Show CHAOS WOULD RESULT Uncle Sam Cannot Withdraw With-draw From Isles r GEN ARTHURS VIEW I I Host Thinkers Among the Filipinos He Declares Have No Conception Whatever of tho Practical Efforts Whereby tho Results They Are All Anxious to Attain Can Be Successfully Success-fully Accomplished American Withdrawal Would > He Says Result Re-sult in a Fratricidal War Washington April MnjorGonoral MttcArihur lodny gave further testimony before the Senate Committee on the Philippines rl hl statement I ippines Ilr I explained hil stnlemcnt nuvle yesterday that absolute lao would be have resulted should Independence given the Filipinos and the h United States forces be withdrawn by saying that thin pcoplu of the Philippines being less prepared pre-pared for selfpoveinrnuiit and administration adminis-tration I than t any of the I LatinAmerican republics at t the time u of their I einnnrlpa inn t from Spain their t own unaided ci forts to nccomjillbh < eJfrcBcnerMlon would In i nil probability m I I piove abortive 1 I HIS VIEWS OP FILIPINOS The people of the Philippines ho Hall have riidlniezuiry Ideas and ampliations rlllmcutuy and are therefore in an Ofesentlnlly pins 111 Ur llrtforC tic condition which under the t control of the United States would In his opinion Hnled a rnnld moulding of the body politic into n jonslsient I eUHimportliiK commonwealth liven I the best 1 thinkers I he said nmonir the Filipinos have no conception whatever I of the u practical incrlmnlciil efforts wherebj tho results they ire anxious to attain t can be sue ccHsfnHy accomplished WITHDRAWAL OF AMERICANS A merlon n withdrawal from the Islands would In his opinion result In lit u permanent perma-nent failure o JRcpubllcan institutions In the East and a fialrleUlal war which would continue u until suppre tIll bv some exterior foice The bioad generalization I he said IK reached that the United States jmiHt retain the tuUimmry I annex that I wn must plant our Institutions that we muat contend for commercial I tuipremney and perhaps combat for political biiproinncy to overcome the Inhcient rtlfticultfes of lie sliuntion I which will require the most profound Lfforls of constructive statesmanship states-manship lie savu U 1M hls coiiHelontlom belief tluit the presence of tho United SKitLs In the I Plilllplnrr IK ii unmitigated benefaction to the Filipino people INTERROGATED BY PATTERSON Do you mean the Filipino people that arc left alive after lliry t huvn been mib JuuatedV Inquired Senator Patterson I Cen MiieArtliur dorland tluu he did not mean that I there hau been any unusual unus-ual destruction of llfo In the Philippines Thu destruction paid he Is hlrnply Incident to war and iC courte embraces a viry small percentm of the total population pop-ulation which I IH tjynse ThlrtyUirou and onethird I per celL In remarked Senator Patterson nan province rlflrle SIU101 son COLLOQUY A WARM ONE Replying to this ytnteniiiit Gen MJIC Arthur informed Senator Patterson thnt It I he nror rrid lo believe lint t ho Mac Arthur could not help I We have au much right to believe that from an American officer who Is 1 the Civil Governor mid who Is there In the province prov-ince an we Iwvtt 10 bcllee yoU replied Fcnalor Patterson which brought the retort re-tort from Jen MaeArhw Vou can believe that Rellev uhal you vleh and 1 will brIt what I wIsh Tho committee by a strict pirly vote refused to subpoena Maj Cornelius Gardener Gard-ener Aguinaldo Slxlo hopes and lalblna EFFORTS TO END WAIt Gen lUncArthiir leferred to his many efforts to brlni n bruit a cessation of hostilities hos-tilities I and stop the t bloodshed These efforts ef-forts ho said were directed to Apulnaldo ilnonpli I some of his friends because In his opinion Aguinaldo was the incarnation Incarna-tion of the revolution Gen TMacArthur said the disparity between be-tween tho killed and wounded of the Filipino Fil-ipino and American forces was due to the fact that t I t the I Filipinos know nothing of tho double sights un he I rifles Senator Patterson wanted to know l if asa as-a mntter of fact the contacts between our troop and the I Filipinos wore simply assaults and purMilts GUERRILLAS HUNTED DOWN Gen MueArlhur denied thnt this was HO saying that since the affair has reached the guerrilla singe the United I States troops I have had the u greatest illf IlllIlt t Y In finding the Filipinos 1 FO that t whenever ho 1 Filipinos attacked It was In the nature of a surprise the Filipino posting himself In lliick mountain gorges and llrlnj first Under these t circumstances circum-stances our officers and men would go Inn In-n ftel llum and then the natural I supremacy suprem-acy of the American showed itself and every man that could be reached would be killed CAPTURE OI1 AGUINALDO Responding to a question by Senator f Carmack Gen MaeArthur said that when ho assumed responsibility for the methods adopted In capturing Arntlrialdo he did so without conferring with tho authorities at Washington Tho plait was Gon Fun stons lie iilil and he MncArthur assumed as-sumed the I responsibility I of approving It At no time said Gen lUacArthur did he violate the rules oC civilized warfare Gout MacArlhur was excused until tomorrow and the committee went Into I executive session Hy a i strict party vote the committee refused to subpoena Maj Cornelius Gardener Gard-ener Aguinaldo Slxto t lopc and Mabinl Tho question of sending u subcommittee lo tItus Philippines to continue the Investigation Investi-gation was passed over |