Show Utah Commercial and savIngs bank Four per cent Interest paid on savings ODonncll < fc Co Undertakers 269 South West Temple Phone SOL SO-L ENTJTSFORD TTOTET 0r11aceforcornfort oof telephone l every Tooc Usvortv every o order ren s Tailors it8O 8 Main w I Honest Plumbers I M Hlglcy Co 109 East 1st South J3t Tel 7522 Electric wiring Bailey Sons CIS 33 2nd So Headquarters Head-quarters garden and grass seeds J5r G T Fluid Specialist skin Eonllourinary and rectal rec-tal diseases nth floor Progress Bids1 Gcorco G Doyle it Co Modern plumbing and house heating 211 South State Phone 1C2 K SfcKcnrle Tombstones Salesroom 139 W 1st So Tel 1USIC I W J Wolstenholmc coal Removed to 51 W 2nd So Telephone 193 Iluddnrt Floral Company 2H 33 2nd So Phone 37 Largest stock cut flowers and potted plants In city W J Wolstenholmc all Kinds of coal Telephone 105 51 W 2ml So V A DnvUL 11 AVost Second South Ours arc always the best paint and painters Phone 1M5K E 3L OBrien removed to 51 W 2nd South Diamond Coal Tel 195 Trade at lie Stores That Give Green Trading Stamps Drs 33 T Root and IT N Mayo announce an-nounce thu removal of tholr respective offices to rooms 21S2021 second floor of the Deseret News building Telephone Tel-ephone No 307 Hours to 5 p in Wants fiOO Horses J G Doolittlo will buy MJiind horses and mures saddle broken ut city hay market Saturday May Jrd Public IoncDIstanco Telephones With soundproof booths Telephone Imlldlnrr Sttto slreot city Royal I Zwieback pure clean healthful health-ful Good for everybody lOc per clo2 For sale ntvthu Royal 2l2 So Main TJTAU SKIRT FACTORY Fine line new Oxford shlrtlngij Ko 5 Eagle Bllr oMonntniu ice Company Plenty pure P V spring water Ice Tel 4S T D WOOD President UJ Years in 1it1SI11Sfl The wellKnown tailoring establishment of Jno Buckle Son arc today celebrating cele-brating their twentysixth anniversary in the tailoring buslnusi In Salt Lake n1 tlalr present locution This popular popu-lar house was established May 1st JS7G by Jno Buckle now deceased and his fun Jno T 1 Ctifkle who succeeded to the business at his fathers death some 7 years ago Few linns have had such Ji long and tucceiisful career In business busi-ness and fewer still are the ono that have eo uniformly hold thv esteem of their customers and friends The Windsor European Hotel Adjoining Kenyon New building new furniture A Fred Wcy Prop Diamond Coal Telephone 103 Grand Pacific Hotol Newly renovated Now the best mediumprice hotel In the city SOCIETY NOTICES UTAH COMMANDED XO 3 1 Knights Templar Stated conclave this Thursday the 1st lust at S oclock pin p-in L JB SMITH Recorder PERSONALS TUB MAKITOU TURKISH BATH and Hair Dressing Pnrlors will be open May Int under the personal attendance of Dr and Mrs Dalton Elegant shampoo sham-poo baths COo Turkish baths 100 For ladles and gentlemen I t2i7 MADAM GI3YSKR TEAChER OK Palmistry Astrology Pedology and Tulle cardreading Psychometric reading of minerals Madam Geyser will teach you how weaknesses of health and character can be crushed out talents fostered dangers guarded against and ambitions encouraged Know thyself may bo ballad as the message of tire twentieth century Call ut Eagle bloclc on West Second South Open Sundays week days and cvcnlngE Madam Geyser will gIve full readings In clalrvoyancy inlranccinent or card reading free of charge to show her con neclliur powers between the unseen ox Istencu and his I world tLMSS PALMISTRY YOUR FUTUR13 RE vealcd at Prof Sterlings 311 S Main SANITARIUM HAIRDRESSING PARlors PAR-lors ground Moor ilncst in city hair ilresKlng manicuring ladles Turkish baths massage chiropody Phono C59 Evgs and Sunday by appt l YV ird So YOU