion, will bo no longer needed, and like ull scaffolding will be laid aside. God works slowly. His eternal "Nov" is not to be Judged by the limitations limi-tations of time. Much lhat we are dissatisfied dis-satisfied with would doubtless to tho eye of St. Paul bo Indicative of marvelous mar-velous growth. On this, the day when the church commemorates tho coming of the Holy Spirit, tho lesson for all to learn Is the duty of conforming to the divine will and law, so ns to become be-come worthy parts of tho temple not mndo with hands, eternal In the heavens. heav-ens. At the offertory Mr.. Barker of Toronto. To-ronto. Canada, sung Dudley Bdck's "Rock of AgCB. Cleft for Me." Mr. Barker possesses a highly cultivated baritone volco of rare power and flexibility, flex-ibility, and he rendered the solo with fine lasto aud feeling. |