Show NEW STRIKE iN QUINGY As Sensational as Any Mac in That Ground j A CAUSE FOR EXULTATION Dildcnds for April Trom Utah Mines Oro and Bullion Settlements Settle-ments for thc Month Stock Sales During the Past Thirty Days njid Reviexv oC the Stock Mnrkul Alta Ores Being1 Released Robert Bell I Thinks It Too Early Yet to Start ior Thunder Mountain Notes i Yesterdays advices from Park City atTord uasurnneo of a new strike In Quincy giound us sensational us any in that territorys most sensational career and while the extent of the ore a body had not been determined when President Uambertjer who had been In communication with Superinlendont I Klrby hung1 up the nurnphone there was enough of It to justify not a little exultation at both ends of the line According Ac-cording to particulars that were shouted shout-ed down from the camp by the superintendent super-intendent the disclosure was made at a a point 250 feet WOSL and a Htllii south of the main Qtiiney slopes or In line with the strike of the great vein by which the territory of thu reorganized 3 > aly AVest Is traversed Tho ore Is i identical with that which nns made It popblblc for the former owners of ihe Quincy ground to divide rJrono with each recurring month nor are assays I required to determine Us I metallic contents con-tents VJipn Superintendent Klrby closed his report through tlu telephone the ore body presented all the attributes at-tributes of that which has brought the inino Into prominence and In the upraise up-raise which was begun at once he cx jiected to have a full breast of the stuff from which dividends are derived before I be-fore morning 1 li the meantime Manager J 1C Dam berger has his luggage ready and will leave for Denver today to be present at the meeting of shareholders of the Daly West In that city on Monday noxt and I i at which the action of the directors In I the abporption of the Quincy will be ratified This done lie will continue u the castS where he will remain for sometime some-time on a wellearned vacation Assistant I Assist-ant Manager Ernest Kambergcr stopping stop-ping Into the saddle and directing the campaign during his lathers absence I |