CAN SAVJ3 MONEY JF YOU BUY your new and secondhand furniture and stoves of tire Washburn Fern Co Phono S21 K 23 V 1st So Easy payments MASQUERADE AND THEATRICAL I coKtunics for rent at tire Salt Lake Costuming Cos-tuming House o7 So State sit Tel 003S ANNA TANNER HAIRDRESSING manicuring chiropody facial and scalp treatments KuporMuoun hair removed 174S over Walkers store Tel 1231Y AUCTION SALES ALL THIS WEEK AT TFII3 COOP SccondHnnd Store 21 and 211 > State street 10001 yards Brussels Ingrain and motict carpets and matting some new and others slightly worn We will sell you anything in house furnishings at your own llgurca t2L02 W ROLLS OP CHINA MATTING regular 40c grade our price 2Lc a yard TiOO Iron beds 75 and up 50 sofa cushions cush-ions sold In dry goods slons at 1UO our price Mr Vo keep everything to furnish your hotiic complote Cash or Installments In-stallments Nebraska M21S Slate sf ET jr ONION HAS RETURNED ANL will resume the auction business from thhi date Ho may be found ut No IMG So State at s957 FOP FURNITURE AND CARPETS cull ul tire I X L Furniture Carpet Installment louse I terms l on 10 JIO on S100 IS E nd So at P A Sorunsun C E OSTI5RLOH AUCTIONEER sells household goods merchandise real state farms horses or cattle with the BoutonOslcrloh Commission Co 151 Slate tiltS LOST ADYS SMALL SILVER OPEN faced watch bet IIiil South and 1st North Ret to Tribune Reward USJii DIAMOND STUD AT BALL GAME Saturday Liberal reward Return to Tribune tiS7 CARPENTERS AND JOBBERS J B BEAUDRY CARPENTER SHOP 17T Slate Plans and estimates furnished ROY WATROUS 07 E ElI SOUTH elevator and Job work Tol 1075X oSTJ GABY WILLIAMS Ci MARKET ST Telephone lOoSX nl57 JOHN S THOMAS ARCHITECT AND Jobbing In carpentry 1SI W 2ud So WANTED WORK BY THE DAY BY MIDDLE aged woman or will take washing honi Call 315 So 1th West t23in SMALL ROOMINGHOUSE OR OTJI cr buidnens must bj l cheap for cash Ad drcas E W Tribune lififi SMALL PLACE NEAR CITV SflTA blc for chicken ranch Address E Ifi Tribune t2Ul 1 OP J GOOD BOARDERS AND ROOMers ROOM-ers Jn privatn family 711 2nd St 122ft PAIIiYWIriI SOMo MEANS TO AS shut In putting In a plant material will net 1000 a ton Address E 1 Tribune TRY THE fOUXCML i LIQUOR HOUSE i for quality airl pilcct of wine and liquor 10 E 1st So 122M h UOOM COTTAGE EAST SIDE BET South Temple and ard South Address D 50 Tribune t2iit A 10 TO 20ACRE PASTURE lARM let Ir to 12th South and 1st to 1th West ala must ho good and with board fence Address E 13 Tribune EVERY PERSON TO EXAMINE goods and priees of the Council Liquor House 10 E 1st So 12201 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CASToff CAST-off clothing Call or write fi2 E 1 2nd So UTAH JUNK CO PAYS HIGHEST prices for rags scrap Iron bottles old rubber copper brass etc 03 E 6th So Telephone 220 EVERYBODY TO COLLECT TRADing TRAD-ing stamps trade at stores giving thorn HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR CASToff CAST-off clothing J SliapHo 20 E 2nd SoLACE So-LACE CURTAINS JAUNDRIED with care 25 and DO cents per pair 233 West Jst South street References given INTERMOUNTAIN JUNK CO PJYS highest price for rags Iron rubber bottle bot-tle copper brans Inc etc full honest weight guaranteed send for prices It will oe money in your pocket C35 Stale ul Tel 1217K tl37fi HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR CAST ort nothing ahocn and hats Drop postal Eckstein 2 > S E 3rd South IIOJ BY AN EXPERT ACCOUNTANT with good references extra wont In evenings eve-nings Address P i this office 3102J TO PURCHASE FOR CASH AN S OR Jroom modern bouse East side close In agents Address B II Tribune 3C74 WESTERN JUNK METAL YARD arc paying