Show SUPERINTENDENT MASTEBS Ho Will Have Charge of the United States Companys Smelter Harris 1C Masters who has been designated des-ignated na general superintendent of the Utiilcd States companys smelter out at ninpham Junction reported for duty yesterday ami until the plant is completed and the match Is touched to the capacious furnace will assist George K Fischer superintendent of construction In his labors For eight years Jlr Martin Inns presided over the funmccs of thc > Chemical companys blj smelter it Laurel Hill out of New York City AL Its furnaces in which every variety of ore and metal was successfully success-fully treated ho acquired a perfect knowledge of the metallurgy of the diggings dig-gings and brings with him an experience experi-ence that cannot but I itlmpllfy the methods meth-ods of reduction Mr Martin Is accompanied accom-panied by his wife and child nnd will remain In the city until the dwelling for the superintendents accommodation d the smelter and on which construction construc-tion will begin Immediately Is completed com-pleted Meanwhile work on the smelter Is progressing In a manner that t Insures Its completion and the I lighting of the fines In early Autumn A contract has Just been awarded a Kansas City house for i complete set of welghscales over which all ores fluxes and fuel will pass on their way to the furnaces the scales consisting of an avenue of thirtyfour to be installed under the bins lo be delivered by June 1 The rails for the smelter yards nre arriving daily graders grad-ers and a troop of teams are at work and when completed the system will have made connection with every station sta-tion in the colossal plant With the progress of construction Supl Fischer Is very much pleased and says he hopes to have the plant ready to go Into commission com-mission on the limy scheduled |