beat price for rubber copper brass etc Give us a call J23 S Stato SU Salt Lake City Utah s5CG 2DHAND FURNITURE AND STOVES Salt Luke Furniture Co 233 S State EVERYBODY TO KNOW THAT WE loan tho moat money at onehalf the In terest charged by other pawnbrokers on diamonds Jewelry watches clothing guns Instruments machines etc Tel DGJif Private entrance through clothing store Uncle Sam 30 E lot South tla WANTEDHELP N h A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework at 231 East First South TWO EXPERIENCED DININGROOM I girls at The hills I LADY CANVASSER TO ASSIST traveling peddler A B Colton Gcnl Dclcliy nit SOLICITOR FOR PHOTOGRAPHIC proposition ity West 1st South iii l LENTY PLACES FOR GOOD GIRLS Mra Olsons Emp Office 171 15 2nd So I i STRICTLY 1STCLASS PLUMBERS TliO for Sirrs 1 M Iligley Co 123 IS BOY Wn7 SO An3 EX P12EIENCElN offlcn worlr lypewrlllns etc Address E 20 Tribune t23C3 GOOD SHEEPHERDER ADDRESS E 17 Tribune 12319 ROY AS HELPICR BY INTERIOR decorator ITU W 1st So t2S FINISHER AT CHASES PHOTO Studio Must he uptodate 12357 2 GOOD SEWING GIRLS APPLY Mrs Gates 23G E 3rd South 12110 GIRL FOR PLAIN COOKING AND general houacwork 121 Brlgham 2105 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWO1UC good wages Apply 71 J E St 12303 NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork HOUSE-work must understand I cooking t Mrs O W Powers 12S G ut A FIRSTCLASS WHITE PIANO player F Richards Hnlley Ida 10 GOOD PAPERHANGERS IN qulro at Mldgloys 67 Main st tlKJO GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK must have ref 72 J St nll29 A WOMAN OP MATURE JUDGMTDNT for responsible office Address E 9 Trlb tino t2li > 3 STROCKS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY C R Strode Prop All kinds of help jiromptly supplied Strocks Employment Agency 161 Main street SALESMAN WANTED TO CARRY side line of dry goodn it ml blankets direct from looms to country retailers Goo line for competent man Tlio Lakewuoi Co Box 111 1 l I Philadelphia Pa t20S SALESMAN MANUFACTURER wants representative with established trade Will give State managership right man permanent bond Address E 3 Tribune t20S7 GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEwork HOUSE-work small family 31S So 3rd East GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Apply 52 East Third South street WANTED AGENTS N k VXV Sw V W1 AGENTS TO INTRODUCE NEW plan of shoeselling big prollts Dept 117 Monolast Shoe Co 133 Fifth ave Chicago Chi-cago 12103 VERY CATCHY NO FAKE QUICK seller J Liidman 2 W So Temple WANTEDSITUAT1ON POSITION BY EXPERT ACCOUNTant ACCOUNT-ant and bookkeeper several years cxpe rloiice Address E j 11 I Tribune ul DENTIST WESTERN DENTAL CO 32 EAGLE Blk Dr Broadbent Uptodate dentistry SPIRITUALISM MRS P FONTYN CLAIRVOYANT and trance medium 207 So W Temple MASSAGE MRS C M TRIPP MASSAGE AND magnetic treat ment8SS So W Tcmplo WATCHES AND JEWELRY FOR SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON watches and jewelry see Sal Sickle the Jeweler 73 E and Soupi al UNDERTAKER A 5 WATSON UNDERTAKER AND crnbalmcr Opp P O Tel 1010 n7u3 DRESSMAKING SUNBURST ACCORDIAN SIDE pleating neil pinking 17 E bit South POULTRY BROOK RANCH HEADQUARTERS fancy poultry and eggs 1U71 Bo 3th East MACHI MISTS A C GARTMANN GENERAL MAchine MA-chine Jobbing and repairing Ill AV 1st So HORSECLIPPIHCJ FIRST CLASS IIORSECLIPP1NG hand or machine McCoys ntablcs FOR RENT PIANO FINE MUCKERING 2CO E 5th South u23 MODERN ROOM BRICK HOUSE KT Second et 113G3 fiROOM MODERN COTTAGE NO children 37 V Uth South 12301 BRICK COTTAGE G ROOMS CLOSE Call phone 1151X 123C2 7 ROOMS MODERN TERRACE close in C E Taylor Wells Fargo COH bank 12327 2 OR 1 FiNE ROOMS BAY WINDOVV urn or uniiirnlulifd for housekeeping Ill W N Temple z230 2 OR 3 UNKKIIXISHED ROOMS with bath CT ih East t22W TWO MODERN IROOM HOUSES J21 So 3rd East 12213 SPOOM MODERN BRICK ALL clean 2i East 7thSo 12151 7ItOOM IIOirSE7 COIL 3RD AND iT Key nt W 3rd st t2120 2 LARGE UNFURN ROOMS 130 P ST MODERN1 IDROOM HOUSE Near kit Emit and 1st South Sts Sou Realty Co W W 2nd South Phone 7ROOM MODERN HOUSE 510 327 IS 1st South tU 7S 7ROOM MODERN S10 327 E 1ST South HS09 A FINE MODERN RESIDENCE JUST completed nine rooms bath electric lights toilet bent furnace many other convenlenrey close In beautiful view JJiCO per month Apply 218 N 2nd W FROM MAY 1ST 0ROOM MODERN house t5 > E 2nd So Inquire 20t I McCor nlclc Hlk tlCB NEW GROOM COTTAGES MODERN East side Apply John Dubci 127 W 2nd South > 214 ACRES CHOICE GARDEN LAND poInty of water cloao In A C Saxllor Central 131k W 2nd South s305 KEYS FITTED so W 3rd So Phono JHOs J A Meredith FLOORED BASEMENT 10x120 LIGHT and dry Houston Block 251 Main nt rib CALL UP TEL NO 27 i FOP HOUSES Houston Real Estate Inv Co HOT SEWING MACHINES J2 PER MONTH White office 20 W 1st So st Phone 078X HOUSTONS THE HOUSKRS 2C1 Main street Tol No 27 HCQ LARGE STORE ZH SO W 3RD SO Houston Real Estate Jnv Co 251 Main FOR VACANT HOUSES CALL UP Houstons Tel 27 ri09 15 HOUSES ALL KINDS PRICES and locations Tuttlo Broa 110 Main st HOUSES SHOULD BE DISINFECTED before moving In OS S 5th West Tel 1S75Y SEE US FOR HOUSE RENTING Realty Co CO W 2nd So Phone 760 MODERN CLEAN 5ROOM COTTAGE bath electric light clone to Main no small children 15 E Oth So FOR RENTFURNISHED NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS MODern MOD-ern cottage reasonable rent use kitchen E 21 Tribune u2l FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping II S Hit East 12321 F FURNISHED ROOMS BATH ELEC trie light close In 520 So Statc 12310 PLEASANT FURN ROOMS FOR gentlemen 03 E bat North 12301 NICELY FURN ROOM 315 CONSTI tutlon nidg i 12318 1 MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS lower floor 219 West Fifth South 12200 PLEASANT MODERN ROOMS 1ST class tablo board 270 W South Temple HOME COMFORTS FOR I GENTLEmen GENTLE-men 22 E Brlgham tourists entertained 2 ROOMS FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping 351 E nth South I lfiTI A NEWLYFURNISHED l SUIT Ol rooms modern for two Board If dc sired No 5 Dubel ave East 2nd South between 3rd and 4th East HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 531 CANnon CAN-non St 1 block westRio Grande depot 3 PLEASANT ROOMS FOR LIGHT houiickcuplns closets water dec light No children S7 S 4th East tlSo ELEGANTLY FURN MODERN s room brick cottngc Inquire 721 So Main 3 CLEAN HOMELIKE ROOMS COMplete COM-plete for housekeeping electric light closol etc private family no children 125 East 3rd South US13 3 ROOMS PANTRY AND CLOSET also barn 37 West 7th So tlJOl G FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping 13S E Second So US21 FURNISHED COTTAGE 4 ROOMS for hlrht housekeeping Enaulro Coop SecondHand store tlSlfl ROOMS AND BOARD MODERN reasonable 303 E 1th So Phone 1EOK NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS MODem MOD-em conveniences 127 So 1st West s05 2 NICE LARGE ROOMS FURN FOR housekeeping with water 172 K st FURNACEHEATED AND OTHER wise modern rooms U 1 Kendall sfjuaro NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM ON ground Moor bath board for two 222 L st A FEW GENTLEMEN ROOMERS and boarders at 2SO W 2nd North sL NICE ROOMS GROUND FLOOR modern also board 25iJ S West Temple NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bath In private family K W Ith South FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEkeeping HOUSE-keeping south front ground floor CCO 13 1st South slBir HOUSE OF 15 ROOMS PARTLY FUR nlshed modern furnace 223 W Dth So BOARD AND ROOMS GOOD TABLE BOARD 50 RICHARDS street t2Iln NICELY FJIRNISIIED FRONT ROOM With board modern ISS N Main street STRICTLY MODERN 321 S 4TII EAST WOODBINE COTTAGE LOVELIEST rooms and excellent table board No 137 North Main st ½ block north of Temple ROOMS AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family modern CC1 So 2nd East 1125 STOVE REPAIRING S WF > > lFl > X X WM PENDER SON 20S STATE ST Tel 10312 Stove and range rapalrs 3 tons stock on hand constantly Mall orders or-ders solicited nllCS DAIRY AND CREAMERY KEYSTONE DAIRY AND CREAM orr HS E 1st So wholesale and retail Keystone butter la famoua Phono CGI CARPET CLEANING w NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR carpets cleaned Telephone 1000 for the Salt Lake Carpet Cleaning works Sth Wand W-and So Temple E Eynon Prop LUG TICKET BROKERS OTTINGE1VS CUTRATE R R TICKet TICK-et office IS W 2nd South f33 A T MOON CO BUY AND SELL railroad tlckes 22Ti So Main oppoalt Walker house kUtb GROSHELLS TICKET OFFICE ES tabllshcd lVsS Reduced rules on all railroad rail-road tickets 221 thin st Tel 553 p9 STORAGE REDMAN VAN AND STORAGE CO uepnrato rooms largest moving vans Money advanced on goodn 126 and 12S S W Temple at Phone Ow FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS GOOD SECONDHAND HACK VERY heap John Farrlnglono Stable 12 s Slato st ll LUCERNE AND TIMOTHY HAY IN i my quantity wholesale and retail Muir anne Co 125 B 2nd So Phono 73UX w G ROCER STORS7 CI IE A P DOING a good business Call tit 32S W 1st So i l TEAM WAGON AND HARNESS A map T5 W 3rd So riS GOOD HORSE7 AND ROAD HORSE STRONG l suliable for phaeton J10000 Lock Box lii ffA v d TWO l GAL COWSJ TRADE BEEf AVanted cnlve Saundern IDS ri Slate r MOVING PICTrRE OUTFITS AN D Hiipj > lleu HI bargains Chan P MailDen c S Co roar JM iluln st tJ5ri o LEASE AND IMPROVEMENTS ON A ranch frrrlt milk COWF etc t4C 112 V 2nd South nl tSMil f SHETLAND PONY BUGGY AND hariie H Apply 733 E 1th South tl < > cONE c-ONE ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO ebonlsed cuie 19 l three Hfjuarc pianos In brood order from rr up New and complete srock of hrigh grnalo pianos lii all the fancy woods for crudi or irirrLi Irlontlily u13rrrcrr hr earstenseri nson 5151 South Main st t221 CONFECTIONERY AND MANUFACtory i MANUFAC-tory going out of business Cl Lust l 1st So t21S < i cONE c-ONE FAN 3x7A FT ONE 15 IIP 1 engine Apply Sept St Mnrkn hospital FINE HARTX MOUNTAIN CAN rlcs gold finches parrots and gold fish J A Stlmson lo Phipps court roar Board of Trade Bldg 1200 3 ENGLISH SHIRE STALLIONS CAN bo seen any time Inquire Bondn rcstinr ant 36ROOM ROOMINGHOUSE HEART of city terms easy P O Box 1191 tlHH EGGSB P ROCKS SILVERLACED Wyandotls B Mlnorcan 5100 per setting set-ting B C Frlcse 327 Centre tit t tiES NEARLY NEW SET DRIVING liAR ncas Call 161 E Sth So ONE CARLOAD NEW 4 AND fiINCII wrought pipe Acme Mining Machy Co WALL PAPER AND PAINT BUSIness BUSI-ness 313 Main st U702 REGISTERED JERSEY BULLS ready for service Apply Holllngwcrth Ul West 1st South st City 11701 GOOD PAYING SALOON IN PROS porous mining camp new building modern mod-ern fixtures satisfactory references upon application Address D 33 Tribune ONE OF THE OLDEST COMMIS unIon businesses In Utah Address B 2S Tribune G533 CHEAP A DREDGE CAPABLE OF throwing 600 yards of dirt per day built expressly lo work In Jordan river Ad drcps Nophl Elsmoro Amer Fork Utah ALL KINDS SECONDHAND GOODS bought and sold J Croftnn 2t9 B State HORSES FOR SALE AT IOWA STA bios 123 W So Tern PHONOGRAPHS TYPEWRITERS Ivor Johnson bicycle Carter 32i > W Tern FOR SALEREAL ESTATE THESE ARE VERY CHEAP 3x10 on llth E near SLit So J52o 4x10 Stir E and nth South 41700 SxlO with good house 1th East near filh So S1350 CxlO 3rd North and StIr West SS30 6x10 corner on 3rd East S7o DxD with alley In rear llth E and 1th So SlfX0 A neatnew oroom pressed brick will bath etc cost side 2250 IiiHtallments 7x10 corner on 2nd South 52109 Peterson 53 W 2nd So u20 OR RENT TRACKAGE PROPERTY paved st A Keyscr 113 S W Temple AN EXCEPTIONAL LIST OF PROP ertles In all parts of the city nt reasonable reason-able figures We have Lire connection to assist purchasers In many ways Inclosing In-closing deals Among the properties we have to offer this week arc the following A corner on Brlgham street 4 blocks east of Main 10x10 rods 518500 Or we ccii dIvide the lot 2ixG rods itrlng Tlrighmirn st tt500 2rxV4 rorls facinig Brigham 1030 2x7 rods fLclnrg Brigham Brig-ham 8111 Follrth Easl l300 An Ideal Ic cation for terrace An elegant ilroom modern house on 2nd st 51SiO00 On 6th East st 7ronm brick el lights bath closets etc S1SMOO Near South Temple nt on Cth East 7 roommodcrn brick sewer con el lights bath and dressingroom faces cast 2xbO rds 5SOOOO West side firoom frame cellar pantry closets barn sheds lawn front and rear lot 75x7 JHOOOO Terms A nice 6room cottage on 2nd North corner lot south and cast barn and large lot 5150000 Terms The Home Investment it Savings company com-pany Nos C S and 10 W 1st So st 5ROOM MODERN BRICK EASTside EAST-side 2jXlO lawn shade 52SOO Fine llroom modern frame largo rooms lot 50x157 to alley shade trees lawn beautiful home cast side on carline car-line STOO Bcaullful acre lots on Slate stt nlindo ann fruit plenty water for Irrigation from 52iiO to 300 per acre Small tracts near cIty See The Nego tlntor our llrv Harrington Courtney 70 W 2nd South THE BEST BANK PUT YOUR money Into the best bank Into real estate Thus provide you with an Incomo and < your saving will bo earning money for you nil the time I can direct the Investment Invest-ment 2 lots south front Emerson TV near 10th South and llth East city water rIte pair Wf iy > lots on Edith av between 3rd antI Hh East facing north 5200 A neat little homo on Fern St 1x6 rod of ground 5120 lroom house and 3xS rods of ground two blocks north of the Temple on easy terms SISOO rfi S st a 5room modern brick cottage lot 33x105 feet 3100 On P si between 2nd and 3rd sts tire choicest 5room modern brick cottage in I this elly Tho rooms arc large slnlrwa to attic dump grate furnaco heat lot 2fc 74 rods to alley In the rear 53500 A RlJhtor 10 W 1st South Tel Oil 12133 BEFORE YOU BUY SELL OR RENT your real estate see E J Wills 15 W 2nd So st tEl MONEY TO LOAN ON PIANOS FURNITURE ETC Room 23 Galena block ol370 ON ANY PROPERTY YOU RETAIN possession The Stringer Co 31 W 2nd So 1000 TO J50000 ONE TO FIVE YEARS farm or city property James K Shaw under Walker Bros bank p50 R L TRACY 11 E 1ST SO LENDS money no commission expense or delay ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS Miller i VIeW 303 McCornlck Bids ON FURNITURE PIANOS ETC OR any good Becurlty without removal Busl ness private 159 So Main Room 0 CITY AND FARM PROPERTY AT 6 uml 7 per cent J L Perkcs 73 W 2nd So HIGHLY RESPECTABLE PRIVATE place to obtiln liberal advances on cbs mondn Jewelry banking rates E Llcli tcnuleln Jeweler 211 Main at Tel 112uY atCURIUN CO LEND ON REAL estate plain mortgage low rates privilege privi-lege of part payment any time i W Second Sec-ond South 11239 ON FURNITURE PIANOS ETC without removal 112 West Second South six PER CENT MONEY THE DAY yon want it The oldest and largest money loaning Institution In Utah handling hand-ling only our own money The Homo Investment In-vestment and Savings Co tJ S anti 10 West First South st ti ISO OPTICIANS COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO SCO MAIN Wholesale und retail manuf opticians J H KNICKERBOCKER OPTICIAN 239 Main Try him If your eyes trouble you HALFTONE ENGRAVING AT THE TRIBUNE ART DEPARTment DEPART-ment the highest class of halftone engraving en-graving la executed upon the vhortest notice and at the most reasonable rates Portraits of persons pictures of business houses residences ate a specialty ALEREALEATE FINE 7ROOM HOME NHAll < TIT u ml E llth So IJOfO firoom frnmo E Jth So close In ir Croom and aroom houfce on K 4th I B all for Jltxo Eo 7room pressed brick nearly new i wired for doe light 2x10 Ii i V U J27TO J750 cash l > pfr month R ° i 7room mod proved brIck P0rci bath tolln Hee llcht corner lot to Price 3COO Jofn cash 2n per niomV L ilL LIttle No I 1V > 2til So S5 CASH AND 1 iiLiii mi fji f buys line loin war R G W depot rhT will doublein value In 2 yearn See < > dard under Walkers bank 1 INSTEAD OF MOVING INTQ 7 rented house move Into a home of n I own Our tuumies4 Is to help peonla cure homes of thom own 49xI53 ri with alley ln rear p > sti only JIOO M I 2c7 Darlington cant 2J frontage on 123 123SOxl23 FXIxlT ft 10th East near Int South MII frontage only lfo 2VilO cast frontage on 10th East rjw 11V I > 7 5x7 corner lib East south frontage Cal 523CO n7 HandKomc 0room modern residence i h Darlington downstnlrn llnlshed In hir wood bath nIce It I t ntiilonary TvaX Bland 2000 I rronmri modern residence north i > er only 270 easy term East Hide beautiful new Jroom < itrli ly modern pnsnetI i bilclc cult ago lOrri lain bath I stationary washRtand Inttat elec wiring coinplotely furnished li Inn piano only J37fXi or will s < ell itnu without furniture for fllX0 This Is forced sale owner Itus loll cIty i3e It If you are looking for a modern teM dcueo or collage dont fall to see our lit t IIounus lo suit all In nil purtu of im city I cityMcGurrln C Co 55 W 2nd South tia 1000 7ROOM NOlEILN 50 S 1ST w 1500 30room modern 1111 ii 1st Sntnth 21410 5rocim 1101180 t11 S est lempit y0 7noom iramn rs t Ill 501111 5IECO 5room frame rear M K 2nd So SIMO Iroom frame < 9 Sixth stt J2WO lroom brick ViO E Ith Smith SCOOO 10x12 ida err 3rd Fo A Sub East SVWXi nroom modern lOtS Third nt 2300 7room frame 024 S 1st Went 33200 5room modern 2Pi N 1st Vcst Two choice hiiKlncHH jiropcrtles paying good Interest Will loan you twothirds ot the money to purchase any of Ihe ublvo property at 7 per cent W J Hallornn 1 H W 3rd So tCt NEAT HOME IN NICE LOCATION for small family 1ZI i St MR IT IS A BEAUTY CALL AND SEll It Strictly modern 5room pressed brick house on Lest bonch Easy terms FrRsch No 12 E 2nd So 11712 BEST WATER POWER IN UTAH M acns of land lying on eIther < bldo of Provo river at mouth of Prove canyon Utah county Utah above all Irrigating ditches over sixty feit fall of water on the place running 15000 cubic foot per minute at low water no freezing up In winter easily developed Also X01 fruit trees o nil klndn and hest cpmlliles known to nnraerynifn also grapes and berrlca oJ all kinds and varieties all watered by numerous springs of pure water rising oa the place about forty acrea of ariblo and bottom Umber land on the place balnnco grazing land and lodges of hydraulic limestone lime-stone capital place for the manufacturo of Portland c mrnt scenery grand fjooil renoit for Invalids railway and flag ma lion through place six miles fiom Provo forty miles from Salt Lake City AcKhesi L Steel Provo Utah till BEAUTIFUL NEW 2STORY AND collages are now being built at 1st andO and-O streets easy payments low Interest Inquire nt premises Anderson Real Estate t Es-tate Investment Co rlSM 2 COTTAGES CLOSE IN PAY 1 PERcent PER-cent A row 15 per cent clooo In of 5 collages 1 farm 60 acres cloao In Inn 35 W Glh South aire ARE YOU INTERESTED IN IDAHO land Well irrigated farms In every part of the State and men to show them to you The Home Investment and Sav Iriga Co C S 10 W 1st So at sIll THE NICEST CORNER ON NORTH cast bench 41x125 at R and 3rd 93 lawn shade and fruit trees neil terrace Terms reasonable Erinu ire promises FOR FINE FARMS AND RANCHKS In the famous Snako River valley Idaho call on Parsons 5 Co under Walker Bros bank II101 HOMES FROM 51000 lo 520COO CAN sink yon In anything you want C W Miller no W 2nd South oKfl WE SELL REAL ESTATE THATS all Tultlc Bros IIS Main red ball signs WILL SELL YOU AT A BARGAIN vacant lots a cottage or a model mouse In any part of tIne city Jas K Shaw under Walker Eros bank u2C7 A SNAP 10 LOTS IN UTAH SOUTH era addition 150 to SIM each 11 lots In Prospect Park addition 43CO each Both these additions arc located on West Side Rapid Transit car line and closo to site of proposed now sugar factory fac-tory S P terminal llc and projected steel mill Jas B DIxon 102 E 2ml So ACREAGE PROPERTY FRUIT tracts farms and ranches agricultural grazing timber and mineral lands Improved Im-proved and unimproved large or small tracts Parsons it Co Walker Bank bldi ON THIRD SOUTH BETWEEN MAIN and new union depot 7I > 1C5 feet very cheap Must be sold right away Mc Gurrin Co 33 W 2nd South CHOICE LAND CENTER DAVIS county terms easy Address P O Box 1101 tll07 THE PEOPLES HOME BUILDING Company will build you a home and clv > you over sixteen yenra to repay tho money In payments of iVSO per month on each thousand dollars advanced ni > Interest Agents wanted Apply to < j 11 Cleaveland Gen Agent 15 W 2nd So BUYERS OF PROPERTY HAVE THIS advantage In dealing with McGnrrln Co Whon the seller wants all cash wo will lend the money to the buyer so thai he gets the benefit of a spot cash price and easy terms tlOCD HOUSE AND LOT 2g ACRES IN orehaid and lucerne at Lohl Utah G < < ua bargain Inquire liO W South Tompe THE OLD WAY WAS TO WAIT TILL yon had saved enough to pay for a homo before buying It The new way Is TO enjoy It while you art paving for It Our specialty is homes on Installment plan cast and west sides of town The Homo Investment Savings Co filfl W FIrst South si tllTU CASH REGISTERS V N > XX > Si > > S1i iN XX l w NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS OScar OS-car Gosholl sales agent No 221 Main st Expert cash register repairing J101 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES AND CON Btructlon large uioclt of latest chandc dlcrs InterMt Elcc Co J5 E 1st So ASSAYERS CRISMON BROS 210 S W TEMPLE st Full equipment for making conccntri tlon and cyanldo teSts Send for price list F M BISHOP lit S West Temple BUSINESS CHANCES ASSURED SUCCESS GREATEST dividendpaying investment of thn t 20lh century Business buscd on facts and llfjuics Pay Ins large weekly dividend For particulars address Equine Record Co Incorporated 2C0 Broadway Now York City t2t5l 3 MUSIC ta ta 1M NB X LEON DE WITT NILES MANDOLIN and guitar studio 414 Timplcton bldg S D SMILEY PIANO POLISHER of Chicago old pianos made new any color No IG I Richards St city slO J SCAVENGER S l ltS S S SALT LAKE SCAVENGER CO OF llceLAi Main st Tel 3oC sTjj CITY SCAVENGE CO OFFICE 75 Oth East Phone MI I 5 rings I ATTORPJEYS EDWARD MGURR1N 1013C ATLAS building silO W H D1CICSON ATTORNElAT law Fifth hoer Progress bldtf |